It’s Friday, I’m in Love

Not really.

Well technically I am in love with like a boatload of fictional characters and celebrities but I’m not technically “in love,” for realsies quite yet.

Why is that my title then?

Cause I was trying to remember what the common Friday post on Tumblr was, like how every Sunday someone has to reblog the “ Fine day Sunday,” line from Harry Potter. Cause it’s one of the best day of the week gifs possible. Makes me laugh every time.

So when I went to look up the Friday one I got scared cause gifs for Friday are weird and odd, so I decided to just quote a song I like.

Works for me.

So last night I actually sat down and watched an entire episode of Gravity Falls…

…I’m sorry, what was I doing with my life that made me never sit down and watch that show before? It’s freaking hilarious and so witty and I’m like, wait aren’t you a kids show? You have my humor.

I love it.

Then that makes me second guess my humor cause if my humor is for a kids show maybe my humor is childish?

Nah, no child can be as sarcastic as me and understand what they’re saying.

The line between truth and sarcasm is so narrow for me that I’m starting to second guess that too…

It’s hard!

I love my sarcasm, and it’s usually my tone of voice that proves that I’m not serious, so it’s hard to do in typing format.

That and my friend’s sometimes aren’t so bright. Even when I’m not using sarcasm I guess my use of the English Language is very confusing for her:

HER: “There’s a ford focus with a hatchback in front of me, ugliest car ever.”

ME: “You say that as if I know what that is.”

HER: “As if I know what, what is?”

ME: “A hatchback.”

HER: “I know what a hatchback is. At least that’s what I think it’s called.”

ME:”…I was talking about me…I don’t know what a hatchback is.”

Yeah, that just went over her poor little head. I don’t understand why, but you know, sometimes we all have our moments. Another time was she was playing a Pokemon game and she got to the point where you talk to the clowns, she’s deathly afraid of clowns, like this week’s episode of Face Off would positively scare her to death, however, she sees the little clown and just goes, “Awwww!” We’re all shocked cause we know her and clowns, is a super bad combo, we confusedly ask her what’s up, and he response, “He’s cute cause I can eat it!”  She of course mean he’s little but she forgot to use little and instead came up with this masterpiece instead. It has become such a substantial point in our friendship that I put it on the Best Friend T-shirts I made for her and our other friend.

Golden Trio in the house.

Woot woot.

Well not really.

We’re currently in three different states, but we’re still cool with it and are super best friends and stuff.

They don’t know about this super secret blog either…shhhhh!

It’s a secret.

No one knows.

Well I told one person, my Club Leader, just because it’s funny. He spent an entire day trying to find my tumblr and I’m like, not telling you.

Not that I have any incriminating things on it, cause I really don’t. I have the occasional fanart for my ships and what not, but nothing too bad. So if he ever wanted to really see it, I would show it to him, but the fun is him freaking out over not finding it. It’s the principle of the patter. Which is why I’m not telling him anything about this blog aside from its existance.

Spies need their secrets.

Otherwise they’re not good spies and they defeat the spying purpose.

You have no idea how hard it is for me to be in work right now though…my hallway is almost entirely empty. If not for me, then the whole hallway would be completely void of life…I really wanna play ninja or super spy. I love playing ninja in hallways. Each office has a window looking into the hallway so I wanna be all stealthy as I ninja move down the hallway, ducking out of the way when I hear a student trying to come by.

Won’t do it for two reasons, One. I’m not actually stealthy enough to be a ninja, try as I might, the ninja life just isn’t in the cards for me. Two. Trail Mix might be hiding in his office again without letting anyone know. Trail Mix had to be a ninja in another life cause he is so silent that I don’t hear anything until his door opens and boom! There he is.

Plus, Mean Mugger walks down my hallway a lot. Mean Mugger is one of the higher-ups in the food chain of this end of the building, and her face is almost always mean mugging. So I’m always like, do you not like me oh gosh what did I do, then she smiles and I’m like, oh nothing’s wrong her resting face is just scary.

My heart goes out to all those with a mean mug as your resting face. It’s not fair to you. You could be a very lovely individual but your normal face is just like, nope, so done.

She’d make a great ninja too.

Gosh, I wish one of my friends from the Trio was here, we always play ninjas in hallways together. Whenever we go to a convention, we run around the different floors of the hotel and do really sketchy cartwheels and roll around like fools. One year we needed more towels, but the maintenance closet was closed on our floor. So we snuck out, took the elevator floor by floor acting like fools. We had a good system down, and by the third time she crawls around the corner and all the sudden she meeps loudly. I spring into action and leap out after her, and see some dude on the floor outside his room on the floor. I couldn’t about the mission because of a witness. Ninja always finish the mission, this was simply recon, we needed to see if the doors were open on any other floor. If a door was open, we were to make the call on how to proceed. Just so happened the witness was near the door we needed to see…I had to do it, my partner was indisposed, I had to finish the mission.

I put on my ninja deceit hat, I skipped down the hallway looking at all the doors, not making eye contact. He keeps talking on the phone and I hear he is mentioning a bit about us, which is fine, two girls in the jammies is an odd site to see sometimes, but hey it happens. I coyly turn the corner where I knew the door was looked at it, tried the handle, locked. Damn. Meanwhile, she’s still at the elevator hiding away, waiting for me to make my getaway. I turn to the dude, look him dead in the eye and say, “We were never here.” I then turn and jump down the hallway while screaming over my shoulder, “I’ll miss you hallway stranger, we will forever have this moment between just the two of us.” Then as I made it back to the elevator my bestie and I jump in the elevator that she had called for when I got back.

We sit in silence for a moment.

Then we break down laughing and continue up to the rest of the floors.

Good times.

So, I realized, I should probably give names to my besties shouldn’t I? I don’t know what though, cause some of the names I’m thinking of are too obvious that if certain people were to ever discover this secret world of my blog, they’d recognize who is who instantly. Hmmm…maybe if I don’t go into detail why I name them what I name them it’ll work out…

Flower Power is my ninja friend and Kitty is my other friend…I could name Flower Power Ninja, but I think I talk about actual ninjas a lot so it might get confusing. So Flower Power and Kitty are their names. They will defiantly recognize the names but I think only they would put the two and two together. The names come from what I call them when we’re in our group cosplay. Cause when I’m in cosplay I refuse to break character, and that character is one of my favorites to play. They think it’s the best cosplay possible for me.

I wish I could be one of those Costume Characters you rent for birthdays or something. I have some great freaking characters. I could be a princess easily, I’ve done Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, I can be Misty from Pokémon, Sailor Mini Moon, Harley Quinn, and I’m already preparing my costume for my next Con.

See, the group really wants to do Superheroes again, which is cool, I’m more of a fan of the villans but whatever. They want to do Justice League, which is epic and fun. I do enjoy the Justice League, but me and Flower Power were like, so…wanna dare to be different and NOT do Justice League…and instead do some Marvel Badasses?

The two of us decided, in secret, that we’re gonna be X-Men instead.

Originally we thought it be cool to be Lady Loki and Lady Thor however, that would require a lot of time that I just don’t have, because if I’m to do Lady Loki the justice she deserves, I’m gonna need all the time and materials possible. Cause I have some amazing ideas and I watch a lot of tutorial things that maybe make me think I can do it, but I need the time to test out my skills and the materials, which isn’t cheap in the slightest.

Remember: I’m a miser.

So until I have what I deem as the proper funds and time, Lady Loki won’t be happening any time soon for me. Which slightly sucks cause I would love to do it.

Instead we’re doing X-Men which is totally baller, I’m gonna be my favorite, Rogue. Flower Power will be her favorite Mystique. We’re going to be going for the comic and X-Men: The Animated Series looks instead of the film looks. The movies are great and all, but the Rogue in them just doesn’t do it for me the way she did in the cartoon. I grew up with her as my favorite, and then the movies happen, and she was very nice, very lovely, she just wasn’t my Rogue you know. My favorite in that series is defiantly Magneto and I loved the Iceman vs. Pyro final best friend showdown. Awesome for them.

Then Quicksilver finally showed up and I’m like, yeah buddy here we go.

And then they play Time in a Bottle…

…I have an intense hate for Time in a Bottle.

My club always plays music and one of the songs they play a lot is Time in a Bottle…

We played it so much that I grew to despise it and whenever it comes on I groan and try to turn it off.

…it made perfect sense in the scene with him, I mean I love Quicksilver and I appreciate the film aesthetic choice of using it…but gosh darn it all…I just really really hate that song.

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

Not my fault. If not for my hating I wouldn’t have come up with the Marvel DC showdown that’s gonna happen at the next con we all go to together.

I just need to figure out how to make the wig.

It’ll be tough.

I can do it, but I need to figure it out soonish so I can practice and what not. See, with Lady Loki I’ll have a lot of big projects and little projects that I need to invest a lot of time in. With Rogue the biggest time investment is the wig and possibly the boots, but that could be easily solved. The wig however might hinder me quite a bit.

Wigs man, they can often cause hairy situations…


Oh gosh that was so bad, even I had to hang my head in shame.

But it was hilarious too.

I love my unfunny but so totally funny moments.

Stupid things like that just make me smile sometimes.

Which I can so totally use right now.

I’m so boredddddddd

Usually Boss Lady leaves me at least an hour’s worth of work for me to do and I haven’t gotten anything from her yet.

She did give me sometime that I need to type, but she said she was gonna send me the file for the format…I haven’t gotten it yet…

I don’t think I’ll get it before I leave either. Cause guess who gets out early today…this girl!

I love it.

Especially cause the class that usually come in for cameras aren’t in today, they’re on a field trip, so I really have nothing to do.

Idle hands are the devil’s playthings.

At least that’s what I was told as a child. Cause if I wasn’t actively doing something, it had bad results for the rest of the house…I drew on my walls a bit.

And by a bit I mean a lot.

And I still haven’t outgrown doing that cause I still write on the wall in my closet. At least in there only I see it and no about it.

Mostly song titles and lyrics…

I feel the need to sing.

…and right as I start I hear a noise.


Not cool bro.

I just wanna sing some fun songs.

I think someone might be coming in.

I heard a door.

I hear keys.

I hear voices.

Who can it be?

I heard a name…a Carl?

But then the other secretary said had a good day.

Darnit Carl.

You’re just like the one from the Walking Dead, always missing and causing people to panic.

Though you did grow up a bit, so four for you Carl.

You’re Dad needed a little growing though.

He legit looked like a creepy hobo chasing after a random kid in the beginning of the mid-season.

Walking Dead returns soon! I’m so freaking pumped for it.

I need to see how Beth is doing! Last season left my questions on her totally unanswered and it’s not cool cause she’s my favorite girl on the show.

And I’m not saying that because I relate to her…

Totally saying that because I relate to her.

It’s like this, you have all these badasses like Michonne and Daryl, who are survivors they’re fighters, you look at them and you know exactly how they made it so long.

Then there’s Beth. Everyone’s like, why didn’t you die yet? You have no real skills when it comes to defense things, you sing and take care of the kids, which is very nice and we love you for it, but how are you still alive!? Which is how I think everyone will feel about me if I were to slightly survive the zombie thing. I mean, everything about me screams, gone in the first week.

personally, I like to think I’ll go slightly before the outbreak happens. Like you know when you have those random idolized cases across the nation. It’ll be like I’m biking home from work and then all the sudden I get pulled off my bike by one of the “sick” people. I get bitten and attacked, and boom dead. I died before the outbreak, but at least my picture would be on the news.

“Add another to the list of these strange attacks happening across America. Earlier this afternoon, local college graduate, (INSERT NAME HERE) was brutally attacked by another patient today. Witness say, she was stopped at a cross walk when she was grabbed from behind and bitten by the sick man. She screamed and tried to fight off her assailant but he was much too strong. Martin Lopez was stopped at the traffic light and when he saw her get attacked he jumped into action by calling the authorities. By the time the police made it to the young biker, it was too late.They attempted to bring the sick patient in peacefully, however he was able to bite two officer before he was taken down. Doctor’s are working around the clock to figure out the cause for sickness and a cure. More details on that at 11.”

The news would be very kind to me, hopefully showing a good photo of me and not one of my sketch costumed ones, cause 90% of the photos of me online involve me wearing costumes…costumes are fun!

Don’t judge me.

Everyone’s judging me.

It’s cool.

I judge myself.

I played a judge in the first play I was in.

It was Godspell.

I played the judge in the Good Samaritan segment.

Then I went on to play a British woman in Crazy for You, and the Mother in Footloose.

I was a cool mom, I wasn’t like those other moms.

I let my kid dance.

Dance Ren. Dance.

Which is why I refused to see the remake of Footloose.

I’m sorry, but you can’t just kill off my character.

What are you Disney?

…was it made by Disney?

Nope, a Paramount film.

Thank goodness for that.

Could have been very awkward.

Always awkward when my wit backfires on me.

Which does happen on occasion…not often…I don’t think…

So Club Leader came by and dropped off some work I can do for the club so that I’m not sitting here counting ceiling tiles. There’s 50 by the way.

I may or may not have counted them…

I totally counted them.

I hear a door constantly getting opened and banged.


…slightly awkward cause when I walked by earlier I looked through the window to his office, but that’s okay cause the glass isn’t like see through, it’s the glass you peek through and it’s all blurry and stuff.

That just made my day though.

His blue plaid shirt really brought out the blue in his eyes.

I’d love to get a closer look at those eyes.

And him in general.

That would be nice.

For me at least.


I talk a big game but I have no idea what would happen if he actually came in and said anything remotely flirtatious or romantic.

I think my eyes would bug, I would blush, and then be all shy and not respond flirtatious back cause then I’d be all nervous and what not.

Goddness help me if I ever meet John Cena.

He’s the one celeb for me. Like you know with your friends you have a pact not to mess with their one celeb, he’s mine. In fact the deal is, if anyone I know ever met him and didn’t try and bring him to me or tell me to come to him or at least get me a phone call from him, they have to face my wrath…

I have a lot of wrath.

And a lot of typing I should be trying to do.

But it’s a lot of numbers and it’s hard and she still hasn’t emailed me the thingy yet.

I leave in less than an hour.

If that.

No I actually do leave in less than an hour.

I might stop by the club before I leave, though Club Bestie wants me to come back later….

If I go and she’s not there I’ll only stay for a few minutes or so, then I’ll go home.

Oh home, I miss you so. That’s where all my things are. Like my sketchbook.

I really feel the need to actually draw for real.

Like not my notebook doodles, which are lovely, but I need to draw some of my real stuff. I have some great ideas thanks to my rough doodles, but I haven’t had time to really draw.

Plus I need new outlining pens.

I like to use the black fine tip pens to out line, but not regular bic pens, but nice gel sort of like kind.

I really don’t know how to describe them because I never actually bought any before, so I don’t know their technical name.

I usually just find them laying about campus or in my house. I might go home and grab one so that I can look at it and then stop at Staples and get one.

I also want new nail polish…

Maybe I’ll stop at CVS instead cause they got pens and nail polish.

I also need remover though…


I don’t NEED new polish…

But I do really want some.

Dollar store has some pretty good stuff…

Not the glitter I want though…

However, the Dollar Store and Staples are right next to eachother…

Then again I’m going to the mall this weekend to get that Harley Quinn dress that I’m still eyeing online and there’s an AC Moore near there and I have a card…

The dollar store might also have some of the pens…

Might not last as long though…

Hmmm…but if I go to save some money I might just end up buying more because they run out so fast and then it’ll be equal to what I pay for a pen that lasts…

I wonder if I have any coupons…

They don’t.

But they have plastic spoons on sale.

And I do enjoy a good game of spoons.

I get very violent.

It’s bad.

I head butted a girl for a spoon and divebombed on top of a table for one too…

My friends are scared of playing with me, but they love playing with me when it involves new people.

Cause they meet me at first I’m all sweet and happy and then a game starts and boom! My alter ego comes out and things get real. I will flip a board if I have to.

Don’t tempt me.

Flower Power and Kitty think it’ll be fun to have mega family game nights when we all have children which could be fun, but very dangerous. I can see my kids,

“What the hell mom?! Another draw four?!”

Oh gosh it’ll be great, and if they beat me I can pull the I let you win card.

It’s hard being competitive.

It’s the life I lead though…

I might start packing up all my nonsense soon.

I got my notebooks all out and I need to post this post.

I have my Wreck This Journal out for the world to see…



Decision made.

I’m gonna end this here…

Though I’m mighty close to 4000 words….

It’s only about 200 or so more from this sentence that I’m typing right now.

Give or take a few.

Hmmm….should I go for the 4000 mark My wrist is getting tired from resting on the desk though…

I think I might save the 4000 mark for another much longer day.

Cause I only got about 35 minutes of work left so I might as well enjoy them doing absolutely nothing…

Plus the only other prof that’s in today from my department gets out of class soon and she needs to pick up her lunch…

She stores it in my fridge.

My office has a fridge.

How cool is that?

It also have a microwave, which is nice but at the same time icky.

Cause the of the whole, picky eater thing. Like, they come in, and microwave things that probably smell delicious to everyone else in the hallway…just not me.

Then my office is all stunked up with onions and meatloaf and then the hottie hot prof walks by and he’s probably thinking I’m the one smelling like onions, which is totally not the case, I smell like my Secret Deodorant and my Harley Quinn Bombshell perfume…

So then the hottie hot prof will think I smell and won’t ever talk to me again and will make me sad and all I’ll have are those passing moments when he walks by and waves with a smile.

And I’m over 4000, thank you hottie hot prof, you inspire my words to come flowing out like a rushing river.

One day it’ll happen.

That day isn’t today.

I live to pine another day.



Good Morning, Good Morning, To You~

Oh good morning precious people!

The rain it falling, the songs are being sung and I’m in a happy mood!


I have no freaking idea, I’m just in a really awesomely good mood.

It’s strange when I get these happy moods, cause they’re really unexplainable.

I mean, my nail polished is chipped and I have to drive someone around, and even that isn’t enough motivation for me to lose my happy mood.

I hate driving in general.

It’s not fun and it’s sketchy and I don’t do the gas thing cause it’s hard and icky…

If I could bike everywhere I could.

If I could have a chauffeur driving me everywhere I couldn’t reach by biking I would.

I love it when other people drive.

It’s easier for me, plus I can just play the radio and have the time of my life in the passenger seat.

Not to say I don’t do that in the driver’s seat, I just don’t dance as much.

It’s a little sketch for me.

Like sneezing and driving. That is the scariest moment of my life. I hate when that happens, like I force my eyes to stay open, but then they don’t cause it’s like ahhh, scary.

Driving is sketch.

Just like this hallway.

When no one is in the hallway it’s pretty chill cause then I get to start singing and such and it’s a grand old-time but then I stop singing cause someone will open their door and I realize they were there all along.

Looking at you Trail Mix.

He just came in actually, and he said hi to me.

To me! He said hi to me. It was a great momentous occasion.

I got a basic greeting, so I’m pretty chill right now which is awesome.

Except I’m not really chill cause I just found a hole in my sweater.

I was like, “WHAT?! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!”

So luckily I have a needle and thread in my drawer, no idea why it’s there, but I’m thankful for it. If not for it I would have run all the way down to my club to see if we have any pins.

Though I’m pretty sure a pin is what got me in this mess in the first place cause the last time I wore this was for a big person conference and my guess is the material couldn’t take it.

However, I had to wear the sweater cause the only thing under it is a sleeveless turtleneck which is cute on its own, but I don’t know how work appropriate it is.

I should have worn my red bra underneath, then I could get away with the sweater.

I just had some issues cause I was running late so I didn’t have time to find the red bra and the one that was the one I was wearing, which had polka dots and was purple, kind of really stood out against the background.

So like, sucks man, but at the same time, doesn’t suck enough to change it.

Just throw a sweater on.

I didn’t own a plain black sweater and my mother’s black sweaters are a bit too big for me, which sucks but hey whatever.

Don’t think my outfit would be approved by the fashionista today anyway.

I wanted to wear my sweater dress but it was looking weird when i put it on.





It was just a student.

A student who was having a really bad horrible bad day.

Poor dear.

I offered him skittles.

Skittles make everything better.

Except chocolate.

That doesn’t always work out well.

Makes for a great prank though.

Last Halloween I convinced my friend who was having a Halloween party to put the skittles and MnM’s in the same jar and so many people actually fell for it. Even though the people who fell for it started calling the jar the S&M’s jar. Those who hadn’t fallen for it yet just thought it was a cute name. I mean it was, but still.

I’m actually kind of concerned. Usually Boss Lady has a bunch of work for me by now…

No work.

No Boss Lady, she’s in class and has nothing for me.



That wasn’t meant to be a scary “Boo! I’m a Ghost” boo. The “Ah!” came from a strange man asking me about a leak in the building. I don’t know anything about any leak. I’m just the Temp. They barely gave me the freedom to do what I do now…which is nothing really.

I sit here and contemplate life.

And doodle.

Lots of doodles.

And rambles.

Can’t forget the rambles.

I mean I’m making an entire blog out of them, so yay for my ramblings.

I wonder what would happen if someone who actually knew me found this ramblings thing.

I mean, I’m not trying to hide who I am or where I am.

I totally am actually.

It’s like I’m a secret agent.


She was my favorite.

I mean, I loved Sam cause she was smart and ginger, I loved Alex cause she was fun, but Clover was who I related to the most.

I think I’m a hybrid of all three of them, but still Clover was the best.

Freaking fabulous.

So yeah, I’m a Totally Spies.

Or I’m like Mary Kate and Ashley in Our Lips Are Sealed, such a great movie. I loved all those films. Even New York Minute, which also starred Jared Padalecki who is better known as Sam Winchester. The role in this film is one of the ones that Jensen Ackles, his co-star mocks him for whenever Jared brings up Jensen’s soap opera past.

The two of them are like brothers with the way they act.

They don’t look enough alike to be twins though.

Not like Mary-Kate and Ashley.

The twins that ruled the 90s and my movie shelf.

They were also the movies that I rented the most from Blockbuster.

That and the Power Rangers Movie.

I would rotate and rent a different one every week.

The Olson Twin movies were great though, cause I felt like I was invited to all their real parties. It was like I was there while they were singing about Pizza. I WANT SOME PIZZA, P. I. Z. Z. A.

I actually don’t even like pizza…(INSERT SHOCKED GASP OF EVERY PERSON EVER)

How can someone not like pizza?! Am I mad?!


There’s no debating that.

However, I am not crazy because I do not like pizza.

Pizza is icky cause of one main reason…sauce.

Yes there is white pizza, and if forced to I could eat it, but pizza is gross cause it’s all greasy and the smell.

Oh gosh the smell is absolutely disgusting.

I eat with my nose first, and if my nose doesn’t like it, it ain’t coming anywhere near me…at all. I refuse it.

Then after the smell, if I don’t hate the smell I’ll try to eat it, but the eating can go either way.

If I find the texture of the food I’m eating either gross or confusing I won’t eat it.

Like mashed potatoes.

It’s the thing on the inside of fries, I should like them right?


See, when I look at mashed potatoes they’re all squishy and fluffy.

It makes me think of ice cream.

When I take a bite of mashed potatoes and taste the butter and hotness of them, it confuses my palette and then I spit them out.

I’m thinking ice cream, mashed potatoes aren’t ice cream. I don’t like mashed potatoes because they confused me.

I don’t like being confused.

Not in the slightest.

So I have against foods that confuse me.

And jello.

I don’t like jello.

Jello doesn’t confuse me I just don’t like the consistency.

I also have a thing against hot chocolate and soups too.

I don’t believe in hot liquids as consumable substances.

Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Soups, Tea, Etc.

If I’m going for a drink, I’m expecting it to be cold, I take a sip and it’s hot it’s weird.

Sometimes I just don’t feel like explaining to people why I don’t like hot liquids I just say, “… That’s the Devil’s temperature.” They then laugh if they’re a fan of Arrested Development and if they’re not they just think I’m crazy, but everyone does so it’s fine.

No complaints here.

I just don’t like hot liquids!

However, my shower needs to be hotter than anything for me to actually like it though.

So basic run down: Shower Water=Hot. Drinking Water= Room Temp or colder.

Otherwise I’m S.O.L either way. Though I do gradually lower the temperature as the shower goes on in the summer, so when I step out I’m not going from scalding hot to equally as hot.

I have my systems, and they work for me.

At least I think they work for me.

I haven’t gotten any complaints from myself yet.

And if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s complain.

I never really mean it though.

I’ll complain about stupid things but then I’ll do it and be fine and everything would be all okie dokie. Like I complain when my really witty statuses get no likes, but someone’s 528725th selfie will get all these amazing and wonderful comments and likes and people are amazed…

I’m witty dangit!

I love my wit.

It’s one of the most pleasing things about me.

Which says a lot because I like to think there are many pleasing things about myself.

My winning personality, my kindness to others, my extensive knowledge of Doctor Who, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and Harry Potter. Not to mention I’m just plain old adorable.


Great things about me.

Which I could tell my self-esteem all this awesomeness.

I think of myself as a goddess empress type, but at the same time I think I’m nothing special too.

Like everyone is a goddess empress type.

That doesn’t make me special, because when everyone’s super, no one is…

Children’s movies are surprisingly deep.

And very emotional, like I cry over children’s movies. For instance, Toy Story.

I cried in every single Toy Story Film.

Not just the last one, cause let’s be real we all cried in that film…multiple times.

No, I cried in the original when Buzz went to fly and that super sad song was playing in the background and he jumped and you think he’s gonna make it but he slowly starts to fall and then you see the sad utter realization on his face that he can’t fly and that Woody was right all along…he’s just a toy.

Then Jessie in the second one, oh gosh the tears. Jessie was explaining her past with a girl who loved her just like Woody thought Andy loved him. But oh gosh is it sad, cause how else could she explain except in song and that song just happened to be sung by Sarah Mclachlan, whose voice always makes me think of the sad puppy and kitty commercial, so her voice always makes me sad and then the tears man, the tears fall as the feels hit me hard.

I won’t go into the third one cause we all cried.

Then there’s Pokémon: The First Movie – Mewtwo Strikes Back…tears. All the tears and all the feels. Like all the pokemon are fighting each other cause the clones are trying to hurt them and they need to defend themselves so it’s like, okay we should fight. But Pikachu is all like nah man, I don’t wanna fight you, you’re my brother. Clone Pikachu is like, dude we gotta fight, everyone’s fighting. Pikachu stays strong and refuses to fight and then Clone Pikachu just starts to break down and as he slaps Pikachu he starts to cry and Pikachu still refuses to fight and it’s heart breaking and then Nurse Joy chimes in with the heartbreaking, “Pokemon aren’t meant to fight…not like this.” Cause as you look around all the pokemon are hurt and broken and it’s heartbreaking. Then Ash gets turned to stone and Pikachu cries again and it’s all very sad.

…so I made a booboo

I forgot I was logged in when I was on wordpress earlier….

So much for not leaving a foot print.

I was so afraid that I didn’t log in until later, cause I needed to finish this post.

I couldn’t let a post about things and pokemon go unfinished!

…at least unposted. I’ll talk more about fictional things that make me cry tomorrow how’s that?



Peace out sailor scout!



Wake Up in the Morning Feeling Like…Me.

I don’t wake up feeling like P. Diddy.

It be cool if I did, cause then I would BE P. Diddy and I would throw some awesome parties and be one of the richest rappers in the game.

Sadly I’m not any of those things.

I’m not even in the rap game.

It be cool if I was.

I’m not though.

I can’t rap.

It’s really bad when I try to rap too.

It’s like, aww you tried and sometimes I don’t even get that pity, I get the stop it right now look.

I’m not even good enough to get a verbalized shut down, you shut me down with a look.


Mad respect.

So much respect it’s not even funny.

It’s a little funny.

Just like the moment I just had.

So it’s super early and no one is usually in this early and the few that are, are usually super chill and don’t come in here that much.

Then boom.

Trail Mix.

Trail Mix is gonna mess me up, I hear his door open the second I give into temptation and log into Facebook.


Especially cause I almost clicked the Teefury link that was in my news feed.

I need to know what today’s 24 hour shirt is!

And by 24 hours, I mean more than 24 hours cause the rules for that site are ever-changing. One day it was 24 hours, then there was an after hours deal, now there’s a gallery where you can vote your favorite shirts back into print and now there’s twofurys almost every day…

I mean I like the changes, more chances for me to get a shirt I want, but all these Twofurys are taking away the specialness that the twofury sale. Today is two Doctor Who shirts, and all my talk of Doctor Who says I should be totes buying them both right?

Remember: I’m a miser.

The shirts have to be so amazing that I won’t care about the $14 total for the order.

I have quite a few teefury tees, and a majority of them are Doctor Who

Let me think…

  1. Whovian Crest
  2. Doctor Whoville(The original not the remake where they added 8.5 cause that still kind of boggles my mind)
  3. Captain Tight Pants Delivery
  4. Allons-y(I believe this is my most recent)
  5. Captain Jack of Hearts
  6. 50 Years of Time Lords
  7. BobaDib
  8. Pocket Monster Green (Which isn’t even in the gallery of teefury anymore! What?!)
  9. Asgardian Absinth
  10. Daryl’s Arrows

And those are the ones that I can name off of my head, I’m pretty sure I’m missing one or two but whatever, I’m still a fan of them, I just try not to instabuy as it were. Cause then you have a smidgen of regret, cause there’s always a chance to find it somewhere else or it’ll be in the gallery, cause there’s a Cinderella Doctor Who Crossover tee that I’m head over heels in love with.

Cinderella is my favorite princess and the title of the shirt is “Come Away With Me.” Which is one of my favorite songs ever, so I feel like it’s a sign. However it’s $18 without shipping and-

There goes the hottie hot prof.


Where was I again?

Oh yeah, I’m a miser.

It’s $18 without shipping and while I really REALLY want it. I still want the Harley Quinn Dress.

So let’s make a deal, this weekend when I go to see the dress in person and try it on and see if I still love it how I’m loving it now, I will buy it, if I don’t, then I’ll splurge on the tee I’ve been eying for forever.



You have my word as a ninja, and a ninja is only as strong as their word.

Or something.

I dunno.

Never go back on your word though, cause that’s mean and icky.

Speaking of icky, I’m in an hour earlier again today.


Same guy as before, no worries I can come in a bit later tomorrow which will be great, the main concern thing I have is that I see my pile of work that she left me and I’ll be finished it by 12 at the latest if I start it at 10 a.m. like I’m supposed to cause that’s what time I’m meant to be in.

Oh and one of the prof’s went to Trail Mix’s office and was like, “WHY YOU IN SO EARLY?! WANTED TO GET SOME WORK DONE UNINTERUPTED?!”

Trail Mix laughed it off but he was serious when he said yes. I get it, it’s super quiet here and when you have your door close people second guess bothering you. I would know, I sleep with my door close.

This way all the monsters in the hallway double guess entering my room.


So last night was the first night I can ever say that Faceoff actually scared me.

They did creepy monsters and bloody monsters before, but last night was so sketch I’m still shivering from it.

It was clowns.

Not just clowns though.

Scary creepy clowns.

Scary creepy clowns that had to be inspired by their childhood fear.

It was sketch.

Some of the clowns were laughable. Like the Twister clown? He just looked sad.

Then there was a creepy clown with spiders. The spiders scared me more than the clown cause that was a childhood fear that still gets me. The idea that a spider could crawl into you while you were sleeping, lay eggs and boom! Spiders burst out of you.

Not cool.

Still freaking out over it.

I blame those sketchy scary story books that everyone had in like 2nd grade. Not a fan. So not a fan it hurts.

One of the top looks clown looked freaking sketch as anything but it was so good that even though I was scared I was like wanting to applaud it.

But the winner takes the cake cause it was a porcelain doll/ clown.

You know how many sketchy porcelain dolls I have.

A lot.

Some I have in my closet facing the wall with bags over their heads because they scared me so freaking much.

A door opened.

I wonder who it could be.


It had to be clowns.

And I’m now officially on the clock.

I should probably do something slightly productive.

I gotta go and deliver mail things, but I also have to copy things and there’s like 50 pages plus I need to make 2 of every page…that’s 100 copies.

That’ll take me all year!

And by that I mean like an hour or so, I think I’ll do that at 11 and go run over the things now, cause a teacher is dropping something off at my slightly before then cause his class gets out at 10:45 a.m.


Then I’ll doodle!

Yes, I’ll doodle the finest of doodles.


I still need more inspiration. Maybe I’ll get hit with some while I’m actually working…

Let’s find out.

So….It’s now 12:30 only about a half hour off of what I estimated.

Which, wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t stopped to talk to some peeps multiple times, plus someone added more to my work pile so I gave myself the extension of 1 p.m. done time, so if anything, I’m under.


So, while I was working and doing big people stuff, the hottie hot prof walked by, be still my beating heart right?

Well, I left my office to make some copies and while I was gone, someone put mail on my desk.

It was addressed to the hottie hot prof.

My hands were shaking.

I was nervous.

Oh boy, here’s my chance to enter the land of milk and honey that is his office.

I wish I wore a skirt.

Too late for that now, go go go.

Walk down and …

his door was closed.

NO! He’s not thereeee! What if this is important, I better put it in his mailbox.

I put it in his mailbox.

A student walks into my office and I help them, but as I’m helping them hottie hot prof walks by and says hey.

Hey is all I get.


Missed my moment.

Oh well, there shall be others.

Like, I think the hottie hot hot prof is in today, and I think I have something for him according to the Boss Lady.

She only gave me a first name, but I’m pretty sure it’s him.

Should have worn a skirt.

But today was slightly cold so I needed pants.

I like my pants too.

My work pants.

My pants for work.

The pants I bought specifically for work.

I also got white ones but I can’t wear them.

Way passed labor day.

I don’t know when you can start wearing white again though.

Struggles man.

Like, I need to put gas in the van.


However, I really don’t like putting gas in my vehicle.

Here’s a story for you…

…I’ve never done it before!


And I don’t mean I never pumped it before, cause I’ve never done that either, I’ve never went to the gas station on my own, in my own vehicle and got gas for the car even in Jersey where there were workers and attendees.

I have people driving me 90% of the time and then the 10% of the time that I’m driving I’m using the car I share, so the person who I share with fills it up because it’s our deal. My car, your gas. Fair trade.

So I need to do that…it’s scary!

I don’t even know what side the thingy is on, so I have to look for it and what not.

I may just ride my bike tomorrow.

I’ve done it before.

It’s fun, riding in business clothing.

People laugh.

Or smile.

But I think that’s mostly cause I ride around while singing.

I do enjoy singing.

I also enjoy television, and I’m sad I’m missing all the fall premieres and I’m missing seasons ending and what not

I need to watch the following shows still:

  • 4 episodes of Hell’s Kitchen
  • 3 Episodes of Dance Moms
  • the Premier of Gotham

Those are the major ones.

That I can remember.

There are so many others that I can’t think of right now.

The printer is going off.

It’s distracting me.

Like super hardcore.

Plus it means I’ll have a visitor soon….

Decoy tab go!

So…all this printing and no one showed up yet.

And as I type that Trail Mix walked in.

Dangit Trail Mix you throw me off my groove.

He’s now leaving though, which is pretty funny cause whenever he leaves him and Cool Dude have a funny chat and what not.

He never says bye to me though.

I’d like to be acknowledged for more than what I do.

Just say hi to me.

I don’t bite.

Unless you’re Hottie hot prof.

Or hottie hot hot prof.

Or Hottie hot prof’s equally as hot prof friend.

I don’t know the last one personally, but when he walks by, man is it something.

Oh so I heard hottie hot prof getting yelled at earlier.

I think that’s what was happening.

See there’s a European professor here and she’s super sweet.

She’s a horrible teacher, I failed every one of her quizzes, and I don’t fail things.

It was actually funny cause by the end of the semester, everyone in the class basically gave up and resigned themselves to failing the paper portion of the class.

It was fine though.

Entertaining if anything.

Cause it got even better when I learned that what I thought was an F was actually a D! I was pumped.

I didn’t realize, I went to private school where everything under a 70 was failure and come college I never got under an 80 so I kind of forgot those rules.

So I was like, “Wait 68 is passing? I got a D! FLIP YEAH I GOT A D!! High-five!” and then my friend in the class and some dude I had a failure bond with high-fived me.

Then I heard the most pretentious voice ever, “You’re happy you got a D?”

Don’t rain on my parade dude.

“I’m happy I got a D when I thought I had failed. A D is glorious.”

I kept thinking he’s the little shiz who broke the curve.

He wasn’t.

He was getting D’s too.

He just didn’t see the humor in it cause I think he was still trying to do well.

Which is good, like good for him but at the same time…I’m the most grade crazy person I know…and when I don’t care about the paper grades it’s kind of useless.

I still got a B though.

God bless hands on projects.

And being a buttkisser and having the professor love me.

That always works in my favor, like I don’t mean to be an apple polisher, it just sort of happens to me. Like the profs who tell the really unfunny jokes that you’re all like, “Oh gosh.” I actually laugh at.

My one professor thought I was doing it to make him feel good at first.

Then he thought I was an air-head.

Then he read my papers…

and on the last day of class he pulled me aside and said that despite his first impressions I’m a very intelligent young lady and he can see a strong future for me.


It made me feel good. I like it when I get compliments for being me.

Cause I can agree, I come off ditzy as anything sometimes but I’m cool with that.

When you least expect it, BAM! Smart girl moment.

I do them very well.

Except when it comes to military time.

That I’m still iffy with.

Like 1400 means 2 p.m….

I just had to google that to make sure.

Cause the hottie hot hot prof might be coming in before then cause that’s when he has class.

I always have class.

I’m a classy ass kind of gal.

I drinking my milk from martini glasses.

That’s how classy I am.

Don’t hate on my class.

Though I do enjoy the art of hating.

It’s fun! Hating is like an outlet for me.

I just keep sipping my hateroade for all the world to see.

I love it.

And uh-oh.

Cool dude dropped another call.

The service in this building isn’t really good.

Not that I know cause my phone is on silent and I’m just sitting here waiting for lunch.

Which I’ll get in like 25 minutes!


Today it’s something I never had before, it’s a cinnamon apple bar instead of my pumpkin flax-seed bar.



What had happened was the store was sold out of my normal bars, which totally stinks and I don’t have the time or effort to make a sandwich every day so I use my bars and they’re great, but those were my favoritessss.

Now I gotta eat this one.

It’s probably good, I tried a smidgen last night cause my mom felt bad and said I should try some of those.

That’s also because I only have 4 pieces of bread left and I need that for my weekend food and possibly tonight’s dinner.

I can live off sandwiches.

Specifically peanut butter ones.

I don’t know how healthy that would be or how long I would live if I lived entirely off sandwiches, but I can physically do it and never get tired of the taste. It’s soooo yummy!

I love me some peanut butter.

It’s always good.

Unlike stealing.

That’s bad.

And Cool Dude just came in and stole some of my paper.

Not cool Cool Dude…not cool at all.

Maybe I should revoke your title and give it to someone else.

Maybe Trail Mix wants it, maybe he’s tired of being associated with the time I saw him eating trail mix…you wouldn’t like that would you.

And then his phone rang….probably Trail Mix telling him about the name thing.

Good. I hope Trail Mix warns him.

I really don’t want to switch the names. I like Trail Mix as Trail Mix despite the whole, only saw him eating it once thing.

Plus, Cool Dude is cool and funny. If I were to give Trail Mix his name then I’d have to figure out a new name for Cool Dude. Cause he can’t be the Former Cool Dude or or Ex-Cool Dude, I mean I saw him eating meatloaf yesterday so I could go with that, but then it’s against the real Meatloaf and that’s just a hassle and a half.

So Cool Dude is gonna stay Cool Dude…I think he just asked the person on the phone what time do you wanna kiss me?

I pretty sure I misheard that.

I’m defiantly sure I misheard that.

Though he is still talking about times. Cause he needs a time.

At least and approximation.

So…I come back from lunch and you know how I thought the hottie hot hot prof needed something from me?

Yeah…it was actually students.

Students who came by on my lunch break and didn’t leave a note or anything.

Why do people come on my lunch break?!

It’s a break people, means I’m not here.

So now I gotta play email tag with one of the kids that we think it is.

Don’t know for sure.


I also forgot to save this and close out before lunch so anyone could have seen it.

Double dernit.

Today’s a day of dernits.

Like my club is having relationship problems again. What again? And this isn’t even about Homeboy and Vegan Girlfriend. This is about Homeboy’s partner Princess and her ex, Dumbass. Now here’s the basic rundown of Princess and Dumbass:

  • Dumbass flirts with every girl in the club.
  • Princess is last one he flirts with.
  • She leaves boyfriend for Dumbass.
  • Dumbass and Princess spend the next year being overly touchy in public.
  • Dumbass fills Princess’ head with lies about all the girls in the club.
  • She hates all the girls cause she sees them as competition.
  • Princess’ whole world revolves around Dumbass.
  • Dumbass gets a real job.
  • Dumbass meets girls he has more in common with.
  • Princess gets jealous and starts to cling.
  • Princess clings too tight.
  • Dumbass and Princess break it off.
  • Princess is devastated but did the breaking.
  • 2 days later she begs for him back.
  • Dumbass goes for it.
  • A month later Dumbass dumps Princess.

(HOTTIE HOT PROF WALKED BY AND WAVED! Also side note, the mail came from my clubmate who wanted to help me out a bit. Good friends.)

  • Princess hates Dumbass.
  • Dumbass moves on with his life.
  • Princess’ life crumbles.
  • Princess tries to make Dumbass jealous by flirting with EVERY male in the club.
  • Every male in the club avoids Princess.
  • Princess thinks every male wants her.
  • Dumbass doesn’t even care.
  • Princess angry.

That’s the basic rundown of their relationship and the post break up. The drama today comes from the fact that he was at the club at the same time as her. She doesn’t like the fact that he can be there when she’s there and we were talking to Dumbass today cause he was there. If she was in the room we would have talked to her too. Instead she slams her books in another room and stomps into the room we’re in with her arms crossed. She looks meanly at everyone and then I’m like, “later dudes.” Cause I was technically on company time. Turns out she texted one of the girls in the room, who Princess thinks is her best friend at the club and told her that she’s mad that he’s there and she slammed the books to get her attention. Now, Princess is very territorial cause when she asked the Girl who she thinks she’s closet to in the club Girl’s response was me…I now fear for my life. This is like some Fatal Attraction kind of crud. She then proceeds to spend 20 minutes crying in Club Leader’s Office. (Club Leader was also the one to give me Hottie Hot Prof’s mail. Such a great pal.) Club Leader tries to talk her down the best he can cause she’s borderline hysterical. She says she wants to quit and she never wants to come back as long as Dumbass is there…

She is letting a boy come between her and the awesome opportunity that is the club. The club helps a lot of kids get jobs and help and she wants to quit cause he’s there. She needs to straighten out her priorities.

She’s making me angry.

You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.

Usually I’m pretty chill gal, like when I get angry it gets real.

The closest I’ve gotten to anger recently came from this dude who was an idiot when it came to booking a hotel for a convention. I had to use my debit card to get us in the room and I had to double-check fifteen times to make sure that he switched the cards when he got there cause I was worried.

I didn’t want to lose $700.

We all gave him the money for the room.

Except one kid who didn’t end up staying with us, but he made the promise to pay it back. He hasn’t done it yet. So instead of hounding the kid who didn’t pay, he’s bugging the kid’s friend saying if he doesn’t pay, it’s on you…yeah no. The dude is about as frightening as a wet bunny, the best friend he’s “frightening” is a 6’2 Ginger Gorilla. You know who’s winning that fight. It annoys me though, because he’s passively aggressive about the thing. If you want the money be direct.

Passive aggressive is good in some instances. Like, I’m the Queen of it when I need to be, but sometimes you need to be direct in what you’re saying. You can’t expect someone to be able to read between the lines all the time. Some times they need ctrl+f.

That was deep.

Like a puddle.

It looks like rain today actually.

Maybe there will be a puddle soon.

Puddles are fun.

So is baking.

I’m thinking of making more “Nerdy Nummies”

I keep making pokemon themed things, which are cool but I want to do more.

Maybe I’ll try that skittles vodka thing.

If not maybe the roll cake or something different then my normal cupcakes and cookies.

The recipes I use and what not are super basic. I haven’t watched the videos in a while either, so maybe she’s done something that I really feel the need to make.

What it is yet, I have no idea. But I feel like baking…maybe I’ll do some this weekend.

I could look up some recipes now though.

Then again, Cool Dude could come in at any moment.

He’s here late today. He’s doing a thing at 5, so he’s leaving when I’m leaving. Darn it.

I wanna doodle and have fun and sing and I can’t with you there.


Uh-oh, other professor Lady just started talking to him…guess I can’t draw.

Though I do have the Second Maze Runner book, I could read.

I wanted to read it before the movie for the first one came out…didn’t make that deadline.

It’s a good book, I just don’t have the initiative to actually follow through with reading it.

I also have a bunch of books I want to read and need to order offline cause I got me some gift cards so I can get them all at once.

It’s more convenient, but it’s bad too cause it’s like. I have two books I should be reading, cause I already started both of them, but I keep getting the need to read more.

It’s a problem.

I see no solution.

Read and buy. Read and buy.

Unless the store I have the gift card for has a sale on a DVD I want.

I might use it for that.

I really want to get Neighbors.

I dunno why, I thought it was hilarious.

Then again, I refused to buy This Is The End until it went on super sale, which didn’t happen until like last week when I got it for $7. Love it.

So I might wait on the Neighbors front cause it should go on sale soonish.

It wasn’t that popular of a movie.

Though I found such a humor in it.

I blame my love of Seth Rogan’s humor and laugh…

And my generic love of Franco….

and Efron…

and Mintz-Plasse…

I have a lot of love to give.

So much love.

I really want to watch the movie now.

But I’m already contemplating the Harley Quinn Dress and that’s $40…

Even if I have a gift card for the bookplace, I could use it to get like 3 books…

The struggle is real.

So freaking real.

As real as the nose on my face.

Which is in fact very real.

I was born with it and everything.

The whole real vs. not real debate is stupid. If it exists it’s real. It should be bought vs. original.

But that doesn’ have the same flair.

And boy do I like to add a little flair to everything I do.

It makes for more entertainment and more fun to have! I like fun.

And entertainment.

I am both of those things.

So I guess I like myself.


Go me!

I’m so proud of myself I’m gonna retire it in a bit early today kiddies.
