Good Morning, Good Morning, To You~

Oh good morning precious people!

The rain it falling, the songs are being sung and I’m in a happy mood!


I have no freaking idea, I’m just in a really awesomely good mood.

It’s strange when I get these happy moods, cause they’re really unexplainable.

I mean, my nail polished is chipped and I have to drive someone around, and even that isn’t enough motivation for me to lose my happy mood.

I hate driving in general.

It’s not fun and it’s sketchy and I don’t do the gas thing cause it’s hard and icky…

If I could bike everywhere I could.

If I could have a chauffeur driving me everywhere I couldn’t reach by biking I would.

I love it when other people drive.

It’s easier for me, plus I can just play the radio and have the time of my life in the passenger seat.

Not to say I don’t do that in the driver’s seat, I just don’t dance as much.

It’s a little sketch for me.

Like sneezing and driving. That is the scariest moment of my life. I hate when that happens, like I force my eyes to stay open, but then they don’t cause it’s like ahhh, scary.

Driving is sketch.

Just like this hallway.

When no one is in the hallway it’s pretty chill cause then I get to start singing and such and it’s a grand old-time but then I stop singing cause someone will open their door and I realize they were there all along.

Looking at you Trail Mix.

He just came in actually, and he said hi to me.

To me! He said hi to me. It was a great momentous occasion.

I got a basic greeting, so I’m pretty chill right now which is awesome.

Except I’m not really chill cause I just found a hole in my sweater.

I was like, “WHAT?! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!”

So luckily I have a needle and thread in my drawer, no idea why it’s there, but I’m thankful for it. If not for it I would have run all the way down to my club to see if we have any pins.

Though I’m pretty sure a pin is what got me in this mess in the first place cause the last time I wore this was for a big person conference and my guess is the material couldn’t take it.

However, I had to wear the sweater cause the only thing under it is a sleeveless turtleneck which is cute on its own, but I don’t know how work appropriate it is.

I should have worn my red bra underneath, then I could get away with the sweater.

I just had some issues cause I was running late so I didn’t have time to find the red bra and the one that was the one I was wearing, which had polka dots and was purple, kind of really stood out against the background.

So like, sucks man, but at the same time, doesn’t suck enough to change it.

Just throw a sweater on.

I didn’t own a plain black sweater and my mother’s black sweaters are a bit too big for me, which sucks but hey whatever.

Don’t think my outfit would be approved by the fashionista today anyway.

I wanted to wear my sweater dress but it was looking weird when i put it on.





It was just a student.

A student who was having a really bad horrible bad day.

Poor dear.

I offered him skittles.

Skittles make everything better.

Except chocolate.

That doesn’t always work out well.

Makes for a great prank though.

Last Halloween I convinced my friend who was having a Halloween party to put the skittles and MnM’s in the same jar and so many people actually fell for it. Even though the people who fell for it started calling the jar the S&M’s jar. Those who hadn’t fallen for it yet just thought it was a cute name. I mean it was, but still.

I’m actually kind of concerned. Usually Boss Lady has a bunch of work for me by now…

No work.

No Boss Lady, she’s in class and has nothing for me.



That wasn’t meant to be a scary “Boo! I’m a Ghost” boo. The “Ah!” came from a strange man asking me about a leak in the building. I don’t know anything about any leak. I’m just the Temp. They barely gave me the freedom to do what I do now…which is nothing really.

I sit here and contemplate life.

And doodle.

Lots of doodles.

And rambles.

Can’t forget the rambles.

I mean I’m making an entire blog out of them, so yay for my ramblings.

I wonder what would happen if someone who actually knew me found this ramblings thing.

I mean, I’m not trying to hide who I am or where I am.

I totally am actually.

It’s like I’m a secret agent.


She was my favorite.

I mean, I loved Sam cause she was smart and ginger, I loved Alex cause she was fun, but Clover was who I related to the most.

I think I’m a hybrid of all three of them, but still Clover was the best.

Freaking fabulous.

So yeah, I’m a Totally Spies.

Or I’m like Mary Kate and Ashley in Our Lips Are Sealed, such a great movie. I loved all those films. Even New York Minute, which also starred Jared Padalecki who is better known as Sam Winchester. The role in this film is one of the ones that Jensen Ackles, his co-star mocks him for whenever Jared brings up Jensen’s soap opera past.

The two of them are like brothers with the way they act.

They don’t look enough alike to be twins though.

Not like Mary-Kate and Ashley.

The twins that ruled the 90s and my movie shelf.

They were also the movies that I rented the most from Blockbuster.

That and the Power Rangers Movie.

I would rotate and rent a different one every week.

The Olson Twin movies were great though, cause I felt like I was invited to all their real parties. It was like I was there while they were singing about Pizza. I WANT SOME PIZZA, P. I. Z. Z. A.

I actually don’t even like pizza…(INSERT SHOCKED GASP OF EVERY PERSON EVER)

How can someone not like pizza?! Am I mad?!


There’s no debating that.

However, I am not crazy because I do not like pizza.

Pizza is icky cause of one main reason…sauce.

Yes there is white pizza, and if forced to I could eat it, but pizza is gross cause it’s all greasy and the smell.

Oh gosh the smell is absolutely disgusting.

I eat with my nose first, and if my nose doesn’t like it, it ain’t coming anywhere near me…at all. I refuse it.

Then after the smell, if I don’t hate the smell I’ll try to eat it, but the eating can go either way.

If I find the texture of the food I’m eating either gross or confusing I won’t eat it.

Like mashed potatoes.

It’s the thing on the inside of fries, I should like them right?


See, when I look at mashed potatoes they’re all squishy and fluffy.

It makes me think of ice cream.

When I take a bite of mashed potatoes and taste the butter and hotness of them, it confuses my palette and then I spit them out.

I’m thinking ice cream, mashed potatoes aren’t ice cream. I don’t like mashed potatoes because they confused me.

I don’t like being confused.

Not in the slightest.

So I have against foods that confuse me.

And jello.

I don’t like jello.

Jello doesn’t confuse me I just don’t like the consistency.

I also have a thing against hot chocolate and soups too.

I don’t believe in hot liquids as consumable substances.

Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Soups, Tea, Etc.

If I’m going for a drink, I’m expecting it to be cold, I take a sip and it’s hot it’s weird.

Sometimes I just don’t feel like explaining to people why I don’t like hot liquids I just say, “… That’s the Devil’s temperature.” They then laugh if they’re a fan of Arrested Development and if they’re not they just think I’m crazy, but everyone does so it’s fine.

No complaints here.

I just don’t like hot liquids!

However, my shower needs to be hotter than anything for me to actually like it though.

So basic run down: Shower Water=Hot. Drinking Water= Room Temp or colder.

Otherwise I’m S.O.L either way. Though I do gradually lower the temperature as the shower goes on in the summer, so when I step out I’m not going from scalding hot to equally as hot.

I have my systems, and they work for me.

At least I think they work for me.

I haven’t gotten any complaints from myself yet.

And if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s complain.

I never really mean it though.

I’ll complain about stupid things but then I’ll do it and be fine and everything would be all okie dokie. Like I complain when my really witty statuses get no likes, but someone’s 528725th selfie will get all these amazing and wonderful comments and likes and people are amazed…

I’m witty dangit!

I love my wit.

It’s one of the most pleasing things about me.

Which says a lot because I like to think there are many pleasing things about myself.

My winning personality, my kindness to others, my extensive knowledge of Doctor Who, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and Harry Potter. Not to mention I’m just plain old adorable.


Great things about me.

Which I could tell my self-esteem all this awesomeness.

I think of myself as a goddess empress type, but at the same time I think I’m nothing special too.

Like everyone is a goddess empress type.

That doesn’t make me special, because when everyone’s super, no one is…

Children’s movies are surprisingly deep.

And very emotional, like I cry over children’s movies. For instance, Toy Story.

I cried in every single Toy Story Film.

Not just the last one, cause let’s be real we all cried in that film…multiple times.

No, I cried in the original when Buzz went to fly and that super sad song was playing in the background and he jumped and you think he’s gonna make it but he slowly starts to fall and then you see the sad utter realization on his face that he can’t fly and that Woody was right all along…he’s just a toy.

Then Jessie in the second one, oh gosh the tears. Jessie was explaining her past with a girl who loved her just like Woody thought Andy loved him. But oh gosh is it sad, cause how else could she explain except in song and that song just happened to be sung by Sarah Mclachlan, whose voice always makes me think of the sad puppy and kitty commercial, so her voice always makes me sad and then the tears man, the tears fall as the feels hit me hard.

I won’t go into the third one cause we all cried.

Then there’s Pokémon: The First Movie – Mewtwo Strikes Back…tears. All the tears and all the feels. Like all the pokemon are fighting each other cause the clones are trying to hurt them and they need to defend themselves so it’s like, okay we should fight. But Pikachu is all like nah man, I don’t wanna fight you, you’re my brother. Clone Pikachu is like, dude we gotta fight, everyone’s fighting. Pikachu stays strong and refuses to fight and then Clone Pikachu just starts to break down and as he slaps Pikachu he starts to cry and Pikachu still refuses to fight and it’s heart breaking and then Nurse Joy chimes in with the heartbreaking, “Pokemon aren’t meant to fight…not like this.” Cause as you look around all the pokemon are hurt and broken and it’s heartbreaking. Then Ash gets turned to stone and Pikachu cries again and it’s all very sad.

…so I made a booboo

I forgot I was logged in when I was on wordpress earlier….

So much for not leaving a foot print.

I was so afraid that I didn’t log in until later, cause I needed to finish this post.

I couldn’t let a post about things and pokemon go unfinished!

…at least unposted. I’ll talk more about fictional things that make me cry tomorrow how’s that?



Peace out sailor scout!


One thought on “Good Morning, Good Morning, To You~

  1. These are some entertaining ramblings! And yeah, what’s up with children’s movies being so deep? Toy Story 3, the first Pokemon movie, and of course the beginning of Up! I wanted to have a good time watching these movies, so why am I crying?!


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