Where’d You Go? I Miss You So…I Would Continue To Quote The Song But Google Is Down.

Oh Google, why are you down on campus?!

I need you.

I need you for every song lyric I need to correct.

For every word I don’t know how to spell, cause for some reason you know what the word I need is even before I finish it.

Please come back home.

So, originally, I was panicking this morning cause Trail Mix came in and was like, “The server is down!” and I’m like “Great Gatsby no!”

So I didn’t do that, but I was still slightly concerned.

I mean, my “I sound important and sound like I’m actually doing things” cover is all based online.

So I was thinking, hmm, maybe I’ll just use Google Drive….oh wait.

Maybe I’ll use a word document and then email it to myse-wait.

I could write it by hand!


Doesn’t sound as important.

The skritch scratch of a pencil on paper isn’t as official as the typing of a keyboard, problem is, I don’t have my email to use as a cover for what I’m REALLY doing.

You know what I mean.

You don’t?

That makes two of us.

I seriously have no idea what I’m doing.

I’m trying though.

Boy am I trying.

So…I think somebody made a boo-boo when ordering something.

The list I got was for 9 of one thing…we got one of that thing.

I don’t know what to do.

Boss lady isn’t in today.

I have good idea of a cover though.

I’m gonna wait until tomorrow under the claim of me waiting to put everything with the things, but uh-oh! The things are missing. Le gasp!

That could work.

It’s gonna have to work, cause I have no idea what else to do.

I would email the peeps, but again, the whole Google deciding to rebel thing really isn’t helping.

To see if it’s working, I have something in the small search bar to just hit enter on every so often.

I picked Mango Smoothies.

I was gonna do kitties or cookies, but they could somehow be taken very wrongly and I don’t want that to happen.

Never let that happen.

I need to make copies at the copy center though.

Have to do that online.


The whole lot of them.

Not that it means much, my hallway is empty for then next hour or so.

Love classes.

They make it so my boss people all go out and leave my hallway so I can draw things and not worry about people walking in on them. I was thinking of drawing my fighter today, but then I remembered…I have problem drawing muscles without a reference. Google is down. I don’t like using references while at work anyway.

My reference photos usually come from Google, but I’ll usually screen shot them so that I can manipulate the photo however I want, which is basically zooming in on the parts I’m working on. It can get really awkward sometimes. Like for instance, when I was drawing the Shawm Michaels Heart on the Wrestlemania T-shirt I was making, the only good image of one I could find came from his wrestling pants….which he was wearing. And homeboy was not shy about the placement and the best straightforward heart was on the very front of his pants.

I zoomed in on the front of his pants for the sake of a shirt.

I swear.

I was thankful no one walked in when I was doing that though.


Good thing I didn’t start doodling then!

That was terrifying, had no idea he was here this whole time.

Ninja dude.

Cool dude is a ninja.

He’s also the one who was yelling about Tom the other day.

I wonder how he and his signficant other are doing then, cause Tom is so needy. Probably still calling him all the time. “I miss you!” “Go away Tom!” “But I love you cool dude!” “…I don’t love you…I never loved you.”

Sounds like a grade a soap opera.

I never actually watched a soap opera, despite thinking I’d be very good for one.

I’m over the top and dramatic. I’m like Norma Desmond.

I based my first blog off of her actually.

It was for a class assignment, we had to write a blog entry on four of the movies we watched in class. Sunset Blvd. was the best one in my opinion. That and Living in Oblivion. However, I related to Norma so freaking much it was astounding.

The one kid that I always made smart comments with turned to me at the same exact moment I was thinking this, “Dude, she’s you.”

I turn to him and was just like, “I know…I love it.”

She wasn’t crazy!

Well she was.

However, I don’t think the ending was completely her fault.

She was crazy, and the main guy knew this and took advantage of her. I’m not condoning what she did at the end, but I’m saying, the guy wasn’t completely blameless. He started the vicious cycle that they were in. Both parties were to blame.

I hope my ending doesn’t happen like hers.

That would truly break my heart.

The professor got a kick out of me and my reflections on being Norma though.

Still gave me a B as a final grade.


Big stupid jerk.

Big stupid non-singing jerk.

I felt like the singing thing was needed.

Cause again…the quiet keeps closing in and I need to have some sort of noise.

Luckily, it seems like the crickets agree with me, for every time I think it’s too quiet, they start their song.

Works for me.

At least one of us should be able to sing.

Sing. Sing a songgggggg!

That’s where I would usually put a youtube link for you to have a nice little song thing that’ll set the mood or just inspire you…or just to say, “hey, I like that song.”

Songs can do that.

Musicals have impromptu song and dance numbers, which is why I wish my life was one, but you still have a soundtrack to your life.

You just have the option to pick the songs that are on it.

You can pick the songs that define you, that got you on a deep emotional level you couldn’t so much put in words:

“Weightless” “Raise Your Glass” “Brave”

Songs that showed you a world of music outside of the world you knew:

“Helena” “Bat Country” “Blue Lips”

Songs that just are so much fun for you to sing:

“Ice Ice Baby” “Pokerap”

Your soundtrack might not be completely kid friendly:

“Turn Off the Lights”

That song is hilariously bad. Like, not “how is this song popular, it’s so bad?” but instead, “This song is so bad, that I feel I should be going to church and confessing to listening to it as a sin.” It’s that type of bad. My friend was like, don’t go home and listen to this song. EVER.

You know what this makes me do?

You told me not to do it.

I now have to do it.

I did it.


It was so inappropriate. We made up a dance to go along with it.We listened to it so much that it got to the point where we knew all the lyrics and didn’t even need the song on as a guide to keep tempo. That’s why it’s on my list.


Scary!!! What do I do!?

Oh gosh!

I better answer.

They hung up.

Broke the silence though.

That creepy no noise but my typing silence.


Guess I’ll try to doodle again?

I mean cool dude is still across the hall, but he just talked to his friend and was like, “I got nothing to do.”

Me too man.

Me too.

We have so much in common…WE SHOULD START A BAND!

I call lead vocals.

Cause, I don’t have any musical talents, aside from a halfway decent voice.

Great for singing lower female Disney songs.

I wanna listen to some….

I wonder if Google is working, I wanna Disney it up.

Google is still not working…I wonder.


You know bing? The one no one cares about, but they keep saying people do.

Bing, helping people get to google since it was created.

Oh man, cool dude freaked for a moment.

Still like him.

He’s going to his car to charge his phone according to the phone call he’s making.

Hmm…curiouser and curiouser.

Trail Mix already left to find better internet elsewhere. I wish you much success in your journey.

I wanna take an early lunch cause it’s such a super slow day….

So slow.

So so slowwwww.


Slow looks like snow.

Do you wanna build a snowman?

My friend recorded me singing that before.

I risked a lot for that recording.

See, one of the guys at my old “job” was a bit on the sketch side. A few of the young ones were there at like 9:30 on night and we’re just hanging out, someone accidentally threw a ball at the guy’s door. Oh well, not like he’s here. My and this kid were in the room across from the office and all the sudden we here the guy. We turn around and he walks out of his office…he’s off the clock at like 5pm. So now, we all have a fear/joke that he’s living in his office.

So, I had to see if he was in one day, cause he was supposed to be, but his door was closed. Well, since he was there with a closed door before, why not see what happens. So I took the perfect opportunity. And boom!


Of course it was only the first verse cause I was afraid he was gonna open the door and find me and then grab me and drag me into his office of doom.

It smells so bad in there, it could take out a garbage man with its smell.

Not cool bro.

Why did you have to kill Steve the Garbage Man?

What did he ever do to you?

Oh, he buried you in garbage one day and it took 9 hours to get out…

Sorry. He didn’t deserve to die though!

You could shower.

They got ointments for this kind of thing.

Don’t take it out on Steve.

Poor Steve…we hardly knew you.

When I get my new fish I’m gonna name him Steve.

My last fish was a Beta and I named him Tony, despite having Captain America coloring.

So I made this headcanon! that Tony saw the fish and thought of Steve. He bought it for Steve as a present and this is basically how it went down:

“Hey Cap, I saw this and thought of you.”

“Wow Stark, that’s very ki-”

“I named him after you favorite person in the universe, me.”


“No need to thank me. Take care of Tony for me, we bonded.”

And then Captain America would sit there all confused as Tony Stark saunters his way out of the room.

It could happen.

Things happen all the time.

Like, I wasn’t planing on it, all the sudden, I got offered a cookie!


The guy in charge of my old club came by and was like, “I’m going to subway want anything?”

My initial response is usually, “No thank you.”

But then all the sudden my brain was like, COOKIE.

So my mouth was like cookie.

And now I’m getting a cookie!

I’m like Angelica Pickles when it comes to cookies.

She was my favorite.

Now in order to get the cookie I have to wait longer for my lunch.

I’m hungry now!

But I’ll wait.

How long could it be?

So…about two hours or so later I finally got my cookie. It was delicious and well worth the wait.

However, no one, is in my hallway. I mean it for realizes this time. My phone is on 15% battery, the internet is mostly down, and I don’t have any built-in games on my computer….cruel world! Now would be the perfect time to play games or have fun but noooooo…I can’t cause all my sources of fun things are down.

And boo.

I nicked my stockings.

They’re gonna run soon, which will be bad cause I didn’t shave.

I wore them to avoid shaving.


No nail polish or hairspray either.

I have suntan lotion…

I sprayed the run spots with suntan lotion.

Hopefully it sticks for another 2 hours that I’m here.

I’m gonna try to keep that leg straight for the rest of the day.

Watch, the day I get the run is the day the hottie hot prof finally acknowledges me.

I was hoping I jinxed myself cause aside from the run I look cute.

Does it still work when you’re purposely jinxing yourself?



Since I don’t need to keep up important business lady appearance I’m gonna skidadle.


…and as I went through to spell check cool dude came back but he shut his door, now he’s opening his door. Now he’s in his office, this is exciting we’re in the old timey world of radio! And oh crap he came in my office. He asked about internet. Hopefully he didn’t see any of this.

…he probably saw all of this…

Ah fudge.




As I was saying before the hottie hot walked by….

Back in the saddle again!

To avoid looking to unprofessional, I mean seriously, my title involves the hottie hot, I have to spend my typing session half scrolled down.

I had a nice conversation with the maintenance man.

He said I have a very positive outlook.


That’s what they all say.

It’s true, I’m very sunshiney and happy but dudes, let’s be real, I’m the most positive pessimist you’ll ever feel the joy of knowing.


I look at the worst possible situation, see it as the most possible one, and make it seem okay that it’s happening.

It’s a problem.

I admit that it exists.

Admittance is the first step.

And the only step I actually follow.

So it’s my last step.

Yay! I completed a step.

Go me! Go me! Go, go, go me!

Did a little head bobble dance when typing that, luckily no one walked by.



So yesterday, it was the real 5 p.m. not the fake one this website keeps telling me, and I’m thinking I’m all alone.

There was no one in the hallways, all the doors were closed, except the one across from me cause the guy is super nice and leaves his room open so I can see some sunshine.

Which is nice, if you ignore the fact that I detest the sun…me and him are rivals man.

Well, more like he’s my archenemies and I’m just a tiny blip on his radar.

It’s like I’m the Amoeba Boys and he’s all three of the Powerpuff Girls. My biggest thing would be standing on grass when there’s a keep off grass sign, while the Powerpuff Girls are facing Him or Mojo Jojo or something.

That makes me a villain.


I always wanted to be a villain, because in a way, they’re fighting for their own justice.

Truthfully, I just want a reason to be unapologetic.

Like, when you’re a good person, people hold you in a higher regard, so when you do something not so good it’s ten times as bad because it goes against the good image they hold you to. A villain does something bad, it’s expected of them so there isn’t as much as a backlash. Also, if the villain did a good thing, it’s more appreciated and celebrated.

It’s like this, smart kid always gets A’s, a slacker student always gets D’s. One day, there’s a topic that the smart kid just can’t seem to grasp, smart kid get’s a C. The slacker gets a C as well. The smart kid hangs their smart head down in shame as the teacher gives the “I’m very disappointed in you” look. Slacker kid smirks smugly as the teacher praises their work.

Same grade, two different people.

I mean, it totally sucks. But it happens.

Which is why I think it would be easier to be a villain, cause no one is surprised by your bad actions.

If I were a comic book villain my greatest evil plan will involve getting rid of the sun.

It’s my own poetic justice.

See? I’m halfway to being a villain already.

However, it is nice of the guy in the office across from me to leave his open so I get some natural lighting.

So my hallway is empty, doors are closed, all the secretaries at the end of the hall walked by and said goodnight.

It’s just me.

So…I sit. Quietly at first. Then the singing starts.

I have a tendency to sing when it’s too quiet.

Or talk to myself.

Or a combination of the two.

So I start to quietly sing, Remembering Sunday was stuck in my head again, and once it’s stuck it takes about two weeks to get out unless it’s dealt with promptly.

Either listen to it a million times, or listen to something else.

I look around.

Think I’m alone.

So I finally turn my computer off mute.

Look around again.

Last person to walk by was about 10-15 minutes ago.

Let’s go for it.

I have it down super low.

Like, pretty sure only dogs can hear it low.

Thinking, I’m fine.

Things are good.

I play the Top 12 Adventure Time Songs on youtube.

I hum the first one, quietly sing the second one, and just as I’m about to belt out the 3rd one, a kid I’m chill with comes it. He’s caught me singing and dancing more times than I can count, so it’s no big deal. He’s seen worst.

So I’m like sup? And pause the video. We chat a bit and then boom. Door opens.

Not my always open door, not cool guy across the hall door, the door next to him…he was there the WHOLE time.

I now fear he heard me singing.

I’m a professional.

Professionals don’t sing.

Unless that’s their job.

It’s not mine.

No where in the Temp job description did it say, “the need to break out into song is a requirement.”

If so cause I would totes get any job with that required.

I love breaking out into song.


Not on the clock.


He’s in now.

I feel he’s like secretly judging me.

Look at him.

Eating his trail mix.

We aren’t camping man, you don’t need trail mix.

But go ahead.

Eat your stupid trail mix.

You judge me secretly I’m secretly judging you on the internet, it’s a vicious cycle we’re trapped in all cause you can’t appreciate a good sing-a-long.

I’m gonna call him Trail Mix from now on.

At least on here.

Not to his face, gosh no.

Remember the wanting to be a villain thing? Yeah I want it because I’m a good girl so the whole, being mean to one of my bosses to his face thing is kinda a no go for me.


Stupid Trail Mix.

I’m gonna take a small break, cause aside from him, my hallways are pretty clear, so I might actually do a real thing I have to do, instead of making it sound like I’m doing real work.

This is for when cool guy across the hall comes in, so he thinks I’m cool too.

This is a better doodle time than anything really.

No one but Trail Mix, uh-oh! He’s standing up.

He’s probably coming my way.

Sweet Lord of the Flies!

I’m done for.

Goodbye cruel world.


He just walked by instead.


Maybe I’m too paranoid. Which is true, I freak out over the parking garage. It’s scary in there though, every horror movie I’ve never seen and all the crime shows I watch made me scared of them and such.

I parked in the garage today though.

I have to sing as I walk cause I rather be seen singing then walking around scared.

I don’t care.

The noises echo too much, and my heels click clack and the cars sound creepy and it’s scaryyyyyy!!

So I went to do my real job…I couldn’t cause of reasons out of my control.

I need to wait for the boss lady to get back.


I’m gonna doodle instead then.

And so totally not fair, cool guy in office across from mine has his lights on a timer like me, only his last for about 1/2 hour of no movement. Mine lasts all of 10 minutes.

Not fair.


So office neighbor is back.

Gave his window a head nod.

Hopefully he didn’t see, he’s been back for a while.

I had to do big people work.

Yay big people work!

I prefer it honestly, my imagination is a bit tapped at the moment.

I already drew a full ninja team, gave a small back story to each, had major plot point quotes for them, have ideas on names, but never actually followed through on the naming cause then I have to look things up and I don’t do that.

I’ll occasionally look up the spelling of a word, but that’s about it.

Along with that I made a pirate/mechanic/princess. She’s sort of inspired by the novel Cinder. Which is basically Cinderella in the future, but major plot twist, she’s a cyborg! What?! Awesome right, combines my favorite princess and sci-fy. However it was a bit predictable, the story is told from her perspective most of the time, so we know what she knows and what not. However, one of the stories that keeps appearing on the news, and people are talking about is the “Lost Princess.” I’m not even giving a spoiler alert, because it’s so obvious it hurts, she’s the lost princess. GASP! Yeah, but she didn’t know, so there was a bit of shock her. So I forgive the obvious predictability. Anyway, my pirate/mechanic/princess is based on her in a sense. Her role mostly. Cause Cinder, was a mechanic/ lost princess/ turned rebel which is the same a pirate.

My pirate/mechanic/princess is different. Cause she knew she was a princess. She of course ran away, but that was because the little birdie hurt some very powerful people cause they were hurting her. So she ran away, was taken in by a nice mechanic. Taught her everything she knows and then some. She then joins a pirate crew cause they need help.

Yeah. I made her and my ninja team.

Maybe the two of them will team up one day.


I try to draw in different styles so instead of drawing my typical anime-esc cartoon style all the time. I use different animated shows as inspiration and styles. So I just got inspired talking bout’ my pirate, cause she was based in One Piece style and this weekend I was cleaning my room and I found an old magazine that had a crossover between One Piece and Dragonball Z! See the inspiration? No? Yeah it’s fading a bit for me too…but it needs to be done.

Cause I can only doodle so much before I run out of ideas and when I let my imagination take over with no inspiration, I get kind of scary things.

I drew a lot of bleeding hearts and skulls in high school.

Then I would draw a happy sunshiny meadow so it evened out.

It never evened out.

I liked to think it did on occasion though.


For my mother’s 50th Birthday Card I drew a happy cartoon of me and a happy grim reaper having a tea party.

She laughed.

I think.

Or it was exasperation.

Who knows.


Lunch was great, went and got my gossip from the club I was in.

Not cool man, a real problem happened.

My little golden boy.

So shiny and perfect messed up.

See, the villain thing comes full circle, cause this was the good kid who did a bad thing. If this was a normal kid I would have been like, saw it coming, but this was our golden boy.

Turns out gold can rust.

However, I give him the benefit of the doubt. We all mess up occasionally, but his mess ups started happening right around the time he got together with someone. Someone who’s nice, but doesn’t really hang around with the nicest of people. coincidence? Quite possible. Doesn’t mean I gotta like it.

I guess another way of looking at it is this, the higher the pedestal the harsher the fall. Hopefully our little golden boy can sprout some wings. Cause I really don’t want him to crash-land.

Which is ironic cause I said he reminded me of a bird the other day.

That is ironic right?

I don’t get irony.


Okay, the way I judge irony is by the song ironic.

It’s the only way I can think something is ironic.

I really don’t know otherwise.

It’s like how I have to sing “Holla Back Girl” every time I need to spell bananas. B.a.n.a.n.a.s!

It’s integrated into my mind. Just like every time I spell together, I sound it out like to.get.her. As in we’re going to the store to get her. Which makes sense as both ways.

And oh gosh.

I got indirectly yelled at.

Don’t shoot the messenger!

I didn’t just told you what the nice lady on the other end said.

She however was wrong, I got yelled at and then he left her a long-winded message telling her to call the boss lady back.


Not me.

That’s all that matters.

Sorry nice lady.

It’s the Hunger Games.

I like to think I’d be like Fox Face, in the sense that I just run around and people forget about me. Cause I have a little presence or they think they killed me and then boom! I jump out all ninja like.

I hope.

I probably wouldn’t even survive the first 10 minutes.

…make that the first minute.

If this was legitimately Katniss’ games I was in, I so would just be resigned to my fate.

“You know what? It’s happening. Go out how you planned.”

I would run over and hug Cato as tight as possible cause dude was way too pretty.

Not cool man.

Being all pretty and stuff.

Makes it harder to not like you.

You could excuse it by saying it was all the Capital’s fault, and they were the true villains.

I won’t.

You could though.

I don’t excuse what he did.

I just said he was pretty.

I’m gonna go before I incriminate myself further.

The pretty man…gets me every time.



They Call Me…Running Late

If we were given names based on random personality quirks or habits, I swear mine would be Running Late or Forever Late or something like that. Not anything fun like, Ginger Sympathiser or Gum Chewer, which would both be INSANELY accurate.

Sadly, I’m neither. I’m Running Late. Why? Cause I’m always late. This morning, I was super on time and then I was like, let me sit down and watch tv while I brush my teeth. Two episodes of Parking Wars later, I’m running late.


I hate being late.

Unless it’s a party….then late is fine.

I’m especially late to parties cause being first one there is awkward.

…especially if it’s before the host.

Not saying it’s happen before…

It’s happened before.


Since it’s happened once, I try to avoid it whenever possible, so I made a perfectly late plan for normal run of the mill parties.

  1. Find out what time the party starts.
  2. Add about 15 minutes or so to that.
  3. Calculate how long does it take you to get to the destination.
  4. Say travel time is about a half hour and the party is set to start at 8ish, leave your house at 8:15 or so.
  5. Take the long way.
  6. If you get lost, don’t panic, more fun adventure time and it gives you a story to talk about at the party.
    1. EXAMPLE: “Dudes, did anyone else get lost? I took a bad turn and looked like I ended up on the set for Children of the Corn or something.”
  7. You basically show up about an hour or so after the initial start time so people are still showing up so your not so late you’re obnoxious, but not so early it’s awkward.
    1. Usually the party host’s best friends are there early so you aren’t alone as you think.
  8. Of course, all of this changes per party and per party host. If your bestie is the host, you’re probably the helper monkey so your there way too early. But it’s cool, you automatically get a great nighty night spot.

That’s my fool proof method. However, it all changes per party and per host, and also who you go with. If someone else is driving you’re stuck with them and when you’re stuck with them it’s their rules. Which is great, another person with you so you never feel the awkward alone thing.

Yay friends! Making situations less awkward for centuries…or more awkward.

Depends on the friends.

My friends do both.

Cause you gotta have friendsssss!

Friends are there to help you.

I miss that show. So great. So funny. I could never chose my favorite Ed though.

I mean Double D, was so precious and smart and I related to that.

Ed was so simple and hilarious with his one liners and I love laughing.

Eddy was a little smartbutt…I related to that so much….so I never could chose!

I liked the three of them the best, but occasionally I’ll throw a curveball and favor Plank instead.

It’s the quiet thunder he had.

So…guess who finished her daily work.

No, not Mary Margret.


I finsihed all I was given and now I’m waiting ….

I so totally jinxed myself on that one.

Just as I typed that boom! Work.

But it had to be done, it was stuff I had done earlier but needed to fix cause I had a few questions and they needed a few (A LOT) of answers.

But now it’s done!

Until I get corrected again…if people were more straight forward with what they want it would be a lot easier.

Like, I want the time in the corner to say what time it is for me…not 5…it’s not 5 in my time or military time.

I don’t think.

Double checked.

It’s not.

I mean it’s 5 o’clock somewhere.

I wonder where it’s 5 o’clock…

According to google it’s the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)…huh.

Still don’t understand it.

I tried so hard, and got so far. But in the end, it doesn’t even matterrrrrr.

That song speaks to me…not literally. If a song were speaking to me that would be cool though.

Like “Whoa! You’re addressing me in a song?! Cool!”

Could be a bad thing though.

Like in that one episode of Boy Meets World where the happy song girl wrote that song about sweet and loveable Eric. Well she actually wrote a whole CD about him.

However, he made her see the light cause she’s not really mean or angry, and they sing the Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow together, such a sweet moment.

He’s my favorite.

Eric Matthews wins at life.

I’m legitamately inspired by him. Like sure, I’m smart acedmically, but he made me want to be a better person. He was the most genuine on the show, next to Mr. Feeny of course.

Then I grew up and realized I loved Eric Matthews.

Who’s actor was the voice actor for Ron Stoppable.

Who gets with Kim Possible.

Who’s a ginger.

I’m a ginger.

We’re perfect for eachother.

I wanna be Kim Possible for Halloween one year.

It would be a cool costume and a great throwback.

Gotta love the throwback costumes.

They’re my absolute favorite.

Last year I was Blossom of the Powerpuff Girls.

Despite being the Bubbles personality in my group of besties.

There’s no denying our Buttercup, she’s our tough girl.

But Blossom and Bubbles are a little iffy between myself and my other friend, but she hates pink.

Therefore, I’m the Blossom.

Which is cool cause I love pink and I already have the hair for it.

This year the three of us are gonna be Flintstone Characters!

I’m Pebbles cause I’m the baby.

The problem is, when explaining it, everyone’s response is always, “Where’s your Bam-bam?”

I dunno.

I’d like a Bam-bam.

But I’m not gonna find the guy worthy of meeting my friends within this small time period.

You know how it takes time before meeting the parent’s of your significant other?

Meeting the friends is the equivalent to that.

We call ourselves, “The Family.”

Which totally sounds like a wrestling stable.

Or the mafia.

Like the head mafia.

Or maybe a pirate crew.

We do claim to be pirates.

Well I’m half pirate, half ninja.

Personally I think I have a dash of viking thrown in as well.

I can never call on the skills when I need them though.

When I need to be silent like a ninja at like 4 a.m. cause everyone is sleeping, my viking is like nope, time to stub your toe, drop the shampoo, and step on every squeeky floorboard in your hallway.

Not cool man.

Thus is life.

I’m now contimplating my lunch break.

I think I’m gonna take my lunch break.

So gonna take my lunch break.

It took me a good half hour to actually take my lunch break, but it was worth it.

Got a smoothie.


Now I’m back, but my major boss is gone…

I dunno what to do.

I had another question for her.

Guess I’ll wait for her return or I’ll just I dunno cry or something.

I’ll start my next doodle in the mean time.

Secrest out!


It’s Friday, Friday, No One Comes To The Office On Friday.

Here I am once again…

torn in to pieces. Can’t deny it, can’t pretend, thought you were the one. Broken up, deep inside…but you won’t get to see the tears I cryyyyyy, behind these hazel eyes!

Good old Kelly. She’s my American Idol. Like, she’s the first one.

She’s the OG of Idol.

I might tweet that at her.

I probably will tweet that at her.

I’m tweeting it at her.

I’m too scared to tweet at her.

I’m gonna do it.


I’m sorta scared, but whateves. It’s out there and I’m in here.

Now Fridays are meant to be the slowest of slow days at the office. No one comes in.

Figuratively no one.

Cause there is one guy that comes in.

He doesn’t NEED to be here, but he likes the quiet of the environment to work in…

Meaning…the real work I could be doing I can’t because it’ll probably disturb him.

The only thing I really need to do today is to shred things. However, I don’t want to shred things because it’s loud. So I’ll wait…and wait I shall. Despite my intense need to shred. Like, it’s my favorite thing to do and I have no idea why.

It’s so much fun! I even made a song about it


It’s great. I’m a lyrical mastermind.

And oh snap. The only other worker is in.

I sat here for like 2 hours or so relaxing cause there was no one here. I finished my pirate doodle. I finished her princess counterpart. But yet…people show up so I now need to sound importnant.

Then again….

I might be supposed to do a mountain load of work but I wouldn’t know, cause my email is down…WHICH IS TOTALLY SCARY CAUSE i HAVE THE FIRST TWO ADVENTURES OF ELLIEBUG ON THEIR AND i HAVE ALL MY RADIO DOCUMENTARY WORK! i NEED THAT FOR GUIDANCE!

Hopefully all works out well…

Fingers crossed.

Well legs crossed.

I can’t type with crossed fingers.

totwally tried to trypr eoyth

…that was me trying to type with crossed fingers. Didn’t work.

I did it for science and I wrote it down so it totally counts as science.


Though I’m really bad at science. I’m not a fan.

Despite my intense love for science fiction.

I’m like this…riddle wrapped inside an enigma wrapped inside a taco.

Which is technically a quote from a fantasy show? I don’t know what I class Supernatural as…aside from awesome.

New season starts soon, that’ll be interesting.

I should probably write about something important looking so that when people walk in it’s like: “WHOA! YOU’RE SO SMART AN OFFICAL WRITING THOSE THINGS.”

What’s an offical thing I could type…

Maybe a script from a crime drama show, that’ll be fun. Or I can look up words and write down all their meanings.

…or I can give up here, go back to drawing and pretend this whole post never happened despite the fact that I’m posting it online where it’s saved forever somewhere in the cloud that I really don’t understand….

I’m liking that last option quite a lot, not that bit about the cloud, cause the cloud scares me, but drawing is a lot of funnnnn….


Like they were talking about me.

Oh gosh what did I do.

Probably something really bad.

Maybe they discovered that I’m typing this instead of doing anything else?! Oh gosh.

They’re gonna get the police involved and then I’m gonna go to jail and despite how popular Orange is the New Black is I don’t think I’d have fun in jail.

Am I over reacting? Definently.

The problem is, as a child I was always tuned in to hear my name come from my mom’s mouth when she would talk about me. It was usually always good. But I didn’t get a lot of praise growing up, because it was expected of me to do good on school projects and what not.

Hence why I now am under the belief that I’m the average of the world. Cause it’s no big deal to me. I expect every student to be like me. I didn’t find it special to be Magna Cu Whatever, cause I thought that my grades were average so Manga Choo Whateves was a normal occurrence for average students.

No, it means you had a super high gpa.

No, I thought everyone’s gpa was above 3.0.

It’s not?

That’s considered smart?



I guess despite living my life thinking I have low expectations I’ve actually had high ones this whole time…huh, who knew?

Dodgeball taught me to aim low. But I guess I’ve lobbed an expectation or two a bit higher than planned.

I heard the hottie hot.

Crap. I was not prepared for this.

Abort mission!

They did not prepare me for this in med school!

…cause I never went to med school…

Still! This isn’t something they’d prepare you for there anyway…then again there are a lot of hottie hot doctors in the world.

So med school probably has two courses: “Every Day Struggles of Being a Hottie Hot Doc” and “So You’re Working With a Hottie Hot Doc.”

This way they cover everything. There’s always the awkward moment when a hottie hot doc is in the wrong class though. Good learning expierence for the others though, use him/her as the example.

I’ll ask my med school friend if those classes exist.

I think that about does it…but wait!

I’m only slightly under 1000 words so I’ll keep going until I reach it.

I’m now over hearing what I think is a spouseuel dispute…guy on the phone just said “FORGET ABOUT TOM!”

I’m curious…who is this “Tom?”

Is there any relation between him and the Tom I know…who is sorta like an over hyper puppy who keeps bugging you and whining at you to play while you’re trying to type a paper… he probably tried to insert himself into their relationship. Not cool man.

Oh! The dispute is over…he hung up but he said, “I love you.”

It’s all good then!

Thank goodness Tom didn’t come between their love.

I’m offically over 1000.

Oh happy day! Time for me to sail away…and by that I mean go and read or draw for another 1/2 hour or so.



Snippity Snap, They’re All Back

Well my doodling went pretty okay, photo

I think that’s pretty okay at least.

I did a pirate too…

but she’s not finished.

Darn people coming back and meaning I have to sound all productive and such.

Oh well! Productivity is key.

Or procrastination is key….

I’m going with Procrastination. I relate to it more. I’m also a perfectionist.

A procrastinating perfectionist.

This got me into quite a bit of trouble. Mostly because I would wait until the last minute, and then I would go crazy making sure everything was perfect and wonderful and that would make me stay up until 3 in the morning when I have to be up in two hours for a radio show, but I didn’t care cause my thing was done.

That was my writing process for the past…every college paper I ever wrote. I love it though. Writing papers was my strongest strength?

That sentance got away from me.


Be still my beating heart. One day he’ll look over. And it’ll be awkward.

Especially cause I took his class before. Which is essentially what started my need to ramble on paper or on the computer. You see, he had us write in a journal every day. It didn’t have to be big things or short stories. It just had to have us writing in it every day. So…I did an entry for every. Single. DAY. Not everyone did that. He then went on to say it didn’t need to be a daily thing, he just wanted us to be in the process of writing things down…

Wish he told me that when I was doing a weeks worth of entries every Tuesday when I had my 3 hours of free time between classes. Oh well. It inspired some pretty good entries.

I did one on vengeful trees. I did one about apocolyptic things. And then I did one about him. It was the middle-ish of the journal so I’m like dude, there’s no way he’s reading ALL of these…let’s just test the hypothisis….I wrote about him.

I wrote about how much I love him and his maroon pants.

So if he read it that’s awkward…or promising. You never know.

So now I’m stuck wondering if he ever read the entry dedicated to him and my love for him as my first and only hottie hot prof.

He probably did.


Maybe I should type about important things for a while. Like real life stituations or type about my real life, or my dream job or my life ambitions!…or I could write some fiction…might write some fiction…give a character background to a character…or 5…hmm…I’m bad at that though. My writing style isn’t favored by a lot of readers.

I like inner monologues.

And breaking the fourth wall.

By breaking I mean slamming through the fourth wall ala deadpool on a wreckingball.


That’s funny imagery.

I’m so gonna google that and see what pops up.

Found one~

Love it.

Gosh, I wonder if it actually sounds like I’m doing real work in here. Like the click clacks are cool but does it really sound all professional like?

I hope so.

I mean, I think typing makes me look important and official.

I’m not.

But boy am I trying.


Like I said, typing noises and typing words, make me look like I’m actually doing my job and I’m somewhat competent.


I’m not.

However, typing helps me see the image, plus this is helping my type speed so lets see where this goes. I could use written kitten, but that takes away all my secretary street cred.


I really shouldn’t be doing this job. My importance level isn’t very high up there. I’m a temp.

Best temp in Chiswick!


So, totally just backspaced a few things cause I was like, whoa! Anyone can see that. And no one needs to know your favorite color. God Karen you’re so stupid.
So again with the typing…dodododododo

Anyone could come in and see this…maybe I should do it in a word doc! That’s the epitome of all things crazy and professional like.

But if anything happens I can’t save it.

I’m not saving these ramblings on a work computer.

Just on the internet.

Totally safer.

I think.

The reasons I decided to also type things is because A.

My lights went out.


They’re motion sensitive light, so no movement means no ones in the room. I end up having to flail my arms around hoping it’ll alert the lights, but people see it and are like whoa what she doing?!

Oh crud. My legit boss is back…gonna type a bit more but then I’m gonna pause and save and then start back up later when she’s in her office and offical…


Doom doom doommmmm

Basically, same song different verse. That’s what these are my ramblings in an office trying not to go crazy crazy…cause I’m only crazy now, add another crazy too it and boom! It’s a whole new meaning.

Like when you say, “Do you like like him?”

The double use of the word changes the whole situation.

…and I’m back!

Few that was crazy. I actually…had to stop again.

Now I’m back! For realizies. But I just had a bunch of busy work given to me so maybe I can be a professional!

I so got this.

I wonder what my typing speed is…maybe I’ll time myself, take one of those words per minute type things….

Just took two of them…I got like 50 WPM or something the first time and the second time I had no idea cause hit the wrong button…lame!

Oh well…I can type and that’s all I need to know.


Slow Day at the Office

So…how’s it going? What is this? Well I decided to start my ramblings their own blog.

Because A. I started to do this in Google Docs, but it doesn’t look half as official as this set up and B. when people hear the typing noises they think I’m doing real big people work and not just sitting here doing nothing.

Which brings me to this! My blog. My third blog. Oh boy. Maybe this one will stick. The first one I made for a class where we had to have a blog…I got a B. What the heck dude! My blog was one of the best. I think I got a B because the final which I studied hardcore for but the day of it the dude next to me was so chill and made it his goal to stop my last-minute cram session.

He succeeded.


I had a weakness and his name is Daryl Dixon.

I still have that weakness but I know better not to get distracted by him.


Can’t even lie to myself.

I get distracted when the hottie hot professor walks by my office.

Wish he’d walk by, every time he does “There he goesssss…” starts to play in my head and I sigh and it’s a whole big show.

Good thing he never looks over when he walks by…awkward.

Just cause I said that he’s gonna look over today.

Why am I still typing?

There is no one, I repeat no one in my office right now.


That’s a lie. There’s one guy in my hallway but his door is closed. Guess I’m gonna save some rambles for later when people are here to hear them….

And by that I mean the click clack of the keys.

I like the noise.

Click clack click clack clunk clunk clunk….
Clunk is the backspace it sounds heavier than the rest, despite being the loosest key next to the space bar, simply because they were the ones used the most.

Then again some of these keys are pretty faded…

Oh well.


I hear people maybe I should keep pretenses up a little longer.


Yeah, no. Doodle time.