Slow Day at the Office

So…how’s it going? What is this? Well I decided to start my ramblings their own blog.

Because A. I started to do this in Google Docs, but it doesn’t look half as official as this set up and B. when people hear the typing noises they think I’m doing real big people work and not just sitting here doing nothing.

Which brings me to this! My blog. My third blog. Oh boy. Maybe this one will stick. The first one I made for a class where we had to have a blog…I got a B. What the heck dude! My blog was one of the best. I think I got a B because the final which I studied hardcore for but the day of it the dude next to me was so chill and made it his goal to stop my last-minute cram session.

He succeeded.


I had a weakness and his name is Daryl Dixon.

I still have that weakness but I know better not to get distracted by him.


Can’t even lie to myself.

I get distracted when the hottie hot professor walks by my office.

Wish he’d walk by, every time he does “There he goesssss…” starts to play in my head and I sigh and it’s a whole big show.

Good thing he never looks over when he walks by…awkward.

Just cause I said that he’s gonna look over today.

Why am I still typing?

There is no one, I repeat no one in my office right now.


That’s a lie. There’s one guy in my hallway but his door is closed. Guess I’m gonna save some rambles for later when people are here to hear them….

And by that I mean the click clack of the keys.

I like the noise.

Click clack click clack clunk clunk clunk….
Clunk is the backspace it sounds heavier than the rest, despite being the loosest key next to the space bar, simply because they were the ones used the most.

Then again some of these keys are pretty faded…

Oh well.


I hear people maybe I should keep pretenses up a little longer.


Yeah, no. Doodle time.