Decisions, Decisions…

So, it’s Monday.

I’m in a semi-decent mood, cause A. I got a good parking spot, B. My wrestler came back last night.

Reasons the mood is semi-decent: I cam in an hour earlier than I write in on my time sheet.

Why? Cause some dude needed something that I keep in my desk and I didn’t want to leave it in his mail box all weekend long.

That doesn’t seem safe.

So now I’m here.


No one is in, except an old dude who’s pretty much over everything, which makes for some pretty good entertainment, however, not enough to keep me busy.

So, I do have some work to do, the question is, either I do it now and be bored later when professor’s come in and see me not doing anything, or I wait until my actual office hours start. Truthfully I’m leaning towards doing the second option. Starting around 10 or so.

In the mean time I guess I’ll just doodle?

Write in my real journal?

Contemplate the meaning of life?

Wonder why the meaning of life isn’t taco?

Wonder if it’s really taco?

Why am I thinking about tacos so early?

I blame Taco Bell. They had to start that whole, morning breakfast thing. I don’t trust it.

I see Taco Bell, I think tacos and lunch, and dinner, never do I think, breakfast. Now I think breakfast and it’s slightly concerning. So I don’t eat their breakfast, don’t know anyone who has actually…maybe I’ll question someone about it. I also have a headache again.

I’ve had a headache since last night. I don’t know why, but it hurts.

…and once again, Trail Mix was chilling in his office the whole time…

Dangit Trail Mix, between you and Cool Dude I’m gonna have to turn my ninja belt in cause you two far surpass me.

Speaking of, cool dude has been in for a while now.

I just finished all my work until the boss lady comes in.


I need to her sign my payroll sheet…not whoo.


I need to get that in too, hopefully she’ll be in soon so I can go and get that done.

Then I’ll also have more busy work to do as opposed to fake busy work which is what I’m doing now.

I don’t know what I should be doing.

I don’t feel like drawing today.

Le gasp!

I know.

They scared me, too, darlin’

What’s that from?!


The original.


Love it.

Oh, one of my hallway peeps just walked by, she’s a bit indifferent to me. I’m not her secretary, but I’m not a bad person so she doesn’t hate me.

Something is printinggggg

I wonder what it could be.

Means I should probably minimize this and pull up a word doc huh?

If I switch when someone comes in it’s awkward cause then it’s suspicious. And I get all red and twitchy whenever that happens. I wear my emotions and what not on my face.

And by that I mean my embarrassment is always easy to see.

Like for instance, you know how your family have those embarrassing photos of you that you don’t really care about cause they’re at home and no one really pays attention to them? Yeah. I have a friend that likes to pay attention to them. She enjoys taking photos of them and then showing them off to people almost like she’s like the proud mom. Which she is in a way, she’s the third friend I had that decided she was gonna be my mom.

That should concern me.

It doesn’t though.

Just means I can’t run for public office.

We all have those friends that have the secrets that could ruin any political career we ever thought of having. I have three of those friends.

Cool Dude was the printer.


He’s cool, he understands, plus when he came around my minimizing was so chill it was normal.


If not, meh, I’m a temp.

Then again, Donna Noble was just a temp and she ended up saving the world, cause she’s all awesome and stuff.

Donna is my favorite companion…next to Rory. It’s hard. It’s like, I love certain companions interactions with the Doctor, but I love certain companions on their own a bit more. It’s a bit confusing, but I feel that other Whovians understand me. If not, then I’m just weird.

I’m probably just weird.

I’ve accepted it.

My major friends accept it.

I think.

Cause I had a nightmare last night that my friends all went to a Harry Potter convention and didn’t even tell me about it. I found out on Facebook.

Not cool bro.

But what is cool, cool dude just came in and said I can use him as a reference on my resume.


My original references on my stuff were always friends and my mom’s friends, so my grade school teacher.

I’m thinking of making a wordpress specifically for me and job searching.

Not for my ramblings. What do you think?

Yes? No? Maybe so?

Hmm…it’s quite the conundrum that I face.

Luckily for me I have a few more weeks of time.

When I do get another job, I’m not posting it on Facebook.

Like, I’m not judging you but I feel it’s a bit tacky. Besides, unless you’re job involves promoting yourself to the public, I don’t feel you should cross Facebook and your work, your work is work, Facebook is for fun. This one girl keeps posting photos and what not from her office, I think it’s strange.

Don’t see me posting photos from my office, we both work in schools, and student could see it and be like huh, great administration.


Finally got that one problem job fixed.

I just need Boss Lady for the time sheets.

Mine specifically.

I could go and return the others but then I’d be sitting in the wind.

It’s quite windy out today too.

I’m in a long skirt, but it has slits on both sides so it was flapping all over the place, and I just kept walking like the street was my runway. Chin up, shoulders back, and smize the heck out of them. Despite wearing sunglasses so you couldn’t see my smize.

I smized all over this campus.

And now my order is complete, so I can go over now and pick it up…or I can wait. Part of me says, wait, you never know, but at the same time, I got nothing else to do. No creative juices are flowing for my doodles, I’m not even being very witty in this thing today.

I apologize for my lack of wit and/or humor, I just seem really off today. I think it’s the headache.

It’s still hurting and I don’t know why, it’s making me very lethargic.

I’m gonna go and pick up the thing and then drop off the other thing, but not my thing cause my thing is still not filled out by the boss lady.


Oh no, cool dude dropped another call.

The service here is atrocious, and in walks Trail Mix.

I don’t think he likes me much.

I’m gonna go pick up the thing and then drop off the other thing, that should kill about 15 minutes or so.

Then maybe I’ll have some initiative to doodle, and then I can go to lunch.


This could work.

So I went, it took the fifteen minutes I thought it would, even with the time I took to stop and chat with a clubmate outside.

I come back and it turns out I missed a student, so I gotta email that one, and then two more students came in while I was trying to email her.

This kid, talking with his mouth full, chewing like a horse, asks me “You got any film cameras?” My response; “I don’t think so, no.” Now instead of asking me to check or to see if he could look, he says; “See, word on the street is, you do?” All while chewing like a horse. Maybe I’m just being a bit crazy, but I felt slightly disrespected at that. I get that I’m a temp, but dude, I’m being polite and courteous to you, the least you could do was be polite and courteous back.

And oh my gosh, the best thing just came in. There are release forms the students have to sign in the off-chance something happens on the trip, one line says “Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature if under the age of 18.” This dude just wrote in, “I am 22.”

Part of that makes me not want to believe it. Are you really 22? Cause pointing out the fact that you’re 22 makes me highly suspicious, like it’s an overcompensation lie. Instead of leaving it blank, like most 22 year olds, homeboy decides to write in his age…I don’t trust it.

I do however trust lunch! Lunch time!

So while I was out to lunch, boss lady came in, so yay, I got her to sign my thing which means I can go and drop it off, I also did another thing which means I can go pick up the thing.

All my stuff is done, and I’m pretty sure I got a polite snub, which is fine, cause it was polite and they’re talking grown up things I shouldn’t be hearing which is cool.

Cause Trail Mix is blasting, “Walk the Line” which is great for me, kills the quiet and makes me feel okay for when I feel the need to blast some music. Not so much blast, as to play very quiet cause I don’t want anyone to over hear my music, today I had “Strange Love” stuck in my head.

Such a cute song!

I want to play it now…but boss lady and trail mix are here, and cool dude left.


Cool dude, not only did he say I can use him as a reference, he also started to look for jobs for me….like that’s so nice. Everyone here supposedly loves me and wish they could keep me.

I kind of want to stay too, like this is so much fun. The only thing is, I know I’m meant for something greater and I think they know this too…I just don’t know what.

Maybe an astronaut, or maybe I’ll become a walker, or make a vlog, or something. I don’t know.

Walker sounds fun.

I wanna be a zombie.

Like there are zombie mud runs all the time, and I want to be a zombie in one.

I’d be a great zombie, they used my zombie voice for the zombie promo once.

I love it.

Also, I want there to be an ironic character on the Walking Dead whose main shirt is “I ❤ Zombies” or something like that. Like the horror buff who spent the better half of her teen years watching monster movie after monster movie, and played zombie game after zombie game, so she feels like she’s prepared but then it happens and she’s very bitter or she’s super happy and is all like, “My mom told me those games wouldn’t help me later in life.” Then she gets all sad. Perfect.

Let this be real.


Please also let boss lady walk by again so I can get her to sign my other sheet cause I need her signature on another sheet. She’s almost done.


She was done.

I did my waiting.

12 years of it.


So turns out Boss Lady was in so late cause there’s a meeting late. Late meeting means late end time.

She also gave me another thing of busy work to do.


I actually enjoy it.

My friend is currently working on a research paper, and I really wish I could be doing that.

I loved writing papers.

It was my thing.

Reading the teacher’s comments was always my favorite too. Like, I want to hear what you have to say to me. I want to improve and I want to see what you liked, so I know for the future.

Just thinking about it makes me get all gooey inside.

Speaking of getting gooey inside…the hottie hot prof isn’t in…I don’t even hear him…haven’t heard him all day…noooooooo, makes me sad.

Side note, on Friday I met a new hottie hot hot prof. I add the extra hot cause I think he was prettier than the other one. Our conversation just flowed better.

But he’s more rare.

Oh well.

When he shows up it’s even more breath-taking.

Like a comet. Happens rarely, but when it does, boy is it spectacular.

I wonder if hottie hot prof and hottie hot hot prof are bros?

That be rad if they were.

Like, not legit brothers, but bros.

Totally different thing.

I’m now an hour out. Just one more hour and I can leave!


Even though I was hear a whole hour earlier than normal, it’s cool, cause I’m here now and I’m legit doing nothing. I could read my book. I could doodle( I do love my doodles) my headache is back so I could sit quietly contemplating life.

I think my best bet would to get off this computer though. I think doodling will really help me out.

If you have any ideas for my doodles, let me know, it’d be much appreciated.


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