It’s Halloween Month!…or as the common folk call it…October.

Happy Halloween Month!

It’s happening!

It’s here.

The only time of year where my clothing accessories can be considered “normal.”

Love it.

Thought I’d get a good start by wearing all my bat stuff today.

I do enjoy my bats.

Some might say, I’m quite batty.


Get it?

Do you?


Oh…you do.


Good for you then.

I’m proud.

I’m also in a bit earlier than normal.

See, usually I come in at 10 but then I was like super late yesterday so I told myself to come in early today.

Also Boss Lady is in early today.

So I had to be in.

Otherwise it would be awkward sauce.

Hopefully she’s still in that meeting she told me about earlier cause that makes this less awkward.

Now, here’s the slight problem I have.

She gave me a few things to do.

Should I wait and do them at my official start time of 10 a.m. or should I do them now?

It’s a problem.

On one hand, I’m not on the clock for another 10 minutes, on the other hand she could be out of her meeting at any moment and see me not doing my working things.


Trail Mix walked by again.

Can always count on Trail Mix to make my decision easier.

I’m gonna start doing the work she asked me to do, this way I can maybe leave 10 minutes earlier.

That sounds like a good plan.

Sounds like an excellent plan actually.

I deserve a self five on that one.


I did it.

But the clap was a bit louder than I thought so it’s possible it echoed down the hall.

It defiantly echoed down the hall.


At least everyone knows I did something deserving of a self-five.

Or there was a bug.

Highly likely everyone thought it was a bug.

Oh well.

Snap crackle pop! Boss Lady is back.

I quick did the one thing she needed me to do.

It was just a scan and email though so it went pretty quick.

There’s not much else I need to do aside from walk over to another building to drop off something.

Which is great cause I’m still stuck in my Hobbit Mood so I want to go on a journey.

My Hobbit soundtrack came on this morning and it was so inspiring.

Not really.

Oh lookie here, I gots some visitors.

I do enjoy visitors.

It’s club peeps so if I look suspicious like whatever.

It’s Bestie and Princess.

Oh man.

Oh and club leader.


So Bestie thinks I’m coming after her man who is the Club Leader…

That would be like me coming on to my own brother.


Homie don’t play that.

I told her that too.

She laughed.


Takes the scary attention away from me, cause when people come after her man she’s very defensive.

Technically speaking he isn’t her man though.

He’s like 30 something. She just likes to claim he is cause it’s entertaining.

I find amusement in it.

And what the heck was that…

Trail Mix…in plaid?

I don’t know how I feel about this.

The only ones who can wear plaid are the hottie hot prof and hottie hot hot prof.

Not you Trail Mix.

Though it does go well with your name.

Very lumberjack woodsman like.

Everyone should have one of those.

The lumberjack woodsman.

That’s a helpful thing to have.


Never know when you need to chop down a tree.

Or a big bad wolf.

I like the big bad wolf.

Okay, I’m having some serious problems with Once Upon A Time. It’s warping my view man. I want the villains to get their happy ending.



I’m cheering for the villains. I mean, this isn’t a new thing for me Harley Quinn, Loki, Roddy Piper. They’re all villains and I’ve always been more entertained by them and loved them for their villanous ways. That doesn’t mean I condone everything they do. That’s a bad thing. However, the Evil Queen has me saying, you know what, “Villains deserve happy endings too.” They shouldn’t though. They’re bad. I mean, her name is the EVIL Queen. But at the same time, she’s redeemed herself. She’s helped out more times than I can count and she’s human. She makes mistakes and look at her upbringing. And all I can think of is, is she the Evil Queen because it’s what’s expected of her? Cora really put her through the ringer. I don’t condone the bad things she did, but all she wants is a happy ending. Doesn’t she deserve that?

She’s really warping my mind man.

The line between Hero and Villain is slim.

After all, isn’t the villain the hero of their own story?

Think of it like that.

It’s a very subjective spectrum.

I hate subjective, makes it more difficult.

Then again, it’s what helps me get away with a lot of things.

Cause normal to me isn’t normal to other people.

And that sounds like a great pin from Hot Topic.

I should write for them.

I write some very deep and philosophical things that’ll make many of high school outcast feel like they belong.

I mostly liked hot topic for the nerd part of it.

And the unicorns.

I love unicorns.

And I like witty sayings and pins.

Sometimes I just want a fandom pin.

Maybe I want a pin celebrating bacon.

You never know.

I like to have options.

And I have a thing that I gotta buy one pin everytime I go in and –



Okay, it’s safe for the moment.

Boss Lady is gone.

She wanted me to do something but the computer was like, nah man.

It was great.

So now I might have to go on another adventures.

Adventures are fun, I do enjoy them.

However, I really kind of want her to leave cause I got a good doodle that I need to finish and I have my coloring book today.

That’s right.

I brought my coloring book.

It’s a mermaid one.

It was between that and my Hello Kitty one but I felt the dollar store mermaid was a bit better. In the off-chance something happens to it or something. Though while I was at the Dollar Store buying the coloring book in the summer, cause I was going to a convention and I though having a coloring book would be great for the lines, and I was right…except I forgot it in the room which totally is not cool. Oh well. Still, I have it and while I bought it I also bought sketchy Dollar Store crayons. Which were awesome cause they had the Avengers on them. The crayons were a bit on the sketch side so I didn’t want to get the super awesome Lisa Frank Coloring book or the Avengers coloring book cause I don’t feel those crayons would have done it a justice. And I was right cause it didn’t even give the mermaid one justice when I decided to test out the crayons while I was unpacking from the con. Cause unpacking is usually such an effort for me.

I usually wait until like a month after or something to officially unpack and even then it’s just my suitcase and any purse or backpack I brought with me is out of rotation until I desperately need it or I get into a room cleaning mood. It took me 2 months to unpack my Wrestlemania Bag I brought to the con with me…it had a lot of spoons.

We like to play spoons.

Spoons is a Con tradition for me and my peeps.

However next year I’m thinking of bringing the Deathnote Mafia game I found online. I would have to print it out and make it fancy of course…

Maybe I’ll do that sometime before I leave.

Cause they have cardstock.

I could totally use some cardstock.

Then I’ll get my mom to laminate them…

This could be a really great thing.

Or a bad one.

Not sure yet.

So on Friday, I’m thinking of doing a little ransack of my office.

Taking the things I want kind of thing.

Like…there’a box of Sharpies.

I will probably take one of them home with me.

I’ll defiantly take a post-it thing home with me.

Maybe two.

A white out thing would be awesome too…

Now I’m getting greedy.

I shouldn’t take advantage like that.

I am going to use the cardstock though.

And a sharpie.

I need sharpies.

They’re my life blood.

I actually just like to use them for outlining on bigger projects.

Like when I make posters, I like to use a black outline.

I can use paint for the rest of the poster, but in order to clean it up it needs a black outline and the sharpie or any other black permanent marker gives the best and most clean one.

So I just went up and looked in my big cabinet of goodies and saw there is one box of sharpies and there are four left…I’m definently taking one. I’m also talking post-its and a handful of pencils cause there are a lot of them up there.

I’m gonna bring an empty pencil-case on Friday and go to town on them.

Sounds like a great plan.

I’ll need this stuff for my new job I might get.

See, everyone’s been trying to get me a job.

I mean everyone.

Cool Dude.

My Mom.

Boss Lady.

Finally I was like, you know what I might as well go for one. At least this one is run by one of my club member alumni’s.

But still…

I’m scared.

I don’t know how to voice this fear too.

I’m afraid to fail.

I’m afraid to enter the work force.

I’m afraid I’ll enter this nine to five and never do anything else with my life again.

I’m afraid of growing up.

…I think that’s the biggest thing. All my fears are deep-rooted in my fear of growing up. I have Peter Pan syndrome and while I love Peter Pan and love my childish quality to life I don’t want to lose it as I enter the big person world.

The safety net of college is over.

I have to stop self-sabotoging myself and go for these jobs, cause how do I know what I don’t like if I don’t try it.

Time to explore the shore up above.

Channel my inner mermaid.

And there goes the hottie hot prof.

Inspirational moment over, dreaming of my hottie hot prof is now in the forefront of my mind and oh snap, the printer.

Cheeze-it! It’s the cop.

It was Boss Lady and she came in as I was typing my last thing.

I just looked at her as she talked and then slowly minimized the thing by switching to another tab and by gosh the hottie hot prof has to stop walking by. I will get no productivity done at this rate.


Not that I have much to be productive about.

I’m waiting on an email response and depending on what it says my day schedule will change with it.

Hopefully she says yes cause I really wanna just get out of the office for a moment.

One of those days you know.

That or I really wanna color or doodle or something of the sort.

And oh look, Assistant Club Leader just walked by.

Wonder what he’s doing down this way.

He usually doesn’t come this way.

Unlike Club Leader who comes this way specifically to see me.

Or get the skittles.

Mostly skittles.

I love skittles

They taste like rainbows.

I think.

Never tasted a rainbow.

Not for lack of trying though.

I once walked around an entire track like 5 times cause I thought the rainbow ended somewhere on it and I would find the gold and skittles. There wasn’t any gold and definitely no skittles.

Makes me sad.

I did find some moss on the track though. I thought that was a leprechaun’s trail. I’m like, “We’re getting close! He left us a trail to follow.” He didn’t or he really did and that was just a decoy to throw us through a loop.

I think it was.

Leprechauns are mischievous little buggers, so I wouldn’t put it past them.

I hope he was amused by watching me search.

He was probably in the trees watching me look around like a fool. Laughing it up.

Laugh it up Leprechaun.

Laugh it up.

Maybe you could be in my room right now.

Which would be cool.

He probably hides whenever Trail Mix comes in. Cause Trail Mix is back and he’s walking pass my room as we speak.

It’s terrifying.

I feel the need to write by hand right now.

I like to write in cursive on occasion and I’m feeling that need right now. I usually do this for my journal, my real life physical journal…it’s just a $0.79 notebook from staples really. Still it’s my journal full of stories and doodles. So I might do that for a little bit until Boss Lady has something for me to do.

Good plan.

I’m a great planner.

Alrighty, everyone know the plan?



Break done.

Well it’s been done for quite some time now.

I actually started doing work in my pseudo break and then I took an early lunch cause Bestie was like, come to the club and I’m like, now?

So I went and when I came back I did more work and found a work thing on my desk but I have no idea what to do with it and it says, “Ask me @ this.”

What does that even mean?

I wanted to ask Boss Lady but Oldest Guy was in there talking to her and she awkwardly brought me in to introduce myself.

Then I awkwardly stand there until I say I got some things to do.

I had no things to do.

I was gonna read.

But then Trail Mix came in.

Now usually he does his thing and looks somewhere else but today he just stood in front of my desk and just stared at me. It was so awkward! I just started smiling and kept looking at my paperwork on my desk but a few chuckles escaped cause I couldn’t help myself.

Don’t put me in awkward situations!

I laugh.

Especially when that awkward situation is a silence.

When my brother was going college to college to visit the campuses I would go with them. It was fun sort of, but the first one everyone gathered around in a fancy room where everyone was glaring at everyone. Then we walked into a smaller more condensed room where they sat everyone. Now, everyone is a student athlete, specifically football. So there’s only so many spots and scholarships for this many people. We’re all jam packed into a tiny little room. It’s silent as a grave. Then all the sudden, I started thinking about something that made me laugh uncontrollably. Cause occasionally that happens, I start thinking of something and then I can’t stop. It’s really bad. Like whenever I think of the time my friends and I were leaving the con late at night and we’re all falling asleep except for the driver and she’s yelling at us and we missed our exit cause we were running on such little sleep it’s not even funny. Well it’s funny now. Not so much then. And all i kept saying was “What about the tunnel?” And we had not gone through any tunnel. I heard us go through a tunnel. So I stand by my belief that we went through a tunnel. According to Flower Power who was the driver that night, we got nowhere near a tunnel. I heard a tunnel. I’m now sitting in my office laughing absurdly about the tunnel.

At least I’m alone in the office.

I was not alone in that room.

The room was filled.

And all you hear is my cackling.

…if you heard my laugh you would think it’s a cackle, I blame my mom’s family.

Genetics man.

Genetics made me a loud laughing ginger.

That’s my mutant power, amplified voice…I could work with that.


Long story short, I broke the awkward silence in the room cause soon everyone was talking to each other or at least their families about the little hyena girl.

I was cool though.

I got bacon that day.

And any day where I get bacon is a good day.


Scratch that.

I’m actually going to see if I can scratch that.

Did it.

I scratched it.

Because I totally changed my mind.

Any day where I get bacon is a GREAT day.





I’m yours.

Love that song.

Such a great song.

So great.

It would be greater if Boss Lady would leave soon though.

I’m not used to her being here on Wednesdays…

I wanna colorrrrr

Really badly.

REALLY badly.

I have my rainbow pens and everything.

Cause no matter where I go, I cannot go without a pen.

Like, I was so sad that I wasn’t going back to school cause I no longer could buy school supplies. Then this job came along and I’m like, “YES! A CHANCE FOR THAT AWESOME AVENGERS PENCIL CASE I WANTED.”

So I got the $0.49 pencil case.

And a whole lot of rainbow pens.

And pencils.

The pencils aren’t rainbow.

They’re normal.

I might make them rainbow one day.

I have the technology.

By that I mean I have the crafting supplies.

I have so many things to craft with that I just want to start a new craft project but I don’t want to deal with the parentals being like, “Whatcha doing? Why are you doing that? Don’t make a mess? What do you need to do that for?”

I just like to craft.

I’m the crafter in my Friend Family.

They go to me for advice and when I don’t have the advice I know the online tutorial that can help them.

Which is why I really want to start making a Lady Loki Cosplay.

I think that would be a great piece for me to do. The problem is it’s so intricate and I need to learn a lot of skills and I think that’ll be the best one to help me in the long run. Like that be the cosplay I’m always working on in the back of my mind while I might do the small projects for the other ones. This could be a thing.

I want it to be a thing.

I really wanna be a Lady Loki.

So badly.

So badly that it hurts.

I don’t know when I can do it. Maybe I’ll finally go to the local comic-con next year and spend the money on it.

Next year meaning 2016.

Cause I don’t think it’s enough time to be 2015.

Even though it’s only October, if I want it to be as fabulous as possible.

Loki is a very flawed character who looks absolutely flawless.

The opposites in this one being makes Loki truly intriguing.

That’s why I want to be Lady Loki.

Cause no matter how flawed you may be and no matter how many hardships you face, you can still show yourself as powerful.

I love that.

Plus…I just really really REALLY love Loki.

So, Boss Lady and Head Secretary Lady just stopped by.

Head Secretary Lady invited me to the secretaries meeting tomorrow!

I feel so special and important.

I defiantly need to be on time tomorrow.

I’ll do what I did today.

Despite not needing to be in until 10, I’ll make my departure time to be 9:30 as opposed to 9:50 I usually make it, cause then I’ll lose all initiative to actually get ready and leave in time.

Plus I’ll pick out what I’m wearing tonight.

That’ll be easy.


I hope.

Fingers crossed for easy.

I gotta look the part tomorrow, while still looking cute.

I actually think I know the exact thing I’ll wear.

I’ve worn it already, but it’ll work.

We agree?


So now I think it’s time I say my farewells.

I’ll miss you all.

Truly I will.

But fret not, tomorrow is another day.

Happy Halloween Month!


…Boss Lady just left…hehehehe, time to color~

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