Google’s Back, Tell a Friend

Oh Google, you beautiful and wonderful creature you. Never leave me again, I missed you far too much. You’re the helpful little friend I go to when I need to spell and need to know how to do things.

Like check the messages on my work phone.

Never noticed before.

Says I have missed calls in the bottom corner of my phone.

I don’t know what to do with that.

No messages.

Just a missed call.


So instead of sounding fake productive, I’m gonna doodle. I’m gonna doodle so good.

Alas, the printer in my office has gone off.

That means someone will be coming in soon, maybe I should open an email and make it look like I’m reading that, or I’m typing a reply.

Looks a bit more official than WordPress.

Or doodling.

I put my decoy notebook out to cover the doodles.

It has my hours on it and it looks like I’m trying to be all smartical about it and I think I’m doing pretty good with that.


Anyway, real problem. I don’t know how to handle another situation but the boss lady is in class.

I was moments ago singing the praises of classes, now I’m sad.


I hate making myself sad.

It’s like, why?

Why would you do that?

Being sad is a sad thing.

Make yourself unsad.

Think unsad things.

Like superheroes and puppies.

Or basically Chris Pratt, cause his is both. A sweet happy and loving puppy and a superhero!

Technically an anti-hero, but that’s cool too.

I love anti-heroes.

The other day I was thinking about how I’d love to be a villain, now I’m thinking anti-hero status is a bit better.

You’re still good, you’re thought of as a good person, but when you occasionally do a bad thing everyone thinks it’s just adorable instead.

Awww look at the little anti-hero trying to do something bad. Aww it’s so cute how they think they’re still threatening.

It’s a true thing.

One word: Vegeta.

He was the villain at one point, then became one of the good guys, who’s threats were usually laughed off by the main good guy.

Plus he wore a neon pink shirt.

I love that shirt.

Best dressed Vegeta hands down.

If I were a dude I would totally do that as a costume.

I mean, I could do it as a girl, but I don’t like to crossplay. I mean it’s cool, but personally I rather be a female character. A little less suffering in the costume department. Not as restricting if you catch my drift.


Oh well.

You weren’t supposed to read that anyway.

So my hallway is now filled with people, fun times.

I actually did real work, but I can’t do what I need to do cause the boss lady is busy.

When the boss lady is busy you grab a ticket and wait in line.

Every time I went to grab her she wasn’t in her office, now she is but she’s having a legit important meeting.

She’s out!

Maybe I can grab her before she’s taken hostage for another meeting.


She’s talking with cool dude.

My name keeps coming up.

Man, I gotta pretend like I’m not listening.

I’m totally listening, but she’s not trying to hide it so it’s fine.

If it was meant to be a secret she would be all secretive about it.

Hopefully once she’s done with him, I can grab her and ask all three of my questions.

3 questions for 3 different things I need to do. Like these are important things. Really important things. So important I don’t think I can even talk about it, for reals.

I think her office is open now!


Let’s see.

Well, I got two out of three questions answered. Now I need to go ask somebody else cause she doesn’t know. The person I need to ask has a line out her office door.


I took a number and I’ll go back.

I figured out one answer on my own, but I need to tell her, however, she has her door closed…


Some serious shiz is happening and I have nothing to hold onto.

Oh…her door was closed cause a person was in there with her…again.

Boss Lady is mad busy.

Maybe nice lady is finally open.

Nice lady was opened!

One problem is solved.


Highfived myself.

Did you ever notice that high-fiving yourself is literally clapping for yourself. You are giving yourself applause.

Maybe clapping was invented cause Shakespeare was in the audience for one of his performances and he was like, “This rocks. Go me!” Then he highfived himself and someone heard it was like, that’s a great idea.

And soon the entire place is high-fiving themselves and Shakespeare is like, “You fools! I wrote it, stop self-fiving.” Then people start cheering too and he realises that they’re highfiving themselves in his honor. He was being applauded. And that’s how applause was invented.

Thank you.

I wish for someone to give an oral report like that one day.

With a few, “dudes,” thrown in as well.

Dude is one of my favorites.

I call everyone dude.

I’m a dude.

He’s a dude.

She’s a dude.

We’re all dudes, hey!

Oh Good Burger, the absolute joy you bring me. Especially now, when I need that joy.

She’s still not in her office.

If she’s not back before my lunch, I’m gonna have to talk to her after.


I NEED to talk to her.

And the need didn’t look as important in that sentence cause it’s right next to the only other capital word in that sentence.

Does I count as a word?

Let’s find out.




Even more awesome, she walked by!

I’m gonna try to grab her really quick!

Got her!

Got 2 out of three problems taken care of!

I just need to fix one more…I can try to see if she’ll help me after my lunch.

Cause I’m actually really hungry now.

I think it’s one of those, hey, you usually eat this time everyday, your body is expecting food yo.

So food yo, it is.

Food yo is the best kind of food.

I went and visited my old club and shiz got real!

Legit real.

Like, so much freaking drama it should be illegal kind of real.

I can’t say the details cause it’s trying to be kept on the down low.

But here’s the basics:

  • Homeboy likes Vegan Girl.
  • Vegan Girl and Homeboy start to date.
  • Cute indie couple music plays.
  • Vegan Girl supposedly still talks to her Vegan Ex.
  • Friend of Vegan Ex tells Innocent Bystander(Played by yours truly) that Vegan Girl has been texting her Vegan Ex.
  • Vegan Ex has no idea Homeboy exists.
  • Innocent Bystander tells Homeboy’s Confidant the situation.
  • Confidant tells Innocent Bystander that they should tell Homeboy’s Best Friend.
  • Innocent Bystander tells Best Friend.
  • Best Friend will now talk to Homeboy.

It’s a big mess truthfully. I honestly don’t know what to do, because A. I thought I graduated high school years ago (why is this high school stuff happening now?) and B. I’ve never been in this situation before. Like, if it were me, I would want to know about it, cause it could be nothing or it could be something. We don’t know for certain, we don’t know the details of the time frame. However, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

I don’t want to cause a big hubbub but at the same time if the situation is handled delicately it could be alright. Best Friend even said that he might message Friend of Vegan Ex to get the more details, this way it isn’t third hand knowledge, just secondhand. Friend of Vegan Ex said she wanted to stay out of it, but I think she would help out there. An unnamed source, like Deep Throat.

I wish I could play that role right now though, I rather be an unknown source than a known one. However, I take responsibility for what happens.

This is some soap opera stuff right here.

Or reality tv stuff.

Reality Tv is the soap opera of the modern era I think.

I wanna be on reality tv, I feel like I’d be a welcome presence.

Like, the whole group would be like, “This girl is so weird” Then one night, one of the dudes stay back at the house with me instead of going out with everyone else. He plans to stay in his room and relax away from the drama of the club. Then I walk into his room and in a serious voice ask the most important question one can, “Do you wanna make a pillow fort?” He’ll look at me and then after a moment of silence. “Hell yeah, let’s do it.”

We make the pillow fort, we bond. He says I remind him of his little sister, I say I remind everyone of their little sister, even those without little sisters.

I have that type of personality I guess. Everyone who meets me thinks I would be a good little sister, and they feel the need to protect me and help me. Which is nice, cause also on occasion, it’s not little sister syndrome and they just think I’m cute but those are few and far in between. I don’t know how to explain it, I’m cute first and foremost. I have a high pitch voice, I like cutsey things, and nine times out of ten I’m the youngest in the room.

It’s a thing.

Meh, I’ve accepted it.

Should I accept defeat and close this blog off early?

Or should I wait around a little more, cause I still have 2 hours left.

The amount of times it took me to just spell left is very pathetic. Good thing no one will ever know oh wait-

Too late to delete it. I’ve already moved past that line. It’s there permanently in my mind. It needs to be said.

That’s the good thing about papers, you send them out finished to the professors and they never know all the mess ups and mistakes that you actually put in there originally.

Like when you have a place holder for a paragraph that you’ll add in later.


Then there’s the awkward moment when you sent the rough one to your proff.

“Sorry professor, I didn’t mean to send you that! It was my rough draft. My paper really isn’t called, Lincoln Really Should Have Stayed In That Night.”

Though I have worked some odd things into my normal papers, my astronomy class had so many references to Doctor Who and Star Trek it’s not even funny, cause they flowed so seamlessly. Then there are classes where you think it wouldn’t work, but I worked a Newsies reference into a Journalism Paper.

I was inspired cause my playlist for writing Journalism Papers was basically the Newsies Soundtrack.

The Disney version though, nothing beats Batman singing about Santa Fe.

I would love the Broadway version too.

Don’t own it.

Wish I did.



Favorite song, I don’t know why. Like, I love the entire score and soundtrack, it was catchy and fun, but for some reason this song is the one I constantly sing.

I’m probably gonna be singing it under my breath for the rest of the day.

I’d sing more, but I don’t know all the lyrics and what do you know, out internet is still sketch. Google is working, so woo google. However, other sites are like, “Nah man, we’re off today.”

Not cool bro, not cool.

Speaking of bros, cool dude just left.


The rest of the hallway is still filled. Boss Lady is still here, doing her Boss Lady things.

I wonder if she’ll notice if I go and refill my water bottle.

I like to drink water.

It’s yummy.

Gonna run down to my club to re-fill my water, they’re cool about it. And by that I mean they accept that I do it. Cause they can’t tell me no.

It doesn’t work like that.

I did it.

I got stopped and jokingly told to stop.

Called it.

I claimed mermaid rights so I’m exempt.

Cause every personality quiz/test I take I always end up the Little Mermaid. Which is cool, I like her songs, I like her movie, we’re both hoarders, so it fits pretty well. I just wish it wasn’t the ginger princess. Not cause I’m a hater, well, I am a hater, but I don’t hate on gingers, that’s just mean. I mean it’s a bit predictable that I relate the red-headed princess the most while being a redhead.

Personally Cinderella is my favorite.

I want glass slippers for my wedding day.

Or something similar.

The problem I face: Nerd Wedding vs. Disney Wedding.

Maybe both?


Both is good.

Now all I need is a groom and I’m set!

Fingers crossed for a groom who likes both Disney and Nerd things!

Fingers crossed for a groom!

Fingers crossed for anyone at this point.

Fingers crossed it doesn’t rain today.

I mean it’s been looking like rain all day and with my luck it’ll start the second I get outside and stop once I’m indoors.


I think.

I just saw plaid out of the corner of my eye, he usually wears plaid.

Walked by again.

So, the hottie hot prof.

I’m still blushing and smiling from yesterday.


Dangit, lights went out again.

Finally found the sensor though, took me long enough.

Every time I wave my arms around it’s cool cause then it’s like I’m a mutant.

Which is technically true cause gingerism is caused by a mutant gene.

Gingers are basically the X-men.

I’m an x-man.

Well x-woman.

Do I have to be Jean cause she’s the red-head?

I hope not, though I do love her power.

Hmmm…I have to think on that.

I think this is a good place to leave.

Until tomorrow, toodles~