Less than 2000

I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date!


Just kidding.

Got in right on time with the meeting.

It was entertaining.

But long.

That’s not why I’m late with posting this though.

It’s not because I had a lot of busy work either.

It’s cause I’m retyping and fine tuning my resume.

It looks fancy as anything.


So I attempted to add it but I don’t know how I should list my duties sort of thing.

It’s hard.

Resumes are hard.

I don’t like them.

I really wish I could just walk into a place and be like what up?

That would def get me hired in an instant.

I would love it.

Really I would.

Sort of.

I wish I was just rich though, then I wouldn’t have to work unless I wanted to and then I could become Batman or something.

Better, I can buy myself a Batcave.

Dudes get ManCaves…I want a Batcave.

I see them all the time on shows…I want one.

I also had to get away from the resume.

Just looking at it is starting to make my brain explode. I was working on it for the past hour or so and it’s just so infuriating.

All I want to do is read, but my eyes hurt so much from the screen that I can’t read.

Plus I think I wanna read a book that I don’t own.

I do that a lot.

I buy books in bulk.

I have a lot at home, but I want more to read now.

I’ve been watching a bit of Sons of Anarchy so I feel a need to read some novels about motorcycle things.

It’s an interesting thing but I don’t know where I would look for novels like that.

I usually stick to the YA section, or Young Adult for you non-YA types.

Yeah, I don’t really care what it’s called cause some of those books are really good.

I wrote a paper on the Hunger Games in one of my classes even. That’s how much I love it. Of course it was a class where you had to compare the book to the movie and I chose Hunger Games cause it was my favorite and I know the book and movie like the back of my hand. So I wrote the paper and it was 20 pages and I even got to mention Seneca Crane’s perfect facial hair and the beard with its own Facebook page. The prof liked it so much she even wrote on it “I really wanted to use this as the example but I felt it would be a bit intimidating for the other students.”

I write a lot.


I read a lot.

Not whoops.

It balances out.



It’s cool though.

Just like Young Adult novels.

I’ll probably be reading young adult novels when I’m an 80 year old woman. That is if my eyes are still working for me.

I hope they’re still working for me by then.

If not I’ll be highly upset.

Which is why I really need to go to the eye doctor’s.

I’m pretty sure I need glasses.

I blame computers.

I spend way too much time looking at a computer screen.

Or my phone screen.

It’s bad for me.

I turn the brightness down a bit low so that it doesn’t hurt as much but I really need to spend less time looking at the screens.

It hurts.

Of course my job field is spent in front of screens 90% of the time.

Not cool bro.

But it is what it is.

I would remember I use to type so many papers and spend so much time looking at a computer screen that I would have to get cold compresses and lay them on my eyes for a minute or two before I could go back to work.

Other times I would wear sunglasses.

I’ve worn sunglasses alone in my room at 3 in the morning because the computer light was hurting my eyes too much.

It’s like a mini sun on your lap.

Or desk.

The main purpose is the fact that it’s a mini sun.

I don’t like it.

I don’t like the sun.

He’s not out today though.

Which is good and bad cause no sun, no burns.

But it’s also bad cause no sun, no warmth.

And I don’t like long sleeved fancy clothes so I’m a bit out of luck right now.

So is Cool Dude.

He’s claiming he needs a quick dinner tonight.

Poor thing.

He says he’ll grab pizza but he doesn’t really want pizza.

I can totally agree with you on that front.

I hate pizza.

I hate it soooo much.

It’s the sauce. I’m not a sauce fan.

And there goes the hottie hot prof.

Doing his little finger wave into my office.

Gosh he could do that all day and I would smile like a fool every time.


Simply, perfection.


Not perfection? Tomatoes.

Tomatoes are the devil’s fruit.

What fruit tastes like a vegetable?


That’s why it’s the devil’s fruit.

It’s red too, so it’s very fitting.

All signs are pointing against tomatoes.

Sorry dudes, you had your time.

Speaking of time, it’s almost time for lunch!

Part of me wants to leave early for my lunch I mean it’s only 5 minutes.

But Trail Mix caught me going to my club earlier while I was on working time.

In all fairness I went for a really good reason.

I couldn’t remember when I worked for the club and I needed that down on my resume.

And speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Not the real devil.

Trail Mix.

He walked into my office to throw something out.

Goodness help me if he ever reads any of this.

I’m out of luck.

Or he’ll find Trail Mix to be a truly intriguing character and find himself relating to this woodsman who enjoys trail mix. He could also hate Trail Mix.

Then there will be a meta thing where it’s all the basis for the self-loathing he has.

Cool Dude would appreciate this.

He’s cool.

He’s talking to someone about not buying coffee.

Saying not to spend money.

Awww, he said save the three dollars and don’t buy for me. Spend it on yourself.

It’s sweet.

Nice guy that Cool Dude.

He just used the word, “baby.”

Lost cool points Cool Dude.

I hate when people call their significant other baby.

Something about that is just odd to me.

Babe is somewhat okay, but baby just makes me want to punch a desk.


Back from lunch and I have not punched a desk yet.

I have contemplated it a lot though…

I thought about it so much.

My resume stinks.


It’s my cover letter that has major issues.

You’re supposed to explain why you want the job.

“I need money?”

That’s not a good enough reason for a cover letter, so I need to make up a bunch of stuff and use fancy smart words and make it sound genuine.

Not to mention I have to brag about myself while still sounding humble.

That’s really hard.

Plus I don’t know what I can put in there.

The things I want to say can’t go in there:

♠ I can bike in heels.

♠ I can name all the actors who have played the Doctor on Doctor Who.

♠ I break out into impromptu songs at any given moment.

♠ I have beaten 2048 multiple times.

♠ I remember minor details about incidents that happened years ago that none of my friends have.

♠ I quote tv and movie on the regular.

♠ I met two Power Rangers.

♠ I am a walking encyclopedia for Supernatural.

♠ I once wrote a 20 page paper on the Hunger Games…when the max was 3.

Not very strong resume points, but great points for life. I think those would get me at least 500 points to the Hogwarts house of my choosing.

The House Cup goes to Slytherin!



Harry Potter isn’t in your house so we’re gonna award his house a million points cause he rocks.

Imagine if Harry was in Slytherin though.

Like, I’m pretty sure Slytherin would have won the House Cup that year. Him and Draco would be more chill with one another cause he didn’t take away the glory. They’d be teammates on the QuidditchTeam cause Draco could then go for a different position, cause let’s be real, he only became a Seeker cause he wanted to beat Harry at his own game. Now there’s no contest. Hogwarts would have been more chill.

That would have been very nice.

Of course it could have absolutely gone to hell cause Harry isn’t Gryffindor so he doesn’t actually do any of the things he did to save the day. Voldy-kins decides to come back early, Quirrell is still the professor and Slytherin gets a pizza party.

So Harry still wins.

Harry Potter, winner no matter what side he’s on.


So jealous.

And oh snap the printer!

…wait…nothing’s printing…it’s just making noise.


Good thing it decided to do that then.

I was about to break out the coloring book….

I’m defiantly taking out the coloring book.

Sorry my rambles are short today.

The resume is getting to me.

Coloring will help.

Coloring always helps.

Therapeutic even.

My hallway is empty too so it’s not like anyone will see me and call me out on it.

…and then I just jinxed myself.

Oh well.

We’ll see what happens.

For now,



It’s Halloween Month!…or as the common folk call it…October.

Happy Halloween Month!

It’s happening!

It’s here.

The only time of year where my clothing accessories can be considered “normal.”

Love it.

Thought I’d get a good start by wearing all my bat stuff today.

I do enjoy my bats.

Some might say, I’m quite batty.


Get it?

Do you?


Oh…you do.


Good for you then.

I’m proud.

I’m also in a bit earlier than normal.

See, usually I come in at 10 but then I was like super late yesterday so I told myself to come in early today.

Also Boss Lady is in early today.

So I had to be in.

Otherwise it would be awkward sauce.

Hopefully she’s still in that meeting she told me about earlier cause that makes this less awkward.

Now, here’s the slight problem I have.

She gave me a few things to do.

Should I wait and do them at my official start time of 10 a.m. or should I do them now?

It’s a problem.

On one hand, I’m not on the clock for another 10 minutes, on the other hand she could be out of her meeting at any moment and see me not doing my working things.


Trail Mix walked by again.

Can always count on Trail Mix to make my decision easier.

I’m gonna start doing the work she asked me to do, this way I can maybe leave 10 minutes earlier.

That sounds like a good plan.

Sounds like an excellent plan actually.

I deserve a self five on that one.


I did it.

But the clap was a bit louder than I thought so it’s possible it echoed down the hall.

It defiantly echoed down the hall.


At least everyone knows I did something deserving of a self-five.

Or there was a bug.

Highly likely everyone thought it was a bug.

Oh well.

Snap crackle pop! Boss Lady is back.

I quick did the one thing she needed me to do.

It was just a scan and email though so it went pretty quick.

There’s not much else I need to do aside from walk over to another building to drop off something.

Which is great cause I’m still stuck in my Hobbit Mood so I want to go on a journey.

My Hobbit soundtrack came on this morning and it was so inspiring.

Not really.

Oh lookie here, I gots some visitors.

I do enjoy visitors.

It’s club peeps so if I look suspicious like whatever.

It’s Bestie and Princess.

Oh man.

Oh and club leader.


So Bestie thinks I’m coming after her man who is the Club Leader…

That would be like me coming on to my own brother.


Homie don’t play that.

I told her that too.

She laughed.


Takes the scary attention away from me, cause when people come after her man she’s very defensive.

Technically speaking he isn’t her man though.

He’s like 30 something. She just likes to claim he is cause it’s entertaining.

I find amusement in it.

And what the heck was that…

Trail Mix…in plaid?

I don’t know how I feel about this.

The only ones who can wear plaid are the hottie hot prof and hottie hot hot prof.

Not you Trail Mix.

Though it does go well with your name.

Very lumberjack woodsman like.

Everyone should have one of those.

The lumberjack woodsman.

That’s a helpful thing to have.


Never know when you need to chop down a tree.

Or a big bad wolf.

I like the big bad wolf.

Okay, I’m having some serious problems with Once Upon A Time. It’s warping my view man. I want the villains to get their happy ending.



I’m cheering for the villains. I mean, this isn’t a new thing for me Harley Quinn, Loki, Roddy Piper. They’re all villains and I’ve always been more entertained by them and loved them for their villanous ways. That doesn’t mean I condone everything they do. That’s a bad thing. However, the Evil Queen has me saying, you know what, “Villains deserve happy endings too.” They shouldn’t though. They’re bad. I mean, her name is the EVIL Queen. But at the same time, she’s redeemed herself. She’s helped out more times than I can count and she’s human. She makes mistakes and look at her upbringing. And all I can think of is, is she the Evil Queen because it’s what’s expected of her? Cora really put her through the ringer. I don’t condone the bad things she did, but all she wants is a happy ending. Doesn’t she deserve that?

She’s really warping my mind man.

The line between Hero and Villain is slim.

After all, isn’t the villain the hero of their own story?

Think of it like that.

It’s a very subjective spectrum.

I hate subjective, makes it more difficult.

Then again, it’s what helps me get away with a lot of things.

Cause normal to me isn’t normal to other people.

And that sounds like a great pin from Hot Topic.

I should write for them.

I write some very deep and philosophical things that’ll make many of high school outcast feel like they belong.

I mostly liked hot topic for the nerd part of it.

And the unicorns.

I love unicorns.

And I like witty sayings and pins.

Sometimes I just want a fandom pin.

Maybe I want a pin celebrating bacon.

You never know.

I like to have options.

And I have a thing that I gotta buy one pin everytime I go in and –



Okay, it’s safe for the moment.

Boss Lady is gone.

She wanted me to do something but the computer was like, nah man.

It was great.

So now I might have to go on another adventures.

Adventures are fun, I do enjoy them.

However, I really kind of want her to leave cause I got a good doodle that I need to finish and I have my coloring book today.

That’s right.

I brought my coloring book.

It’s a mermaid one.

It was between that and my Hello Kitty one but I felt the dollar store mermaid was a bit better. In the off-chance something happens to it or something. Though while I was at the Dollar Store buying the coloring book in the summer, cause I was going to a convention and I though having a coloring book would be great for the lines, and I was right…except I forgot it in the room which totally is not cool. Oh well. Still, I have it and while I bought it I also bought sketchy Dollar Store crayons. Which were awesome cause they had the Avengers on them. The crayons were a bit on the sketch side so I didn’t want to get the super awesome Lisa Frank Coloring book or the Avengers coloring book cause I don’t feel those crayons would have done it a justice. And I was right cause it didn’t even give the mermaid one justice when I decided to test out the crayons while I was unpacking from the con. Cause unpacking is usually such an effort for me.

I usually wait until like a month after or something to officially unpack and even then it’s just my suitcase and any purse or backpack I brought with me is out of rotation until I desperately need it or I get into a room cleaning mood. It took me 2 months to unpack my Wrestlemania Bag I brought to the con with me…it had a lot of spoons.

We like to play spoons.

Spoons is a Con tradition for me and my peeps.

However next year I’m thinking of bringing the Deathnote Mafia game I found online. I would have to print it out and make it fancy of course…

Maybe I’ll do that sometime before I leave.

Cause they have cardstock.

I could totally use some cardstock.

Then I’ll get my mom to laminate them…

This could be a really great thing.

Or a bad one.

Not sure yet.

So on Friday, I’m thinking of doing a little ransack of my office.

Taking the things I want kind of thing.

Like…there’a box of Sharpies.

I will probably take one of them home with me.

I’ll defiantly take a post-it thing home with me.

Maybe two.

A white out thing would be awesome too…

Now I’m getting greedy.

I shouldn’t take advantage like that.

I am going to use the cardstock though.

And a sharpie.

I need sharpies.

They’re my life blood.

I actually just like to use them for outlining on bigger projects.

Like when I make posters, I like to use a black outline.

I can use paint for the rest of the poster, but in order to clean it up it needs a black outline and the sharpie or any other black permanent marker gives the best and most clean one.

So I just went up and looked in my big cabinet of goodies and saw there is one box of sharpies and there are four left…I’m definently taking one. I’m also talking post-its and a handful of pencils cause there are a lot of them up there.

I’m gonna bring an empty pencil-case on Friday and go to town on them.

Sounds like a great plan.

I’ll need this stuff for my new job I might get.

See, everyone’s been trying to get me a job.

I mean everyone.

Cool Dude.

My Mom.

Boss Lady.

Finally I was like, you know what I might as well go for one. At least this one is run by one of my club member alumni’s.

But still…

I’m scared.

I don’t know how to voice this fear too.

I’m afraid to fail.

I’m afraid to enter the work force.

I’m afraid I’ll enter this nine to five and never do anything else with my life again.

I’m afraid of growing up.

…I think that’s the biggest thing. All my fears are deep-rooted in my fear of growing up. I have Peter Pan syndrome and while I love Peter Pan and love my childish quality to life I don’t want to lose it as I enter the big person world.

The safety net of college is over.

I have to stop self-sabotoging myself and go for these jobs, cause how do I know what I don’t like if I don’t try it.

Time to explore the shore up above.

Channel my inner mermaid.

And there goes the hottie hot prof.

Inspirational moment over, dreaming of my hottie hot prof is now in the forefront of my mind and oh snap, the printer.

Cheeze-it! It’s the cop.

It was Boss Lady and she came in as I was typing my last thing.

I just looked at her as she talked and then slowly minimized the thing by switching to another tab and by gosh the hottie hot prof has to stop walking by. I will get no productivity done at this rate.


Not that I have much to be productive about.

I’m waiting on an email response and depending on what it says my day schedule will change with it.

Hopefully she says yes cause I really wanna just get out of the office for a moment.

One of those days you know.

That or I really wanna color or doodle or something of the sort.

And oh look, Assistant Club Leader just walked by.

Wonder what he’s doing down this way.

He usually doesn’t come this way.

Unlike Club Leader who comes this way specifically to see me.

Or get the skittles.

Mostly skittles.

I love skittles

They taste like rainbows.

I think.

Never tasted a rainbow.

Not for lack of trying though.

I once walked around an entire track like 5 times cause I thought the rainbow ended somewhere on it and I would find the gold and skittles. There wasn’t any gold and definitely no skittles.

Makes me sad.

I did find some moss on the track though. I thought that was a leprechaun’s trail. I’m like, “We’re getting close! He left us a trail to follow.” He didn’t or he really did and that was just a decoy to throw us through a loop.

I think it was.

Leprechauns are mischievous little buggers, so I wouldn’t put it past them.

I hope he was amused by watching me search.

He was probably in the trees watching me look around like a fool. Laughing it up.

Laugh it up Leprechaun.

Laugh it up.

Maybe you could be in my room right now.

Which would be cool.

He probably hides whenever Trail Mix comes in. Cause Trail Mix is back and he’s walking pass my room as we speak.

It’s terrifying.

I feel the need to write by hand right now.

I like to write in cursive on occasion and I’m feeling that need right now. I usually do this for my journal, my real life physical journal…it’s just a $0.79 notebook from staples really. Still it’s my journal full of stories and doodles. So I might do that for a little bit until Boss Lady has something for me to do.

Good plan.

I’m a great planner.

Alrighty, everyone know the plan?



Break done.

Well it’s been done for quite some time now.

I actually started doing work in my pseudo break and then I took an early lunch cause Bestie was like, come to the club and I’m like, now?

So I went and when I came back I did more work and found a work thing on my desk but I have no idea what to do with it and it says, “Ask me @ this.”

What does that even mean?

I wanted to ask Boss Lady but Oldest Guy was in there talking to her and she awkwardly brought me in to introduce myself.

Then I awkwardly stand there until I say I got some things to do.

I had no things to do.

I was gonna read.

But then Trail Mix came in.

Now usually he does his thing and looks somewhere else but today he just stood in front of my desk and just stared at me. It was so awkward! I just started smiling and kept looking at my paperwork on my desk but a few chuckles escaped cause I couldn’t help myself.

Don’t put me in awkward situations!

I laugh.

Especially when that awkward situation is a silence.

When my brother was going college to college to visit the campuses I would go with them. It was fun sort of, but the first one everyone gathered around in a fancy room where everyone was glaring at everyone. Then we walked into a smaller more condensed room where they sat everyone. Now, everyone is a student athlete, specifically football. So there’s only so many spots and scholarships for this many people. We’re all jam packed into a tiny little room. It’s silent as a grave. Then all the sudden, I started thinking about something that made me laugh uncontrollably. Cause occasionally that happens, I start thinking of something and then I can’t stop. It’s really bad. Like whenever I think of the time my friends and I were leaving the con late at night and we’re all falling asleep except for the driver and she’s yelling at us and we missed our exit cause we were running on such little sleep it’s not even funny. Well it’s funny now. Not so much then. And all i kept saying was “What about the tunnel?” And we had not gone through any tunnel. I heard us go through a tunnel. So I stand by my belief that we went through a tunnel. According to Flower Power who was the driver that night, we got nowhere near a tunnel. I heard a tunnel. I’m now sitting in my office laughing absurdly about the tunnel.

At least I’m alone in the office.

I was not alone in that room.

The room was filled.

And all you hear is my cackling.

…if you heard my laugh you would think it’s a cackle, I blame my mom’s family.

Genetics man.

Genetics made me a loud laughing ginger.

That’s my mutant power, amplified voice…I could work with that.


Long story short, I broke the awkward silence in the room cause soon everyone was talking to each other or at least their families about the little hyena girl.

I was cool though.

I got bacon that day.

And any day where I get bacon is a good day.


Scratch that.

I’m actually going to see if I can scratch that.

Did it.

I scratched it.

Because I totally changed my mind.

Any day where I get bacon is a GREAT day.





I’m yours.

Love that song.

Such a great song.

So great.

It would be greater if Boss Lady would leave soon though.

I’m not used to her being here on Wednesdays…

I wanna colorrrrr

Really badly.

REALLY badly.

I have my rainbow pens and everything.

Cause no matter where I go, I cannot go without a pen.

Like, I was so sad that I wasn’t going back to school cause I no longer could buy school supplies. Then this job came along and I’m like, “YES! A CHANCE FOR THAT AWESOME AVENGERS PENCIL CASE I WANTED.”

So I got the $0.49 pencil case.

And a whole lot of rainbow pens.

And pencils.

The pencils aren’t rainbow.

They’re normal.

I might make them rainbow one day.

I have the technology.

By that I mean I have the crafting supplies.

I have so many things to craft with that I just want to start a new craft project but I don’t want to deal with the parentals being like, “Whatcha doing? Why are you doing that? Don’t make a mess? What do you need to do that for?”

I just like to craft.

I’m the crafter in my Friend Family.

They go to me for advice and when I don’t have the advice I know the online tutorial that can help them.

Which is why I really want to start making a Lady Loki Cosplay.

I think that would be a great piece for me to do. The problem is it’s so intricate and I need to learn a lot of skills and I think that’ll be the best one to help me in the long run. Like that be the cosplay I’m always working on in the back of my mind while I might do the small projects for the other ones. This could be a thing.

I want it to be a thing.

I really wanna be a Lady Loki.

So badly.

So badly that it hurts.

I don’t know when I can do it. Maybe I’ll finally go to the local comic-con next year and spend the money on it.

Next year meaning 2016.

Cause I don’t think it’s enough time to be 2015.

Even though it’s only October, if I want it to be as fabulous as possible.

Loki is a very flawed character who looks absolutely flawless.

The opposites in this one being makes Loki truly intriguing.

That’s why I want to be Lady Loki.

Cause no matter how flawed you may be and no matter how many hardships you face, you can still show yourself as powerful.

I love that.

Plus…I just really really REALLY love Loki.

So, Boss Lady and Head Secretary Lady just stopped by.

Head Secretary Lady invited me to the secretaries meeting tomorrow!

I feel so special and important.

I defiantly need to be on time tomorrow.

I’ll do what I did today.

Despite not needing to be in until 10, I’ll make my departure time to be 9:30 as opposed to 9:50 I usually make it, cause then I’ll lose all initiative to actually get ready and leave in time.

Plus I’ll pick out what I’m wearing tonight.

That’ll be easy.


I hope.

Fingers crossed for easy.

I gotta look the part tomorrow, while still looking cute.

I actually think I know the exact thing I’ll wear.

I’ve worn it already, but it’ll work.

We agree?


So now I think it’s time I say my farewells.

I’ll miss you all.

Truly I will.

But fret not, tomorrow is another day.

Happy Halloween Month!


…Boss Lady just left…hehehehe, time to color~


Hello…Again. Friend of a friend, I knew you when…

Scott Pilgrim vs the World is one of my favorite soundtracks.

It’s all this awesome original stuff and it’s a pretty great movie too.

So I was finally caught in my lateness this morning and I’m like oh gosh what do I do?!

And I was like, tell the truth.

So I did.

The truth set me free.

And my gosh, the student that walked into the office across from me has a very HAIRY neck.

Like oh my gosh dude…

Is there irony in the fact that he was wearing a Chewbacca shirt too?

Cause I kid you not that just happened…

I don’t even know what I was gonna say.

I’m still blinded by the fur.

Boss Lady came by.

That’s something and she needs me to make a few deliveries across campus today so I might as well go now while there are people in the hallway and it’ll make me look super productive as opposed to later when I’m gonna be typing in this and doodling all day.

Time for an adventure.

I’m going on an adventure!

Maybe I’ll find Thorin’s Company.

That’ll be fun! I wanna hang with them.

They seem like good people.

You know, when they’re not suffering from the gold sickness.

Not cool man.

Speaking of cool men, did I ever tell you about the time I met Sir Ian?


Then gather round kiddies this will be a tale.

Not really, I just happen to be in New York while he was there for his show. My friend and I were like, you wanna go? Not to the actual show though. We just waited outside for him after. So we went down the sketchy back alley where the show is. Now mind you, it’s around 9 at night and the only people in our little sketch alley were a small family who asked me for directions. Me! Like I was a real local. I felt like Rory when she was asked directions while in New York with Jess. So now its me and my friend and some nice security guard who I offered my candy to. He said no, so stinks for him, he missed out on an awesome twizzler. So now an hour later…

there goes the hottie hot prof. That plaid is looking good on him today.

I love it.

Just like how I love him.

*cough cough*


SO AN HOUR LATER she and I are still chilling in the sketch place and people start coming out and talk about how great the show is. So, we’re in the front of the crowd to meet the people, but I’m like, dude, what do we do for the non-Sir Ian people. We can’t just not let them sign anything especially with us in the front. So I dig through my purse and pull out the hotel stationery that I stuck in there earlier in the day cause of the meetings we were going to there. So, the first guy comes out, he’s very nice and very pretty, and I’m just like, “You were so amazing.” And he smiles and thanks me, but my friend laughs as he walks away cause I totes just played the dude. We’re surrounded by playbills and then there’s us with hotel stationery. Sir Ian comes out next and he’s decked out in uggs and a pink scarf and he’s so awesome I was shaking. I pull out my Hobbit and he signs it all cool like.

I met him, he signed my book, and I got a photo with him.

Life was good.

Life was great.

Until my brother asked who it was I was in the picture with…


Gets better though. Sir Patrick Stewart was also in the play. I don’t have any of my Sir Patrick related merch, the fact that I had my copy of the Hobbit was a miracle in itself. So he comes out and all we have is hotel stationery. He’s sweet and things go great and some chick is like, “My phone died before I could get a photo, could you text me those, my mom will kill me if I don’t have any.” So I’m like sure no problem and then I texted her and she and I bonded but never heard from each other afterwords.

Such a great night. Up there with my top 5 celebrity meetings.

My meeting with Vic Mignogna is still number one just because I got a kiss on the cheek from him.

I was singing the songs and we were singing together and he was super sweet and I was happy with life.

Not happy with life right now though.


So Boss Lady jacked my pen.

My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pen.

I went out made all the deliveries.

Came back and checked which building one was meant to go, got lost in that building and had to ask 3 different people for directions but I found my way.

I can go the distance.

One of my favorite Disney Songs.

Of like all time.

So while I was walking and making deliveries I found someone I haven’t seen in like ever.

My best friend from grade school’s mom.

I was like a permanent fixture at their house sometimes, I was the friend from school that always came over and chilled with.

She and I were the best of friends.

Then after our freshman year of highschool she transferred to an all girls school and I stayed with my school.

Her leaving kind of changed me as a person cause I no longer had her as a friend in the school I now had to reach out and make new friends and that was terrifying.

So I stuck a bit close to her sister who I was okay with, and through her sister I made other friends and that’s how I made the two friends I’m super besties with today.

But seeing her made me question for a moment, how different would I have been if she stayed at school with me.

Would I be the same as I was in freshman year?

Would I still be me and would she be similar to me?

Would the two of us be the exact same as we are now and the falling out would have been dramatically different?

Which starts me thinking, how different would my life be if I turned left instead of right one day?

The Doctor Who episode makes a great sort of example of how one tiny move can affect the entire world, but how accurate is that?

It’s way too early to get this deep and philosophical.

Boss Lady will be done with class in a half hour…

That’ll probably be the best time to doodle.

Cool Dude is in class too and Trail Mix has his door closed, so all things are coming up me right now…

Though one secretary needs some papers that I have and she has them right now so I need to wait for her to return before I can go and doodle away to my heart’s content…

Maybe I’ll doodle a dwarf.

I’m in a Lord of the Rings kind of mood today.

I could spend my entire day watching the Director’s cut…

If only I had a tablet.

That would be the perfect thing to do at work on my slow days.


Forgot my coloring book.

I was gonna color.

Maybe tomorrow.

And there goes the worst advisor in the history of advising.


I think he’s being mean to the hottie hot prof.

No one is mean to my hottie hot prof.

No one.

Except maybe me if we ever get to that level of friendship.

We never will though.

We’re simply two ships sailing by one another.

But I’m a pirate ship so I’m cool with life.

Maybe I’ll doodle another pirate.

I do enjoy my pirates.

And ninjas.

” The pirate and the ninja should be friends.
Oh, the pirate and the ninja should be friends.
One man likes to  sail the sea, the other likes to kill silently,
But that’s no reason why they can’t be friends. “

It’s decided, I’m gonna write a musical about pirates and ninjas.

There will be a Romeo and Juliet feel to it, but no romance.


The ninja and pirate just want to be bros and chill but the families are like nah man you can’t.

This could be a big blockbuster.

Or the hit at an independent film festival.

Either way.

The Pirate and the ninja should be friends.

So…I may or may not have doodled a little ninja and pirate.

They’re not friends quite yet. I mean, this could be their great great great great ancestors that started the feud so that the future generation of ninja and pirates will be feuding for all eternity.

This could be a real thing.

Ninjas and Pirates.

Being bros forever.

…I miss my ninja pen.

So while she was out of her office, I snuck in all ninja like to see if I she left it out in the open, she’s done it before.

…she didn’t.

So now I’m down a ninja pen.


I love my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

My friends and I were the turtles for Halloween one year.

They were all family so they ended up being the turtles and I went as Casey.

I was a great Casey.

I would have been April but I felt Casey would have been easier…especially cause it was a super last-minute thing.

Boss Lady is back…but she’s going out for a moment.

However, her and Cool Dude are talking across the hall and they’re gossiping like high school girls.

Love it.

But then she left and a stranger walked into Cool Dude’s office and they closed the door…

They’re gossiping.

They have to be.

And right as I look over they open the door.

Snap crackle pop.

Look down.

Abort mission.

Think happy thoughts.

Like kitties!

Kitties are happy.

…when they’re not trying to attack me.

Most cats dislike me.

My own cat would scratch at my legs every time I would walk by her and would bite me when she could. Whenever I go to Flower Power’s her cats decide my lap is a purrfect place for their claws. Oh, and one night her cat tried to suffocate me in my sleep.

We’re in bed right? Comfy as can be. I’m sleeping, which is really hard for me to do in other people’s beds, don’t know why. I wake up a lot in the night. Anywho, I’m peacefully asleep and all things are good and then all the sudden I can’t breathe. What, there’s a weight on my throat. Who’s trying to kill me? Open my eyes…her cat is staring me down while standing with all four of his feet on my throat. And that is how I died.

Not really.

But I freaked out and neither of the people in the bed with me woke up.

They still have a hard time believing me. It’s cool. I wouldn’t believe me either if it happened to someone.

Cats don’t like me man.

Plain and simple.

And there goes the hottie hot prof and the hottie hot prof’s equally as hot prof friend.

They looked to be in a serious discussion.

So serious that I shouldn’t say anything about it.

Alright I’ll tell you~ They were discussing which one gets the honor of taking me out tonight.

That’s a lie.

The one doesn’t even know my name or my existence.

Sill nice to dream.

I think I’ll be going to lunch soonish.

Usually I wait until 2 but on Tuesday I go a bit early cause of the camera check outs and what not before the 3pm class. Today I’m a but late to go early so I might just stay and wait the 19 minutes until 2 p.m. cause in four minutes another class let’s out so I could totally do it.

I probably will do it.

I’m waiting.

Time to start the waiting game.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Poems that say tick tock in them usually creep me out. There’s an occasional one that doesn’t but 9 times out of 10 I’m creeped.

Cause it makes me think awkward quiet moments in horror movies.

I don’t do horror movies.

There’s a new one coming out this weekend, Annabell…

It’s about a doll.

Those doll’s gave me nightmares as a kid.

Despite my room being filled with them.

Oh! Reminds me, Faceoff is on tonight!

I’m pumped.

It’s also the season finale of Dance Moms which makes me sad.

And in a week’s time Supernatural returns. Yeah buddy.

My fall schedule is falling into place nicely.

The only problem is that Supernatural returns at the same time Faceoff is on, so I’ll have to skip faceoff and watch it the next day but the problem is I don’t have a next, I have the weekends which is great, but I don’t like watching my shows in the living room cause then my dad will make comments on them, and they’re usually mean comments about the shows I’m watching.


So I avoid the living room, but the living room is the only room with the tv with the On Demand option, so I’m screwed unless the show is offered online but I don’t like watching shows on my laptop cause it’s a hassle and a half.


These are 20th Century problems if I ever heard of any.

Another 20th Century problem is people calling you all the time…

Cool Dude has reached his limit. His phone rings and he curses.

Poor guy.

It’s life man.

Just like not having your Pumpking Spice and Flax Seed Kashi Bars.

I don’t have my bars.

They sold out at my store, so I had to try a different one again today. Honey Oat and Granola, the most plan and boring of snack bars.

It was okay.

Not my pumpkin spice.

I need those barsssss

They’re my favorite ones and I eat them all year-long and they make for a great meal.

Though I just saw an ad for pumpkin and flax seed cereal.

I think that’s what it was.

Or my deprivation from the bars caused me to start imagining the real thing.

Soon I’m gonna see it everywhere.

Trail Mix will start eating only pumpkin and flax seed.

Cool Dude’s wall art will be all pumpkins and flax seed.

Hahahaha, Cool Dude just said a witty one liner to something the Boss Lady said.

That’s what I’ll miss most about this job, the old man banter between Trail Mix and Cool Dude.

Plus, the cool kids that were too cool for me to talk to once upon a time are now talking to me like I’m a real person. Mostly cause I have the power to decide their camera fate.

That’s my job. Temp Secretary and Camera Gate Keeper.

I like the idea of being a gate-keeper though.

That’s a cool job.

I now have an hour and a half until I can leave my job today.

I was running late today and cause I was running late and got caught, I decided to stay the extra half hour I usually would leave, but it’s like whatever.

So no real issue with me staying, just a half hour later I go to my club, no big deal.

Not like Boss Lady stealing my pen.

That’s a big deal.

A super big deal.

A super big deal that I have no power over.

I miss it.

Maybe I should hold a memorial service for it.

My poor pen.

He had a good run, no student took him before.

She did this once before, but then I went into her office and took it back cause she left it out in the open.

I can’t do that this time.

She didn’t leave it in the open.

Plus she’s in it talking to a student.

They’re talking sports.


I don’t sport.

There is not a single part of me that screams “I can sport!”

Though I lack athletic skills to play sports, I’m highly competitive when it comes to playing them for fun.

Though I did go to my club’s softball game.

That was fun.

I hit the ball and ran.

That’s it.

That’s the game.

I could understand sports if I really wanted to, but I don’t really care to.

I know the basic rules and I can explain the basics of the game, but I don’t really care to know it.

Football is the one I know the most though.

That I blame on my brother cause he’s an idiot.

Well that’s not really fair, I don’t blame him because he’s an idiot.

He is an idiot but that’s not why I’m blaming him.

Growing up as the younger child I was forced to go to his games.

Every. Single. Game.

All of them.

My parents didn’t trust me home alone for years so I couldn’t stay home while both of them are at the games.

I’m stuck.

So I would go.

And I would sit there and wonder why am I still here.

I hate sports.

Because of this.

And yet, he has no aversion to dance or theatre.


Cause he wasn’t forced to go to all of my dance recitals or musicals.

He didn’t go to a single one of my plays.

So here’s the million dollar question, if I had the chance not to would I have chosen to not go to the games just like he chose not to go to my recitals?

I probably wouldnt’ have gone.


I don’t know.

I’m really bad at figuring out what alternate time line me would do.

Like, you think she’d do the opposite of what normal time line me would do, but when I don’t even know what I’m doing half the time it doesn’t really work too well.

This has been a very timey-wimey inspired post today.

Maybe I should change the title.


I have the song stuck in my head.

I walk down the hallway singing it.

Maybe the hottie hot prof will hear and join in.

Or invite me in, if you know what I mean.

Do you?

Cause again, I really don’t know.

And I hate not knowing.

Not knowing is bad.

Though I don’t know a lot of things, I’m like Jon Snow.

I know nothing.

Just like this kid who just walked by.

He looked very lost.

And confused.

Poor thing.

I should help.

Or I can blog.

Or I can doodle.

I do enjoy the doodle.

Think I’m gonna doodle.

Boss Lady is leaving soon anyway.

She was gonna leave sooner but confused dude started talking to her.

Poor thing.

This place is like a black hole.

As much as you try to leave it keeps pulling you back in.

Sort of like this blog.

I want to leave.

I want to end the post.

But for some reason every time I think, okay that’s enough, you should go I just tend to ramble more.

I was born a rambling man.


Rambling woman.

I was basically just born to ramble.

The gift of gab is both a blessing and a curse.

Depends on the day.

So I’m gonna leave.

I mean it.

I’m ending it.

I am ending the post.

This is the end.

My only friend, the end.

I mean it for real this time.

I’m ending.

I am ending the post.

This is me, ending the post.

The post is ending.

Right now.




Oh Hello, I Didn’t Notice You There….

Sorry, how rude of me, I won’t make the same mistake twice. You’re far to remarkable to miss, I don’t know how I didn’t notice you before. You are such a lovely creature that my mind must not have been able to process such a beauty.

I like to think that’s how Tom Hiddleston will greet me if we were ever at the same party together and he just turns around and I’m there.

That would be lovely.

I’m in a Hiddleston mood right now.

Occasionally I go through periods where I need to watch every piece of cinema and tv show an actor has ever been in. The actor’s very greatly though.

So far, I went through both Francos, it originally started with me needed to see everything James Franco has ever been in because for a class assignment we had to do a news story and my news story was about him on the Colbert Report and I had to talk about him and his future plans, the other girl in the newscast with me also ended up doing a story that involved him as well.

This is the class where I claimed he term, “Franco Fix.”

Because of all the research I did I was just spouting off facts for a good hour before we even had to practice the newscast and everyone thought it was hilarious and so the whole class thought I was obsessed with Franco and it got to the point where I started to get obsessed with him.

self-fulfilling prophecy?


Then the Franco craze was extended to his little brother Dave Franco.

Which was great cause my next one was Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and a lot of their work overlaps with one another.

He’s one of the ones I can’t explain though. One moment I’m watching him in Neighbors (Which I didn’t buy.) the next I’m like, I need to see everything he’s ever been in since the beginning of ever.

Then Norman Reedus who’s a bit harder cause a lot of his stuff is indy stuff or creepy scary stuff and I’m absolutely scared by creepy stuff but I love him on the Walking Dead and in Boondock Saints…struggles man.

And there goes Trail Mix who was in his office the entire time of this quiet empty morning…

I knew he was there though.

Cause I’m used to him being there with the door closed now I just think he’s always in there.

I’m gone in a week anyway so if I get caught singing I have nothing to feel scared about.

Oh gosh the lights are out.

Oh goodness the phone’s ringing too.

It’s like a horror movie…oh dangit.

I always thought I’d be the best friend who gets to live to the end cause I’m paranoid despite the fact that I go missing half way through the movie.

What should I do?

Whenever horror movies happen the person on the other end of the phone is terrifying.

Maybe I should turn the lights on first…

But the call is probably important cause I’m the Temp…so…

Answer phone first.

It was the prof that likes to talk.

He also has a very droan like voice that could put any insomniac to sleep.

Which I really don’t need right now cause I stayed up late last night.

I needed to watch all my shows.

See, Once Upon A Time returned last night and I gotta be honest, I’m totally rooting for the Evil Queen this time around.

She deserves a happy ending at this point.

They should bring back Peter Pan too…Peter Pan is my favorite in life, it’s gotten to the point where I have his autograph from Disney cause one of my club members got it for me. And the All Time Low song, Somewhere In Neverland was playing the morning of the premiere so all signs pointed that I needed to watch the premire…despite Peter not being there.

Then I went and watched Total Divas after cause I needed to know what was happening in the real life of some of my favorite people.

Mostly Naomi and Uso…they’re why I watch the show.

Plus Fandango when he shows up.

He’s so stupid witty funny I love it.

As opposed to Tom Hiddleston who is witty.

And amazing.

And perfect.

Perfect is the only thing to describe that wonderful creature.

So I now need to see his entire acting career…

I think I’ll be able to clear out an entire month and devote it to that.

Oh, someone else in the hallway…

Whatever shall I do?

Maybe the real work I was emailed about?

I think I’ll do that…

Though no one is in my hallway anymore so maybe…

Nah, I’ll be productive now and be lazy and doodle and ramble later…

I say I’ll be done this work thing by 11:30 a.m…let’s see.

Well, well, well, what do you know, I got it all done.

Typed, emailed and sent all before 11:30 and that was with a brief pause to talk to Club Leader.

I gave him the most basic rundown of Once Upon A Time last night and he’s like, yeah no.

It’s fine.

I then tried to explain Peter Pan’s big plot twist from season 3 and he got all confused especially when I said it made it awkward for me.

Peter Pan is a pretty person and I’ve always loved him as a character in general, so then Once Upon A Time happens and he’s all great and evil and I’m like, dude speaks to me.

Then plot twist.

I felt icky inside for a moment or two.

Plot twists make life awkward.

As does this hallway i’m in…it makes life awkward too.

I promised my friend Flower Power I’d send her a video of my hallway next time there’s no one here but me, but I can’t do that until later and when that happens there might be one or two people in the office, their doors just might be closed.

The hottie hot prof is usually here latish.

Which is cool cause you know, me and him…alone…in a hallway…

Where he closes his door cause he doesn’t want to be disturbed…


Oh well, the hallway is crowded now anyway.

Trail Mix is back from class. Cool Dude is doing work.

I talked to another prof, man things are good today.

Just a lot of little things that I’ve already done and email reminders from Boss Lady. Like things she wants me to remind her of tomorrow when she shows up cause she doesn’t think she’ll be in today. Which is great for me cause I’m kind of out of it again.

Cause I was up late, like I needed to see who won the great food truck race but they didn’t show the rerun until 1 in the morning and then I got caught up in a really good book.

And another prof is back!

She usually stays a bit late too and also likes to give me things to do, which are fun and easy and I have a ball.


This kid just walked by my office.

Normal right?


The kid was the same kid that I had one class with every semester. We never once talked to each other but we saw each other outside of class too. He goes to my bank. My grocery store. It’s like he was meant to be a reoccurring background character in my life forever. Whenever we were in a class and I would see him enter, cause I was always first to class between the two of us, we’d make eye contact and both our eyes would widen for a moment but then he carried on to his seat and I’ll go back to reading in mine. Occasionally I wouldn’t notice him until roll call was happening and I’d hear his name and turn to look at him and he’s looking at me. We acknowledge each other’s presence but never reached out to make a connection.

Then my final semester and he doesn’t have a single class with me…I’m slightly sad but you know what things happen, I thought he was out of my life for good. Then on…



I apologize.

I shall continue…

…then on my first day after my last final ever I was biking home from my club. It’s about 10 or so in the morning and as I bike I see a man running towards me, I always smile at everyone as I’m biking it makes the world better cause everyone is smiling and happy and yay, so I look up smile and he smiles back and then I look at his face and it’s reocurring background character!

I thought that was the end of our thrilling saga, that was our final moment passing in the night.

Well morning.

But it was passing.

I felt it was complete, our saga as each other’s reoccurring background characters was over. Our story was over.

…then he just walked down my hallway.

I let out a loud gasp and covered my mouth like a fool, hoping maybe he didn’t hear me. He didn’t.

I just saw the back of his head though. Same soft looking brown hair peeking out and curling up under his backwards baseball hat. It can’t be him, no. Then a professor bumps into him and he says his name and I’m officially done.

He’s back.

My background character is back in my life for another passing moment.

Maybe 10 years down the line the background character will come back and it turns out he was my soul mate.

It could happen.

Sounds like something out of a movie though.

I wonder who would play me in the movie of my life.

I’m a fan of Felicia Day.

She’s also a redhead so that could work.

Same for Emma Stone.

Plus Emma Stone is with Spiderman…and I do like Spiderman.

I got the dress by the way. The epic and awesome Harley Quinn dress that I’ve been tempting myself with all week…I bought it. It fit perfect. The fabric wasn’t sketch at all and gosh did I love it.

Then of course, I’m at the mall, I gotta go to Spencers…I needed new gages. I lost my favorite big swirly ones so I went in and found a rainbow pair for only $10 which is a super steal, then they were having their buy one get one 50% sale and the nice sales guy that always rings me up at the register told me to look around cause I could find something I like even more…and I did. Despite the fact that my ears are gaged, I still bought the illusion earings cause mine aren’t that big and they were Deadpool and they were perfect and I’m wearing them now and they matched my Harley dress and my brain went all, “what the heck?” And I got them. Then it turns out that it was the final sale on my punch card, which was awesome, said I can get another one, and I’m like, I don’t really know…and he’s like, “It be smart cause the half priced pair can be the first punch on your next card and the free pair can be up to $15.” So then I’m like sold cause there were a pair of batman studs that I was contemplating but they were $15 and I’m too cheap to spend that on a pair of earings and now I own them and they’re also in my ears…I feel pretty.

So while my ears are Marvel vs. DC, the rest of me is still on the Once Upon A Time season premiere high, so I decided to break out the Peter Pan phone case, my Pirates of the Caribbean fancy locket, and my pirate ship painted on a whale tooth ring. So I’m representing my favorite guys.

Only cause I don’t have any Evil Quin merch or things that pass as evil queen merch.

Plus a Halloween Bat Ring.

…I’m getting ready for October.

It’s almost here.

I’m so ready.

Not really.

I gotta still do costume things.

Luckily I can make mine for probably under $10 if I really tried…

Which is exactly what I’m going to do.

Maybe I should start looking up some parts of it.

Though I don’t know about doing that on a work computer.

However I did just take a personality quiz…which was total tom foolery, cause they said I should have electric blue hair…I’m a redhead through and through…maybe pink one day though…I do like pink.

Cool Dude left his office.

I should pull up the decoy.

In the off-chance he enters my office…

I mean there’s a lot of printing things.

He’s back in his office now though…

I already finished my decoy work too…



…my doodle pen is out of ink…

So…I totally forget to grab a new doodle pen from my club during my lunch break.

I now need to go down there and get a new pen, the problem is of course I just sent out an email to a student to come to my office…

Well darn…

And there goes Trail Mix.

Knew he was in his office.

But why is it that the second I open this wonderous tab that has all my daily ramblings and what nots, that everyone decides to walk in or walk by or could somehow incriminate me…

I don’t like being able to be incriminated. I do my best to avoid those situations.

I don’t like awkward situations.

…well sometimes they’re amusing.

When I’m not in them mostly.

Then again sometimes awkward situations make for comedic moments. Like you have you and your homegirl talking and then all the sudden the person you’re talking about walks in and is like, “what’s going on?” you and homegirl play it off but the second the other person walks away the two of you are laughing like it’s nobody’s business.

So awkward moments are entertaining when you’re not alone in them.

There we go.

When you’re alone in them and there’s no one to witness it too.

Cause if there’s a witness to you and your awkward situation it could be comedic if the person you’re in the awkward situation with is your friend or acquaintance.

acquaintances are helpful with a lot of things in life.

I don’t know what to count as an acquaintance though.

I have different types of friends though.

The Class Friend: The one you don’t hang out with on the weekend, the one you don’t even have the number for, but if you miss class you can more than likely turn to them and ask what you missed and for their notes. Class Friends also are good when you’re in a class where group work is unavoidable. They usually end up being the person you sit next to for the entire semester, simply because you both like the seats.

Casual Friends: These are the people who you’re friends with. You know enough about them and actually do hang out with them occasionally. The most you guys would do is see a movie or go get something to eat, you see each other very rarely, and are more like a back up friend for when no one wants to see the awesome movie you want to see.

Best Friends: These are the people you talk to the most or they’re the ones that you bring up the most in conversations with other people. They’re the ones who are cool with just chilling at home bingeing on Netflix with you as you try to catch up on Doctor Who. Now depending on the friend’s jerk level, they might try to spoil it for you or they will be very anti-spoiler, that’s a more case by case thing though.

Family: This isn’t about blood, family doesn’t end with blood. These are the best friends that have gone above and beyond the level of best friendship. They’re the ones who will be there for you at any given moment, cause they know you’d do the same. They’re the ones that you worry about introducing the significant other to. Meeting family is one thing, meeting THE FAMILY is a whole nother ball game. You’ve been through the most with these people and they’re the ones that’ll be there until the end. Every normal potential best friend break up moment you could possibly go through, can happen to you and your family, but you will pull through and get to the point where you can joke about it. They see the real you. The you you’re afraid to show to others, but the you that’s welcomed with them.

That’s how I see friendship broken down. Also, Family are the friends that’ll shout SPOILER ALERT before they tell you a spoiler so you have the chance to cover your ears or ignore the text. I speak from experience.

I know things.

A lot of things.

So many things that it could make someone’s brain explode because of the sheer amount of things.

I’m really grasping at straws aren’t I?

I dunno! My wit is like second fiddle today and I’m 90% sure that Cool Dude is still in his office.

I’m afraid cause I want to run around and have fun cause the other secretaries have left. It’s just me in my hallway…or so it seems.

I don’t know for certainty.

The only way to truly know would to go down the hallway and knock on all the doors.

Maybe if I say house keeping they’ll be chill with me.

…should I do it?


Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.

Do you wanna build a snowman?

I cannot wait for it to snow.

Well…actually I can cause I want to be able to celebrate Halloween. Like don’t get me wrong, Nightmare Before Christmas is my favorite movie.

And the crossover between the two holidays is so epic that I basically act the same way at both times of year, the only difference is I don’t want snow on Halloween…unless my yard is decorated like Nightmare Before Christmas…then I’ll welcome it, but as it stands now, Halloween is my creepy cute holiday.

And out decorations aren’t snow proof…

Well sort of.

The ghosts are trash bags, but they probably can’t withstand all that moisture and what not. That’s probably not cool.

Not cool bro.

Not cool at all.

So let’s hope for no snow this Halloween, deal?


And I hear a door being unlocked…offically not alone in my hallway anymore.

So sad.

Though, judging by the echo of the door, the chances of it being the hottie hot prof are high.

Fingers crossed!

If someone were to look into my door two seconds ago they would have seen a sight.

Holding your face in a silly position for too long can hurt a bit though.



I now wanna build a snowman…

and ride my bike around the hall.

Come on this hallway is just asking for it! It’s not fair, I wanna bike through a hallway…


Before I leave for realzies I might do it.

No cameras, they wouldn’t see…

I’m too paranoid for that anyway.

My paranoia is pretty bad in general.

In fact hearing the hallway noises is like a sign to my paranoid brain that I should probably end this soon and what not…


If I must.



Good Morning, Good Morning, To You~

Oh good morning precious people!

The rain it falling, the songs are being sung and I’m in a happy mood!


I have no freaking idea, I’m just in a really awesomely good mood.

It’s strange when I get these happy moods, cause they’re really unexplainable.

I mean, my nail polished is chipped and I have to drive someone around, and even that isn’t enough motivation for me to lose my happy mood.

I hate driving in general.

It’s not fun and it’s sketchy and I don’t do the gas thing cause it’s hard and icky…

If I could bike everywhere I could.

If I could have a chauffeur driving me everywhere I couldn’t reach by biking I would.

I love it when other people drive.

It’s easier for me, plus I can just play the radio and have the time of my life in the passenger seat.

Not to say I don’t do that in the driver’s seat, I just don’t dance as much.

It’s a little sketch for me.

Like sneezing and driving. That is the scariest moment of my life. I hate when that happens, like I force my eyes to stay open, but then they don’t cause it’s like ahhh, scary.

Driving is sketch.

Just like this hallway.

When no one is in the hallway it’s pretty chill cause then I get to start singing and such and it’s a grand old-time but then I stop singing cause someone will open their door and I realize they were there all along.

Looking at you Trail Mix.

He just came in actually, and he said hi to me.

To me! He said hi to me. It was a great momentous occasion.

I got a basic greeting, so I’m pretty chill right now which is awesome.

Except I’m not really chill cause I just found a hole in my sweater.

I was like, “WHAT?! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!”

So luckily I have a needle and thread in my drawer, no idea why it’s there, but I’m thankful for it. If not for it I would have run all the way down to my club to see if we have any pins.

Though I’m pretty sure a pin is what got me in this mess in the first place cause the last time I wore this was for a big person conference and my guess is the material couldn’t take it.

However, I had to wear the sweater cause the only thing under it is a sleeveless turtleneck which is cute on its own, but I don’t know how work appropriate it is.

I should have worn my red bra underneath, then I could get away with the sweater.

I just had some issues cause I was running late so I didn’t have time to find the red bra and the one that was the one I was wearing, which had polka dots and was purple, kind of really stood out against the background.

So like, sucks man, but at the same time, doesn’t suck enough to change it.

Just throw a sweater on.

I didn’t own a plain black sweater and my mother’s black sweaters are a bit too big for me, which sucks but hey whatever.

Don’t think my outfit would be approved by the fashionista today anyway.

I wanted to wear my sweater dress but it was looking weird when i put it on.





It was just a student.

A student who was having a really bad horrible bad day.

Poor dear.

I offered him skittles.

Skittles make everything better.

Except chocolate.

That doesn’t always work out well.

Makes for a great prank though.

Last Halloween I convinced my friend who was having a Halloween party to put the skittles and MnM’s in the same jar and so many people actually fell for it. Even though the people who fell for it started calling the jar the S&M’s jar. Those who hadn’t fallen for it yet just thought it was a cute name. I mean it was, but still.

I’m actually kind of concerned. Usually Boss Lady has a bunch of work for me by now…

No work.

No Boss Lady, she’s in class and has nothing for me.



That wasn’t meant to be a scary “Boo! I’m a Ghost” boo. The “Ah!” came from a strange man asking me about a leak in the building. I don’t know anything about any leak. I’m just the Temp. They barely gave me the freedom to do what I do now…which is nothing really.

I sit here and contemplate life.

And doodle.

Lots of doodles.

And rambles.

Can’t forget the rambles.

I mean I’m making an entire blog out of them, so yay for my ramblings.

I wonder what would happen if someone who actually knew me found this ramblings thing.

I mean, I’m not trying to hide who I am or where I am.

I totally am actually.

It’s like I’m a secret agent.


She was my favorite.

I mean, I loved Sam cause she was smart and ginger, I loved Alex cause she was fun, but Clover was who I related to the most.

I think I’m a hybrid of all three of them, but still Clover was the best.

Freaking fabulous.

So yeah, I’m a Totally Spies.

Or I’m like Mary Kate and Ashley in Our Lips Are Sealed, such a great movie. I loved all those films. Even New York Minute, which also starred Jared Padalecki who is better known as Sam Winchester. The role in this film is one of the ones that Jensen Ackles, his co-star mocks him for whenever Jared brings up Jensen’s soap opera past.

The two of them are like brothers with the way they act.

They don’t look enough alike to be twins though.

Not like Mary-Kate and Ashley.

The twins that ruled the 90s and my movie shelf.

They were also the movies that I rented the most from Blockbuster.

That and the Power Rangers Movie.

I would rotate and rent a different one every week.

The Olson Twin movies were great though, cause I felt like I was invited to all their real parties. It was like I was there while they were singing about Pizza. I WANT SOME PIZZA, P. I. Z. Z. A.

I actually don’t even like pizza…(INSERT SHOCKED GASP OF EVERY PERSON EVER)

How can someone not like pizza?! Am I mad?!


There’s no debating that.

However, I am not crazy because I do not like pizza.

Pizza is icky cause of one main reason…sauce.

Yes there is white pizza, and if forced to I could eat it, but pizza is gross cause it’s all greasy and the smell.

Oh gosh the smell is absolutely disgusting.

I eat with my nose first, and if my nose doesn’t like it, it ain’t coming anywhere near me…at all. I refuse it.

Then after the smell, if I don’t hate the smell I’ll try to eat it, but the eating can go either way.

If I find the texture of the food I’m eating either gross or confusing I won’t eat it.

Like mashed potatoes.

It’s the thing on the inside of fries, I should like them right?


See, when I look at mashed potatoes they’re all squishy and fluffy.

It makes me think of ice cream.

When I take a bite of mashed potatoes and taste the butter and hotness of them, it confuses my palette and then I spit them out.

I’m thinking ice cream, mashed potatoes aren’t ice cream. I don’t like mashed potatoes because they confused me.

I don’t like being confused.

Not in the slightest.

So I have against foods that confuse me.

And jello.

I don’t like jello.

Jello doesn’t confuse me I just don’t like the consistency.

I also have a thing against hot chocolate and soups too.

I don’t believe in hot liquids as consumable substances.

Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Soups, Tea, Etc.

If I’m going for a drink, I’m expecting it to be cold, I take a sip and it’s hot it’s weird.

Sometimes I just don’t feel like explaining to people why I don’t like hot liquids I just say, “… That’s the Devil’s temperature.” They then laugh if they’re a fan of Arrested Development and if they’re not they just think I’m crazy, but everyone does so it’s fine.

No complaints here.

I just don’t like hot liquids!

However, my shower needs to be hotter than anything for me to actually like it though.

So basic run down: Shower Water=Hot. Drinking Water= Room Temp or colder.

Otherwise I’m S.O.L either way. Though I do gradually lower the temperature as the shower goes on in the summer, so when I step out I’m not going from scalding hot to equally as hot.

I have my systems, and they work for me.

At least I think they work for me.

I haven’t gotten any complaints from myself yet.

And if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s complain.

I never really mean it though.

I’ll complain about stupid things but then I’ll do it and be fine and everything would be all okie dokie. Like I complain when my really witty statuses get no likes, but someone’s 528725th selfie will get all these amazing and wonderful comments and likes and people are amazed…

I’m witty dangit!

I love my wit.

It’s one of the most pleasing things about me.

Which says a lot because I like to think there are many pleasing things about myself.

My winning personality, my kindness to others, my extensive knowledge of Doctor Who, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and Harry Potter. Not to mention I’m just plain old adorable.


Great things about me.

Which I could tell my self-esteem all this awesomeness.

I think of myself as a goddess empress type, but at the same time I think I’m nothing special too.

Like everyone is a goddess empress type.

That doesn’t make me special, because when everyone’s super, no one is…

Children’s movies are surprisingly deep.

And very emotional, like I cry over children’s movies. For instance, Toy Story.

I cried in every single Toy Story Film.

Not just the last one, cause let’s be real we all cried in that film…multiple times.

No, I cried in the original when Buzz went to fly and that super sad song was playing in the background and he jumped and you think he’s gonna make it but he slowly starts to fall and then you see the sad utter realization on his face that he can’t fly and that Woody was right all along…he’s just a toy.

Then Jessie in the second one, oh gosh the tears. Jessie was explaining her past with a girl who loved her just like Woody thought Andy loved him. But oh gosh is it sad, cause how else could she explain except in song and that song just happened to be sung by Sarah Mclachlan, whose voice always makes me think of the sad puppy and kitty commercial, so her voice always makes me sad and then the tears man, the tears fall as the feels hit me hard.

I won’t go into the third one cause we all cried.

Then there’s Pokémon: The First Movie – Mewtwo Strikes Back…tears. All the tears and all the feels. Like all the pokemon are fighting each other cause the clones are trying to hurt them and they need to defend themselves so it’s like, okay we should fight. But Pikachu is all like nah man, I don’t wanna fight you, you’re my brother. Clone Pikachu is like, dude we gotta fight, everyone’s fighting. Pikachu stays strong and refuses to fight and then Clone Pikachu just starts to break down and as he slaps Pikachu he starts to cry and Pikachu still refuses to fight and it’s heart breaking and then Nurse Joy chimes in with the heartbreaking, “Pokemon aren’t meant to fight…not like this.” Cause as you look around all the pokemon are hurt and broken and it’s heartbreaking. Then Ash gets turned to stone and Pikachu cries again and it’s all very sad.

…so I made a booboo

I forgot I was logged in when I was on wordpress earlier….

So much for not leaving a foot print.

I was so afraid that I didn’t log in until later, cause I needed to finish this post.

I couldn’t let a post about things and pokemon go unfinished!

…at least unposted. I’ll talk more about fictional things that make me cry tomorrow how’s that?



Peace out sailor scout!



Decisions, Decisions…

So, it’s Monday.

I’m in a semi-decent mood, cause A. I got a good parking spot, B. My wrestler came back last night.

Reasons the mood is semi-decent: I cam in an hour earlier than I write in on my time sheet.

Why? Cause some dude needed something that I keep in my desk and I didn’t want to leave it in his mail box all weekend long.

That doesn’t seem safe.

So now I’m here.


No one is in, except an old dude who’s pretty much over everything, which makes for some pretty good entertainment, however, not enough to keep me busy.

So, I do have some work to do, the question is, either I do it now and be bored later when professor’s come in and see me not doing anything, or I wait until my actual office hours start. Truthfully I’m leaning towards doing the second option. Starting around 10 or so.

In the mean time I guess I’ll just doodle?

Write in my real journal?

Contemplate the meaning of life?

Wonder why the meaning of life isn’t taco?

Wonder if it’s really taco?

Why am I thinking about tacos so early?

I blame Taco Bell. They had to start that whole, morning breakfast thing. I don’t trust it.

I see Taco Bell, I think tacos and lunch, and dinner, never do I think, breakfast. Now I think breakfast and it’s slightly concerning. So I don’t eat their breakfast, don’t know anyone who has actually…maybe I’ll question someone about it. I also have a headache again.

I’ve had a headache since last night. I don’t know why, but it hurts.

…and once again, Trail Mix was chilling in his office the whole time…

Dangit Trail Mix, between you and Cool Dude I’m gonna have to turn my ninja belt in cause you two far surpass me.

Speaking of, cool dude has been in for a while now.

I just finished all my work until the boss lady comes in.


I need to her sign my payroll sheet…not whoo.


I need to get that in too, hopefully she’ll be in soon so I can go and get that done.

Then I’ll also have more busy work to do as opposed to fake busy work which is what I’m doing now.

I don’t know what I should be doing.

I don’t feel like drawing today.

Le gasp!

I know.

They scared me, too, darlin’

What’s that from?!


The original.


Love it.

Oh, one of my hallway peeps just walked by, she’s a bit indifferent to me. I’m not her secretary, but I’m not a bad person so she doesn’t hate me.

Something is printinggggg

I wonder what it could be.

Means I should probably minimize this and pull up a word doc huh?

If I switch when someone comes in it’s awkward cause then it’s suspicious. And I get all red and twitchy whenever that happens. I wear my emotions and what not on my face.

And by that I mean my embarrassment is always easy to see.

Like for instance, you know how your family have those embarrassing photos of you that you don’t really care about cause they’re at home and no one really pays attention to them? Yeah. I have a friend that likes to pay attention to them. She enjoys taking photos of them and then showing them off to people almost like she’s like the proud mom. Which she is in a way, she’s the third friend I had that decided she was gonna be my mom.

That should concern me.

It doesn’t though.

Just means I can’t run for public office.

We all have those friends that have the secrets that could ruin any political career we ever thought of having. I have three of those friends.

Cool Dude was the printer.


He’s cool, he understands, plus when he came around my minimizing was so chill it was normal.


If not, meh, I’m a temp.

Then again, Donna Noble was just a temp and she ended up saving the world, cause she’s all awesome and stuff.

Donna is my favorite companion…next to Rory. It’s hard. It’s like, I love certain companions interactions with the Doctor, but I love certain companions on their own a bit more. It’s a bit confusing, but I feel that other Whovians understand me. If not, then I’m just weird.

I’m probably just weird.

I’ve accepted it.

My major friends accept it.

I think.

Cause I had a nightmare last night that my friends all went to a Harry Potter convention and didn’t even tell me about it. I found out on Facebook.

Not cool bro.

But what is cool, cool dude just came in and said I can use him as a reference on my resume.


My original references on my stuff were always friends and my mom’s friends, so my grade school teacher.

I’m thinking of making a wordpress specifically for me and job searching.

Not for my ramblings. What do you think?

Yes? No? Maybe so?

Hmm…it’s quite the conundrum that I face.

Luckily for me I have a few more weeks of time.

When I do get another job, I’m not posting it on Facebook.

Like, I’m not judging you but I feel it’s a bit tacky. Besides, unless you’re job involves promoting yourself to the public, I don’t feel you should cross Facebook and your work, your work is work, Facebook is for fun. This one girl keeps posting photos and what not from her office, I think it’s strange.

Don’t see me posting photos from my office, we both work in schools, and student could see it and be like huh, great administration.


Finally got that one problem job fixed.

I just need Boss Lady for the time sheets.

Mine specifically.

I could go and return the others but then I’d be sitting in the wind.

It’s quite windy out today too.

I’m in a long skirt, but it has slits on both sides so it was flapping all over the place, and I just kept walking like the street was my runway. Chin up, shoulders back, and smize the heck out of them. Despite wearing sunglasses so you couldn’t see my smize.

I smized all over this campus.

And now my order is complete, so I can go over now and pick it up…or I can wait. Part of me says, wait, you never know, but at the same time, I got nothing else to do. No creative juices are flowing for my doodles, I’m not even being very witty in this thing today.

I apologize for my lack of wit and/or humor, I just seem really off today. I think it’s the headache.

It’s still hurting and I don’t know why, it’s making me very lethargic.

I’m gonna go and pick up the thing and then drop off the other thing, but not my thing cause my thing is still not filled out by the boss lady.


Oh no, cool dude dropped another call.

The service here is atrocious, and in walks Trail Mix.

I don’t think he likes me much.

I’m gonna go pick up the thing and then drop off the other thing, that should kill about 15 minutes or so.

Then maybe I’ll have some initiative to doodle, and then I can go to lunch.


This could work.

So I went, it took the fifteen minutes I thought it would, even with the time I took to stop and chat with a clubmate outside.

I come back and it turns out I missed a student, so I gotta email that one, and then two more students came in while I was trying to email her.

This kid, talking with his mouth full, chewing like a horse, asks me “You got any film cameras?” My response; “I don’t think so, no.” Now instead of asking me to check or to see if he could look, he says; “See, word on the street is, you do?” All while chewing like a horse. Maybe I’m just being a bit crazy, but I felt slightly disrespected at that. I get that I’m a temp, but dude, I’m being polite and courteous to you, the least you could do was be polite and courteous back.

And oh my gosh, the best thing just came in. There are release forms the students have to sign in the off-chance something happens on the trip, one line says “Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature if under the age of 18.” This dude just wrote in, “I am 22.”

Part of that makes me not want to believe it. Are you really 22? Cause pointing out the fact that you’re 22 makes me highly suspicious, like it’s an overcompensation lie. Instead of leaving it blank, like most 22 year olds, homeboy decides to write in his age…I don’t trust it.

I do however trust lunch! Lunch time!

So while I was out to lunch, boss lady came in, so yay, I got her to sign my thing which means I can go and drop it off, I also did another thing which means I can go pick up the thing.

All my stuff is done, and I’m pretty sure I got a polite snub, which is fine, cause it was polite and they’re talking grown up things I shouldn’t be hearing which is cool.

Cause Trail Mix is blasting, “Walk the Line” which is great for me, kills the quiet and makes me feel okay for when I feel the need to blast some music. Not so much blast, as to play very quiet cause I don’t want anyone to over hear my music, today I had “Strange Love” stuck in my head.

Such a cute song!

I want to play it now…but boss lady and trail mix are here, and cool dude left.


Cool dude, not only did he say I can use him as a reference, he also started to look for jobs for me….like that’s so nice. Everyone here supposedly loves me and wish they could keep me.

I kind of want to stay too, like this is so much fun. The only thing is, I know I’m meant for something greater and I think they know this too…I just don’t know what.

Maybe an astronaut, or maybe I’ll become a walker, or make a vlog, or something. I don’t know.

Walker sounds fun.

I wanna be a zombie.

Like there are zombie mud runs all the time, and I want to be a zombie in one.

I’d be a great zombie, they used my zombie voice for the zombie promo once.

I love it.

Also, I want there to be an ironic character on the Walking Dead whose main shirt is “I ❤ Zombies” or something like that. Like the horror buff who spent the better half of her teen years watching monster movie after monster movie, and played zombie game after zombie game, so she feels like she’s prepared but then it happens and she’s very bitter or she’s super happy and is all like, “My mom told me those games wouldn’t help me later in life.” Then she gets all sad. Perfect.

Let this be real.


Please also let boss lady walk by again so I can get her to sign my other sheet cause I need her signature on another sheet. She’s almost done.


She was done.

I did my waiting.

12 years of it.


So turns out Boss Lady was in so late cause there’s a meeting late. Late meeting means late end time.

She also gave me another thing of busy work to do.


I actually enjoy it.

My friend is currently working on a research paper, and I really wish I could be doing that.

I loved writing papers.

It was my thing.

Reading the teacher’s comments was always my favorite too. Like, I want to hear what you have to say to me. I want to improve and I want to see what you liked, so I know for the future.

Just thinking about it makes me get all gooey inside.

Speaking of getting gooey inside…the hottie hot prof isn’t in…I don’t even hear him…haven’t heard him all day…noooooooo, makes me sad.

Side note, on Friday I met a new hottie hot hot prof. I add the extra hot cause I think he was prettier than the other one. Our conversation just flowed better.

But he’s more rare.

Oh well.

When he shows up it’s even more breath-taking.

Like a comet. Happens rarely, but when it does, boy is it spectacular.

I wonder if hottie hot prof and hottie hot hot prof are bros?

That be rad if they were.

Like, not legit brothers, but bros.

Totally different thing.

I’m now an hour out. Just one more hour and I can leave!


Even though I was hear a whole hour earlier than normal, it’s cool, cause I’m here now and I’m legit doing nothing. I could read my book. I could doodle( I do love my doodles) my headache is back so I could sit quietly contemplating life.

I think my best bet would to get off this computer though. I think doodling will really help me out.

If you have any ideas for my doodles, let me know, it’d be much appreciated.




Thank goodness it’s Friday! Whoo!! The work week has ended. It’s time to play and have fun.

LOL JK, I still have all of Friday to get through.

The problem is, I usually get done early on Fridays, which is like a super bonus right? I think so, however, I face a small problem.

There’s a meeting at 2 for the whole department and I don’t know if I’m meant to go.

Like I see, a meeting minutes folder, but the last entry in that was from 2010…

So am I going or not?

No clue.

I’m gonna have to ask the boss lady, which will be slightly embarrassing but now so much as not showing up, or showing up and not having to be there.

Hopefully I don’t have to go.

I got errands to run today.

Secret errands.

Not really.

Tonight my club is going cosmic bowling, cool right? Problem though…I have nothing to wear!

Le Gasp!

Well I have clothing to wear, just nothing bowling appropriate, bowling calls for pants.

None of my pants fit me.

If it were still nice enough, I might have been able to get away with shorts.

Key word is might.

However, it’s starting to cool down and fall is coming up, which is awesome but at the same time, concerning cause you know, I now need new pants.

I kept putting off my pant purchases all summer, cause I had the belief of shorts or a skirt.

Now my skirts could be appropriate with stockings, which I have, but bowling in a skirt just seems like not a good idea. So now I have to go to a close by store to get pants.

I hate pants.

I really truly do.

If I had a choice I’d never where pants again.

However, I have to.

Darn pants.

I’m wearing a skirt today

I feel fancy, and like a stereotypical secretary. White button down shirt, black skirt, red heels, only thing missing are the glasses on the bridge of my nose and I’d be set.

I don’t have glasses though.

I need a pair.

Don’t have one.

All this time in front of a computer Screen really did me in.

Whoops! I can’t even claim my innocence because I did it myself. I full heartily accepted the consequences that come from staring at a computer screen for 15 hours a day. It’s my main form of entertainment.

Speaking of entertainment, I need something to do for the next 4 hours or so.

My hallway is currently empty, which is nice, but I know there’s a chance that students will be coming in my office for the next half hour or so, otherwise I would be doodling or doing the small piece of work I was told to do. Can’t do it when I need to leave the office.

Sort out your priorities man.




Whelp, did my job.

Did my doodles.

Now I’m stuck doing nothing for a bit of time.

Until at least 1pm.

Probably later, cause through snooping I found a file full of meeting minutes.

However, the file is only until 2010…that’s four years ago. Pretty sure I still need to go though.

Supposedly it takes like 2 hours…dangit.

I really need to get pants today too.

Darn pants.


Now I’ll defiantly have to go to the more expensive store option because I don’t have time to dig through goodwill to find the best fitting pair. I now gotta go to the store where I know what size I am in their clothes.

It’ll have to be a quick one too.

Hopefully the meeting doesn’t take TOO long.

I might cry.

I don’t want to cry.

I’m an ugly crier, the face gets all blotchy and red, it’s a bit of a mess really.

Not a pretty sight.

I really don’t need to be typing right now though.


I just don’t know what to doodle in its place.

I drew another ninja yesterday, this time she was a bad one. However, she does have a family relation to another one of the people I drew. It’s a family affairrrrrrr~

I also drew the Doctor: photo

It’s not a super good photo, I’ve drawn better, but sometimes I just feel the need to draw the Doctor. I was in the process of drawing the 10th Doctor so he had a friend, but that didn’t work out to well. I forgot that 10 had eyebrows while 11 was everything but eyebrows. Still love them though. The new Doctor is entertaining as well.

Love all the Doctors!

Except for medical Doctors…I’m not a fan.

Cause I associate them with being sick, cause the only time I really see them is when I’m sick. I should probably go for regular check ups but….nah.

I really hate dentists though.

Doctor’s make you feel better with as little pain as possible, dentists are all drill first ask questions later. I had a dentist that didn’t even notice that half my filling came out. I had to tell him and then we had to restart the whole process over again. It hurts so much, my mouth hurts just thinking about it. Owie.

I really really really don’t like dentist. You can be as nice as you want, if you are a dentist you are evil. That’s why the dentist was such a good character in Fairly Odd Parents, dude was mega evil!

Which makes me re-think the whole villain thing, I mean sounds cool, but I don’t think I could do it.

I just walked all across campus doing a job for my club dude, and not my boss lady, and in the process, I missed the hottie hot walking by.

Nooooo!!! The hottie hot prof’s door is only slightly ajar so I couldn’t even peak in just to see him. It’s just me and him in the hallway. Gosh, this would be a perfect scenario in any other life, but not today cause I missed my chance.

Booo! I look cute today too.


Oh well, maybe he’ll walk by again, I mean, he’s gotta leave sometime right?


Oh well.

I’m thinking I should be writing a song about him, I mean that’s how all the pop stars do it right? Though technically Van Halen got that covered when they did Hot For Teacher.

I had another professor that I used to hum that song for, but he was technically a teaching assistant, which could have worked out if I really tried. He wasn’t even that pretty anyway, it was more of a comparative pretty. In that class not a single student was attractive, so he became the most attractive and I think that only happened cause he had power, and power can make someone attractive. Makes sense. Like, I will find the most attractive dude no matter where. Like on a tv show or something, the cast could be average or unattractive to me, but then there will be one guy that is a bit more. I will cling to him as the hot one. Now, compare him to my other celebrity loves like John Cena and Dylan O’Brien dude could look so average it’s sad.

It’s like the 3rd Hemsworth Brother, he’s pretty good-looking, but compared to Liam and Chris, dude doesn’t stand a chance.

I do want to write a song though.

Not necessarily about the hottie hot prof, but maybe about attractive older dudes. Like, Stacy’s Mom, but reversed. I already got the final line of the chorus, “I know it makes you sad, but I’m in love with your dad.” It could be a hit single everywhere. I would love it.

I’m gonna do it.

It’s gonna happen.

I mean it.

No one steal my idea.

Patent pending.

Not really.

But it’ll be totally cool if no one stole my rad idea.

Finally! Someone showed up! Right as I put my doodling away too! Good.

Though the doodle is more me writing regular song lyrics all fancy and cursive like in pencil. I now have like three different songs stuck in my head.

I shall call this new mash-up of songs, “Wrecking Horse Sunday.”

See which songs I combined, I dare ya.

It could be fun.

It could pass the time.

I like passing the time.

That’s what this blog is for mostly.

I saw I got some followers the other day, hello followers! Hope you’re enjoying this. If not, that’s cool. I’m an acquired taste. I’m not even acquired to myself yet.

Internet is still mostly down, it’s day three of the saga. People are getting antsy. They need their Facebook man. THEY NEED IT.

Like so hardcore. The world won’t end in either fire or ice, it’s ending in lost wi-fi connection.

I just need a little 3G to get me by. Do you have a hotspot to share?

Those with hot spots should charge to share and boom, you got yourself a little profitable business in this non-wifi world we live in on this campus.

It’s almost 1…the meeting starts at 2…my off the clock starts at 1. Not fairrrrrr, I either stay an extra hour and wait for nothing or I stay an extra hour and learn I’m meant to be there, so it’ll be even longerrrrrr…

Thus is life man.

Life’s tough, get a helmet.

Unless it clashes with your clothes. Then don’t do it. That’s why I never wore a helmet when biking, even if I should have. Never did.


Yes I just yoloed.

The problem is, I started saying yolo sarcastically and as a joke and now I say it seriously. It started off as little thing like:

“Made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with only peanut butter, yolo.”

Now I’ll be like, “Let’s do this man, yolo, whatever, we got this!”

It’s a thing.

I have lots of things.

Like I like to paint my nails twice a week.

Right now they’re rainbow.

Minus indigo and violet cause I only have five nails on each hand so I try to use a darker blue to get all three in but the dark blue looked odd against all the light colors.

And so my friend just sent me a funny picture of a squirrel, she knows I love squirrels so I was all happy.

Next photo she sends is of her arm with a hospital bracelet on and the comment, “Don’t panic but…”

Send the don’t panic text first then the arm one! You know I’ll panic if it’s in the order you sent them in your crazy lady?! What the heck dude. Can’t do that to me. Despite being the baby of the group, I’m also the worrier. I worry over everyone and I’m the one that gets all emotional cause they need me to be emotional cause they don’t like it.

I just have a lot of feelings. I’m like that girl in Mean Girls who wants to bake a cake for everyone.

I sent her the Do You Wanna Build a Snowman Video I made.

I think it’ll make her happy.

She called me lame.

Totally made her smile.

I’m proud.


Whelp…I’m still typing to make it look like I’m important and good thing too, cause my hallway is starting to have people.

And by people I mean a person.

The meeting starts at 2…it’s 1:27, where is everyone?!

Usually saying that jinxes myself.

I mean, worked the day of the hottie hot prof acknowledging me.

I saw him walk by earlier.

I’m content with life.

Now, I want to just end this so that after the meeting, if I’m supposed to go, I can skidaddle.

But if I end it now, I have a half hour of filling time.

Decisions, decisions.

Okay, here’s the deal. I’ll type until I hit at least 2000 words.



I just made a deal with myself, I wonder if that’s similar to a deal with the devil. Well better the devil you know then the one you don’t.

I don’t know myself very well though…


In fact so awkward, I’m gonna end it.


Ending it.

Ending the post.

That is what I am doing.

